FORM NO1R Application approval to IMPORT FOR RELEASE A NEW ORGANISM THAT IS NOT A GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM BY RAPID ASSESSMENT Application Title: Application to import and release 19 Encephalartos species (cycads). Applicant Organisation: Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand Inc. ERMA Office use only Application Code: ERMA NZ Contact: Formally received:____/____/____ Initial Fee Paid: $ Application Status: IMPORTANT 1. An associated User Guide is not yet available for this form. 2. This application form (NO1R) covers rapid assessment of the adverse effects of importing a new organism that is not a genetically modified organism for release under section 35 of the HSNO Act. It can be used to seek approvals for imports for release by rapid assessment of more than one new organism where the organisms are of a similar nature. This form replaces the old Form 1 which should not now be used. Before using this form (NO1R) you should check with an ERMA New Zealand Applications Advisor or the ERMA New Zealand web site to ensure that you are using the latest version. 3. If you are making an application to import for release or release from containment, any new organism (including a genetically modified organism) but which does not meet the criteria for rapid assessment under section 35 of the HSNO Act, then you should complete Form NOR. If you are making an application to import for release, or release from containment, with controls, any new organism (i.e. a conditional release) then you should complete Form NOCR. 4. We strongly advise you to contact an Applications Advisor at ERMA New Zealand who can help you scope and prepare your application. We need all relevant information early on in the application process. Quality information up front will speed up the process. 5. Any extra material that does not fit in the application form must be clearly labelled, cross-referenced, and included as appendices to the application form. 6. Commercially sensitive information must be collated in a separate appendix. You need to justify why you consider the material commercially sensitive, and make sure it is clearly labelled as such. 7. Applicants must sign the form and enclose the correct application fee (plus GST). The (initial) application fee can be found in our recently published Fees and Charges Schedule. Please check with ERMA New Zealand staff or the ERMA New Zealand website for the latest Fees Charges Schedule effective from 1 December 2003. We are unable to process your application without the correct application fee. 8. Unless otherwise indicated, all sections of this form must be completed for your application to be processed. 9. Please provide an electronic version of the completed application form, as well as sending a signed hard copy. We are unable to process your application without this signed hard copy. 10. When completing this application form please refer to the relevant sections of the HSNO Act referenced throughout the form. 11. If your application is for a plant, it is recommended that you support this application with a reputable weed risk assessment (refer to section 6 of this form). 12. If your application on this form (NO1R) under section 35 of the HSNO Act fails the rapid assessment criteria, you may request ERMA New Zealand continue with your application under section 34 in which case you will need to complete Form NOR. This version of the application form was approved by the Chief Executive of ERMA New Zealand on 10 th December 2004. If you need further information, one of our Application Advisors will be able to help you. Please contact: ERMA New Zealand 20 Customhouse Quay, PO Box 131 Wellington, NEW ZEALAND Telephone: 64-4-916 2426 Facsimile: 64-4-914-0433 E-mail:, Section One – Applicant Details 1.1 Name and postal address in New Zealand of the organisation or individual making the application: Name > Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand Inc. Postal Address > P.O.Box 3871 Auckland New Zealand Physical Address > Phone > Fax > E-mail > 1.2 If application is made by an organisation, provide name and contact details of a key contact person at that organisation This person should have sufficient knowledge to respond to queries and have the authority to make decisions that relate to processing of the application. Name > Don Munro Position > Biosecurity Index Expansion Committee Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand Inc. Address > 147 Welcome Bay Road Welcome Bay Tauranga 3112 Phone > (07) 544 7111 Fax > N/A E-mail > (Preferred contact) 1.3 If the applicant is an organisation or individual situated overseas, provide name and contact details of the agent authorised to transact the applicant’s affairs in relation to the application This person should have sufficient knowledge to respond to queries and have the authority to make decisions that relate to processing of the application. Name > N/A Position > Address > Phone > Fax > E-mail > Section Two – Purpose of the Application This form is to be used for rapid assessment of importing for release a new organism, which is not a genetically modified organism, under section 35 of the HSNO Act. 2.1 Give a short summary statement of the purpose of this application to be used on ERMA New Zealand’s public register. (Maximum of 255 characters including spaces and punctuation). This statement is required for section 20(2)(c) of the Act. Briefly describe the organism(s) to be imported for release and the purpose(s) for which you wish to release the organism(s). Note: An organism is ‘released’ when it is not required to be held in a containment facility registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Once released it is no longer considered a new organism. >The Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand wish to import for release 19 Encephalartos species (Cycads) to establish seed producing plants for private collectors and Botanic Gardens to ensure survival of these highly threatened plants by maintaining an alternative seedbank. 2.2 Provide a short description of the background and aims of the proposal suitable for lay readers Describe in less than one page the rationale for the application to release the organism(s), including the potential use for the organism(s), so that people not directly connected with the application can understand what is proposed and the reasons for the release. >This application is being made to add more species of the genus Encephalartos (Cycads) to the MAF Plants Biosecurity Index. Many of these are already present in New Zealand as a result of a complex being divided, creating the "new" distinct species, or have been left off the Biosecurity List of Species Present. It is simply more convenient to make one application under the New Organism Application. The purpose being to establish seed producing plants for private collectors to eliminate the need to import further seed and for use in Botanic Gardens. This is to ensure the survival for these highly threatened plants by maintaining an alternative seedbank. Importation is solely dependent upon availabilty and within the laws governing CITES/TIES. The Encephalartos species are: E. aplanatus E. barteri E brevifoliolatus E. bubalinus E. caffer E. chimanimaniensis E. delucanus E. equatoralis E. gratus E. hirsutus E. ituriensis E. mackenziei E. macrostrobilus E. marunguensis E. poggei E. pterogonus E. relictus E. schaijesii E. schmitzii Section Three – Information on the Organism(s) to be Released and any Likely Inseparable Organisms If the application is for release of more than one organism, information must be provided separately for each organism where there are details specific to the different organisms to be released. If there are commercial reasons for not providing full information here, alternative approaches must be discussed with and agreed by ERMA New Zealand. 3.1 State the taxonomic level at which the organism(s) to be released are to be specified Organisms may be specified at varying levels of taxonomic specification as indicated by the interpretation in Section 2 of the Act, but “species” is the usual level. If the taxonomic level is higher or lower than “species”, provide reasons for this. The reasons should take account of the need to adequately describe the risks of the organism. >The taxonomic level is species. 3.2 Give the unequivocal identification of the organism(s) to be released Please provide details of the following, to satisfy sections 34(c) and (d) of the Act: Latin binomial, including full taxonomic authority (e.g. Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758) class, order and family: Please provide history of any name changes and synonyms if applicable. > Class: Gynospermae Order: Cycadales Suborder: Zamiinae Family: Zamiaceae Subfamily: Encephalartoideae Tribe: Encephalarteae Subtribe: Encephalartinae Genus: Encephalartos Lehmann (1834). E. aplanatus Vorster (1996). E. barteri Carruthers ex Miquel (1868). E brevifoliolatus Vorster (1996). E. bubalinus Melville (1957). E. caffer (Thunb.) Lehmann (1834). E. chimanimaniensis R.A.Dyer & I.Verdoon (1969). E. delucanus Malaisse, Sclavo & Crosiers (1992). E. equatoralis P.J.Hurter (1995). E. gratus Prain (1916). E. hirsutus P.J.Hurter (1996). E. ituriensis Bamps & Lisowski (1990). E. mackenziei L.E.Newton (2002). E. macrostrobilus S.Jones & J.Wynants (1997). E. marunguensis Devred (1958). E. poggei Ascherson (1878). E. pterogonus R.A.Dyer & I.Verdoon (1969). E. relictus P.J.Hurter (2001). E. schaijesii Malaisse, Sclavo & Crosiers (1993). E. schmitzii Malaisse (1969). (Jones, 2002, p.10) (IPNI, 2005, Query Results- Zamiaceae) >Appendix 1 Individual Species Refer to Appendix 1 for species common names, synonyms and attributes. Type of organism (e.g. bacterium, virus, fungus, plant, animal): >Plants. Other information, (e.g. information on consideration of the organism(s) by other states, countries or organisations): >Cycads are a very popular group of plants with landscape architects, plant collectors, nursery people and other horticulturists, and their appeal is increasing significantly each year. The larger growing cycads make excellent subjects for landscape use and are often seen planted around public buildings and as lawn specimens (Jones, 2002, p.47). Therefore these plants are being used widely in areas frequented by the public and bring no undue attention to concerns of human or animal health nor weediness. 3.3 Provide unique name(s) for the new organism(s) to be released These name(s) will be on the public register and should clearly identify the organism (e.g. Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758) as required by section 20(2)(b) of the Act. Encephalartos aplanatus Vorster (1996). Encephalartos barteri Carruthers ex Miquel (1868). Encephalartos brevifoliolatus Vorster (1996). Encephalartos bubalinus Melville (1957). Encephalartos caffer (Thunb.) Lehmann (1834). Encephalartos chimanimaniensis R.A.Dyer & I.Verdoon (1969). Encephalartos delucanus Malaisse, Sclavo & Crosiers (1992). Encephalartos equatoralis P.J.Hurter (1995). Encephalartos gratus Prain (1916). Encephalartos hirsutus P.J.Hurter (1996). Encephalartos ituriensis Bamps & Lisowski (1990). Encephalartos mackenziei L.E.Newton (2002). Encephalartos macrostrobilus S.Jones & J.Wynants (1997). Encephalartos marunguensis Devred (1958). Encephalartos poggei Ascherson (1878). Encephalartos pterogonus R.A.Dyer & I.Verdoon (1969). Encephalartos relictus P.J.Hurter (2001). Encephalartos schaijesii Malaisse, Sclavo & Crosiers (1993). Encephalartos schmitzii Malaisse (1969). (IPNI, 2005, Query Results- Zamiaceae) 3.4 Characteristics of the organism(s) to be released Information under this heading is required to assist the identification and assessment of the effects of the organism(s) as required by section 34(2)(e) of the Act. Provide information on the biology, ecology and the main features or essential characteristics of each of the organism(s) to be released. For example, comment on pathogenicity, production of spores/seeds/pollen, conditions for growth and reproduction. Provide information on attributes and characteristics of the family and genus the proposed organism belongs to. Provide information on the biology and lifecycle of the organism including climatic and ecological preferences that result in the natural distribution of the organism habitat requirements including factors that may limit its distribution basic description of the structure of the organism life history and life cycle information competitors and predators in managed and natural environments As required by section 34(2)(f) of the Act provide information on the affinities with New Zealand organisms/biota in terms of its potential to interact, form associations or interbreed. As required by section 34(2)(g) of the Act provide information on the potential use for the organism. >Characteristics of Encephalartos species Attributes and characteristics of family and genus Cycads are included with other cone-bearing plants, such as the conifers, in the class Gymnospermae (known as gymnosperms). Of the eight orders of gymnosperms, three are now extinct (Cordaitales, Bennetitales and Glossopteridales) and five contain living genera (Gingkoales, Cycadales, Pinales, Taxales and Gnetales). Bennetitales were a sister group of cycads. Placed within the order Cycadales, cycads are the most primitive of the living gymnosperms and are amongst the most ancient of all plants surviving today (Jones, 2002, pp.9-10). They are recognised by scientists as the oldest seed plants still in existence with origins dating back to the late Carboniferous period 300 million years ago (Donaldson (ed.), 2003, p.12). During the Jurassic period, they achieved their pinnacle of abundance and diversity, covering much of the Earth's surface, but their slow decline came with the dawn of the Cretaceous period and the arrival of the faster growing and earlier maturing angiosperms, the flowering plants (Jones, 2002, p.22). The order Cycadales is divided into two suborders, and further into three families, Cycadaceae, Stangeriaceae and Zamiaceae. A fourth family, Boweniaceae was created in 1981 but later rejected in 1992. Further studies into cycad genera are underway and may see the recognition of their own families, such as Encephalartos (Jones, 2002, p.10). The Cycadaceae family has only a single genus, Cycas, containing the largest number of species (The World List of Cycads, 2005, identifies ninety eight extant species) distributed throughout Asia, from India to southern Japan, the south west Pacific Islands, tropical northern Australia and with one disjunct species on the east coast of Africa and Madagascar (Jones, 2002, p.11). Formally all the living genera of cycads were classified in this one family until 1959, when L.A.S. Johnson showed that the three distinct groups were better accommodated into separate families (Jones, 2002, p.10). Epicycas, a new genus proposed by D.J.De Laubenfels and F.Adema in 1998, has not been generally accepted by cycad scholars and instead follow the comprehensive classification of this complex genus by Ken Hill (Jones, 2002, pp.130-131). Cycas differ in appearance to Encephalartos in having finer, narrow leaflets that are coiled like a watch spring when young. Leaflets have a midrib consisting of a single vein and no side veins. New growth has hairy parts and their leaves are pinnate, reducing to thorn-like processes. The female plants form seeds loosely arranged around the vegetative apex of the stem, while the male sporophylls are arranged spirally on a central axis in a cone. Seeds are platyspermic, unlike all other cycad genera which are radiospermic (Jones, 2002, pp.11,130). Stangeriaceae comprises of two genera, both with a fern-like appearance, so much so that the monotypic Stangeria eriopus, endemic to South Africa, was originally described as a fern until it produced a cone (Jones, 2002, p.375). There are two species of Bowenia, both endemic to tropical Queensland, Australia, and are the only cycads to have bipinnate leaves (Jones, 2002, p.101). Stangeria eriopus are easily recognised by their pinnate, fern-like leaves which have a prominent midrib (comprised of several united parallel veins) and forked lateral veins. Leaves are produced one at a time and leaf bases are not retained as they get older. Young leaflets are inflexed and folded (Jones, 2002, pp.11,175). Bowenia have bipinnate leaves that are coiled when young. Young parts bear short, curved, coloured hairs and the petioles are long and slender. Both genera have subterranean stems, radiospermic seeds with the sarcotesta plum or purplish in colour (Jones, 2002, pp.11,101). Zamiaceae is the largest family of cycads and is divided into two subfamilies (Encephalartoideae and Zamioideae), each of which is further subdivided into four tribes (Diooeae, Encephalarteae, Ceratozamieae, and Zamieae) and four subtribes (Encephalartinae, Macrozamiinae, Microcycadinae and Zamiinae). Some researchers suggest that elevation of one or more of the tribes to family rank may be warranted (Jones, 2002, pp.11-12). The eight genera include Ceratozamia (twenty species in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala), Chigua (two species in Colombia), Dioon (thirteen species in Mexico, Honduras and Nicaragua), Lepidozamia (two species in Australia), Macrozamia (forty one species in Australia), Microcycas (one species in Cuba), Zamia (fifty six species in Florida, the Caribbean islands and Central South America) and the largest genus, Encephalartos with sixty five species in tropical Africa to South Africa (Jones, 2002, p.10). Characteristics for the family Zamiaceae are cataphylls present on vegetative shoots, stipules present or absent but always lacking a vascular bundle, young leaves straight or inflexed, leaflets flat and overlapping during development, cones borne terminally or laterally on the main stem, seeds attached above the sporophyll stalk, seeds radiospermic, and sarcotesta red, orange or yellow. Subfamily Encephalartoideae characteristics include, stipules absent, leaf bases persistent, leaflets not jointed to the rachis, lower leaflets reduced and spine-like, spinose prickles absent from petiole, megasporophylls not peltate, leaflet veins anastomosing at the tips, and cone peduncles bearing decurrent cataphylls. The tribe Encephalarteae has female sporophylls thickened on the upper surface or with apical lobes, and seeds attached to the sporophyll by a basal stalk. Subtribal characters of Encephalartinae include leaflets lacking a coloured, basal callous area, and megasporophylls with outer facets but lacking a spine-like apical lobe (Jones, 2002, pp.11-14). Notable generic differences between Encephalartos in comparison to the other cycad genera in this family are that Ceratozamia have paired horn-like projections on the peltate sporophylls and spinose thorn-like prickles on the petiole and rachis (Jones, 2002, p.107). Distinguishing features of Chigua are a prominent midrib, subterranean stem and shed their leaves (Jones, 2002, p.124), Microcycas have abruptly truncated leaves with reflexed leaflets and shed their leaves completely (Jones, 2002, p.372) and Zamia have hexagonal sporophylls on the cones and new growth is often coloured and shed their leaves with age (Jones, 2002, p.379). Dioon have no prickles on their petioles and have highly decorative, closely arranged, long, narrow, leaflets tapered at each end (Jones, 2002, p.224). Lepidozamia are unusual in that the leaflet bases are inserted on the midline of the rachis. The male cones are enormous, almost a metre tall, and separate spirally when dehiscing, the female cones are clustered and the sporophylls are broadly wedge-shaped (Jones, 2002, pp.315,319). Macrozamia are possibly the most instantly recognisable of all cycads, often having an untidy appearance and leaflets attached to the lateral margins of the rachis often having a colourful callous area at the base (Jones, 2002, p.320). Encephalartos are terrestrial, small to large cycads with stout, cylindrical trunks, which may be emergent or wholly subterranean, erect, reclining, decumbent or postrate, with contractile roots, these sometimes immensely swollen and fleshy. The trunks are covered persistent leaf bases and cataphylls. The trunk apex bears cataphylls and is often covered with woolly hairs which increase in abundance prior to cone formation. Basal suckers are produced by the majority of species and some also develop branches on the trunk. Leaf bases are usually retained at senescence. New leaves emerge in flushes, glabrous, hairy or with a powdery bloom. Mature leaves pinnate, oblong, elliptical or lanceolate in outline, flat or veeed in cross-section (leaflets drooping in some species), the older leaves often spreading or deflexing after a flush of growth or from coning. Petioles lacking spines or prickles, glabrous or hairy, swollen at the base and with a prominent, often colourful collar. Rachis lacking prickles, straight, incurved, recurved or twisted in profile. Leaflets nonarticulate at the base, opposite to nearly opposite, evenly spaced or becoming crowded towards the apex, straight or falcate, margins entire, flat, revolute or rarely involute, or beset with spines or with spine-tipped lobes, veins inconspicuous, rarely raised on the upper or lower surface, apex pungent, the lower leaflets sometimes reduced gradually or suddenly in size to spine-like processes which may be entire, bifurcate, trifurcate or multilobed. Cones arising from lateral buds, male and female mostly markedly dissimilar in shape, size and colouration, rarely similar, solitary or clustered, sessile or pendunculate, the sporophylls lacking any horns, spines or projections but often hairy. Male cones often narrow, erect (less commonly pendulous), hairy. Female cones usually broad, erect. Seeds radiospermic, ovoid, obovoid or oblong, often angular, the sarcotesta red, orange or yellow (Jones, 2002, p.240). Encephalartos can be easily distinguished from other cycads in this family by their large, heavy, squat cones and usually multiple male cones. The leaflets in comparison are wider, have small teeth on their margins and do not have prominent veins. As the leaves reduce towards the petiole, tiny leaflets form sharp spine-like structures (resembling tiny holly leaves), as opposed to the other cycads where they are either absent or are thorn-like. Old leaf bases are persistent and form a skirt, whereas some of the other cycads in this family shed them or are deciduous (Jones, 2002, p.240). Climatic and ecological preferences Most modern cycads are confined to the tropics and subtropics, with a few species extending to temperate zones. The less advanced genera still cling to the warm, humid habitats similar to those which prevailed in the Jurassic Period, whereas the more advanced, or modern genera, have adapted to drier, more marginal habitats. Bowenia, Ceratozamia, Chigua, Lepidozamia, Stangeria and Zamia could be considered to be less advanced on the basis that they mostly occupy mesic habitats, whereas Encephalartos and Macrozamia have extended out into much harsher and more xeric habitats. Dioon, while having numerous primitive morphological features, usually grow in humid climates, the plants are rarely found within a forest canopy, mostly growing in the open on rocky scarps. Cycas, which is generally accepted to be primitive within the cycads, has many species which are found in warm, humid habitats similar to those which prevailed in the Jurassic Period. Even within Cycas, however, it is apparent that evolutionary adaption has occurred. Thus a number of species from Australia and India are found in harsh, seasonally dry climates, whereas other species from Australia, Asia and Africa, still occupy the more traditional warm, humid environments (Jones, 2002, pp.23-24). Providing the climate is moderate it is possible to grow at least one cycad species as a garden plant in most areas. Some species are better suited to the tropics, others to subtropical and temperate regions, and there are even a few which can tolerate short periods of excessive cold and drought. Extremes of climate such as intense cold, fierce heat and long dry periods are unsuitable for their cultivation unless modifications, such as the construction of a greenhouse, can be made to accommodate them comfortably. Cycads are generally very easy plants to grow if the basic requirements of unimpeded drainage, good soil, warmth and plenty of water are met. Some species react adversely to very acid soils and prefer those of a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. This preference is probably governed by the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria which require alkaline conditions to supply the cycad with its nitrogen. Most cycads are sun-loving plants, but some species especially those originating in rainforests, may need a position protected from hot sun, certainly when they are young. Frost is a major impediment to the cultivation of many species in temperate regions (Jones, 2002, p.63). Encephalartos species are found growing from 10° north of the equator through to 30° south where the largest concentration of species have been identified (Jones, 2002, pp.242-243). Most of the forty nine species currently on the Plant Biosecurity Index (PBI) are from South Africa and Mozambique, where frosts and even snow occur in mountainous districts (Jones, 2002, p.15). In the northern regions some species occur at relatively high altitudes in the mountains, where the summers are much milder and the winters colder, but the lowlands are tropical or subtropical and experience summers that are hot and dry to humid and the winters are mild (Jones, 2002, p.241). All of the species being applied for come from climates considerably warmer all year round than New Zealand (41° south) and this has a direct impact on growth rates and capabilities to produce and sustain viable cones. Using another genus as comparison gives an insight into probable behaviour. A plant of Lepidozamia hopei growing under ideal conditions in Hawaii (20° north) coned in seven years from seed; on the other hand a plant of this species at Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Florida (27° north) took 30 years to produce cones (Jones, 2002, p.49). The same species grown in the open environment in Auckland has not been able to maintain it's cone, probably due to lower sustained day and night time temperatures. The effects on growth are highlighted when a plant was shifted from the warm confines of a plastic house to the outdoors, reducing new growth flushes of leaves from 2-3 per year, down to only one (J.Lok, 2005, President of Palm & Cycad Society of N.Z., in litt). Habitat requirements Species of Encephalartos occupy a wide range of climatic regimes and habitats. These cycads are frequently found growing among rocks, often granitic, in mountainous regions, but are also known from the lowlands, including coastal and near-coastal scrublands. Soils, which are usually sandy or gravelly, are always very well drained and commonly impoverished or nutrient-poor (Jones, 2002, p.241). Many species grow in open situations among grass but some favour the shelter of sparse to dense, deciduous mesophyll or evergreen sclerophyll forests where rainfall is strictly seasonal and they have to cope with dry periods of limited duration. Some have also adapted to xeric habitats where rainfall is low, extremely seasonal and often irregular, long, hot periods are common and burning may take place annually. Such habitats include grassland, savanna, thornveld, scrub land, sparse forests, open woodlands, granite domes, rocky escarpments and gorges (Jones, 2002, p.15). Personal experience has proven that all Encephalartos cycads should be grown in tall containers (to avoid roots sitting in sodden soil) under protective cover from rainfall and cold with minimal disturbance to the root system for at least five to ten years before planting out. The potting mix must be very fast draining with our higher rainfall, with the proportions of small gravel, pumice, sand (components that do not break down and thus maintain drainage), bark, compost and potting mix with slow release fertiliser (to provide a constant supply of nutrients to replace those washed away by rainfall) very much a personal choice (M.Scragg, 2006, former Editor of N.Z. Palm & Cycad, in litt). Description of structure Cycads are woody plants with roots, a stem, leaves and reproductive structures known as cones. The main roots are thickened and fleshy as they may have storage capacities, they are often termed tuberous. Along with the stem they may have contractile properties which serve to regulate the level of the stem in the ground. Specialised, upright-growing, branched roots, known as coralloid roots, contain symbiotic cyanobacteria which can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Stems may be completely subterranean or emerge from the ground and be trunk-like. Soil depth may influence this development and in shallow, stony soils, species which normally have a subterranean stem may develop an above-ground trunk. The leaves are once-divided (pinnate) and often develop in an attractive, palm-like crown. Leaflets are non-jointed and the lower leaflets are often reduced and spine-like (Jones, 2002, p.14). Species of Encephalartos can be recognised by their non-articulate leaflets, which are often spiny. Other features include a suckering or clumping habit, trunks covered with persistent leaf bases and cataphylls, unarmed petioles and rachis, cataphylls with decurrent bases present on the cone peduncles, seeds attached directly to the sporophylls, the sporophylls of both sexes lack any horns, spines or projections and the sporophyll apex has flat facets (Jones, 2002, p.240). In New Zealand's open environment, Encephalartos would be easily distinguishable from any other plant form. A fully mature, trunking cycad has a similar appearance to tree fern but with a fine, narrow palm-like foliage (Boyer, 1992, p.19), but this would need to be several hundred years old to gain this size and would be of such an unusual form, it would be instantly recognisable. The trunk is covered leaf base scars giving a warty appearance and the leaves are like long, narrow pinnate palm leaves. Should the plant be coning, some of which are yellow or orange, the visual display is so extrordinary it would not require other identification features. Even seedlings with their limited number of leaves pose an readily identifiable sight, leaflets are stiff and leathery, with small teeth along the edges like few other plants, reducing to short, hardened leaflets that resemble tiny holly leaves. Almost all require full sun to be able to continue to grow (shade promotes dormancy) (Boyer, 1992, p.25), so would be out in an exposed environment making them even easier to be recognised. - Refer to Appendix 1 for photographic examples of Encephalartos. Life history and life cycle Cycads are long-lived, perennial, unisexual plants which develop cones and reproduce by seeds. Some species produce cones regularly (often annually), whereas others cone sporadically, sometimes with 10-15 years or more between coning events. In some cycads coning may be regulated, or at least influenced, by summer fires. Reproduction can occur when mature by the production of cones (Jones, 2002, p.15). Large species of Encephalartos such as E. altensteinii and E. natalensis can take 12-14 years to cone (Jones, 2002, p.49). Eudlo Cycad Gardens near Nambour, south east Queensland, have had Encephalartos hildebrandtii produce 12 cones on a male and 3 large cones on a female growing in cultivation after only 10 years (Heimbloom, 1999, The Species, p.11). Tropical Queensland offers ideal climatic conditions and with regular watering and light applications of fertiliser give favourable results. Eudlo Cycad Gardens are most likely to fulfil future seed orders from cultivated cycad species that are not capable of producing cones here in New Zealand due to lower mean temperatures (pers. obs.). A plant is either male or female (rarely both), but have been known to change sex in extreme cases under stress (Jones, 2002, p.61). The cones of each sex are usually quite different from each other in size and shape and, to a much lesser extent, colour. Specialised lateral firm to woody growths (actually modified leaves) on the cones, called sporophylls, bear the sexual parts: those on the male cone produce pollen and those on a female cone bear large ovules which develop into seeds, whether fertilised or not (Jones, 2002, pp.14-15). The seeds of cycads are proportionately large compared to other gymnosperms and have an outer, usually fleshy layer (sarcotesta) which is often colourful (Jones, 2002, p.41). Because seeds are arranged in a cone (short and narrow at the top, long and narrow in the middle, short and wide at the bottom), variation in size is considerable (pers. obs.). Also, most descriptions are from natural populations, whereas cultivated plants (the only source allowed to be imported), have all their growing requirements satisfied and are faster growing and of larger proportions now (Boyer, 1992, p.20), including seed specifications. To calculate an approximate seed size, add 25% to the seed kernel width and 50-100% to the seed kernel length. (Refer to sketch of longtitudinal section through: (A) a mature ovule, Grobbelaar, 2002, p.52). This would make the actual size of the seed range between the smaller E. aplanatus at approximately 50 x 20 mm and the larger E. transvenosus at approximately 100 x 35 mm, with some variation according to it's position on the cone. (Refer to Appendix 1 for Individual Species seed kernel sizes). For reproduction to occur, male and female plants must produce cones at the same time. In most species the transference of pollen from a male cone to a female cone seems to be via insect vectors (mainly weevils), but in certain species wind may also be involved, or perhaps both mechanisms operate (Jones, 2002, p14-15). The evidence is building that many of these insect-cycad relationships have evolved a very high degree of host specificity, even to the level of a 1:1 insect-cycad association (Jones, 2002, p.49). On reaching maturity male and female cones may both produce heat and they also often develop odours. This coincides with the male cones shedding pollen and the female cones becoming receptive. The heat acts as an attractant to night-flying beetles, and possible deterrent to others (W.Tang & S.L.Yang, unpublished data), and is produced in cycles which begin in the late afternoon and early evening. Heat production in cones of both sexes facilitates odour release by the volatisation chemicals and is likely to stimulate the activities of any associated insects. In male cones heat generation aids in the release of pollen from the pollen sacs (Jones, 2002, p.56). When the female cone is receptive to pollination, certain sporophylls separate slightly for a few days to several weeks, depending on the species. Insects bearing pollen can then travel up the central core and deposit a pollen grain onto a droplet exuded by the ovules at their micropyles. This is then drawn down the micropyle canal and after a while, male gametes are released into the proximity of the ovules to effect fertilisation by fusing to an egg cell if it is receptive. If successful, it will develop into a pro-embryo, attached to a helically-coiled suspensor that pushes the pro-embryo deep into the female gametophyte. It takes several months for the proembryo to develop into a mature embryo, a process called after-ripening, before it can germinate and emerge from the seed (Grobbelaar, 2002, pp.52-53). Often after a female coning, there is a resting period whereby no new leaves or cones are produced for up to two years due to the large amount of energy consumed (Boyer, 1992, p.20). At maturity the female cones begin to disintegrate from the apex downwards, usually at this time the sporophylls fall off the central axis, often with the seeds still attached (Jones, 2002, p.40). From a germinated seed, all cycads share a vital factor for growth in that they all require sandy or rocky soil with good drainage in order to develop a large healthy root system. These large and fleshy root systems are designed to store moisture which they draw upon in times of drought (plants used to xeric conditions draw all water in when available, often to their detriment in high rainfall situations, pers. obs.). In addition to these, they have an adventitious root system that grows out and upwards and are present near the soil. These coralloid roots contain colonies of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) which fix nitrogen providing some of the plants requirement of this important nutrient. The roots are easily damaged by excessive amounts of fertilisers or by disturbing the soil close to the stem of the plant (Boyer, 1992, p.19). In time a trunk is formed, consisting of a central pithy core, surrounded by a corky cambium layer and most species retain a skirt of persistent leaf bases. The stem acts as an elaborate container for the storage of moisture (Boyer, 1992, p.19). An unusual habit of Encephalartos is the ability to produce basal suckers, which if carefully removed, these pups can be successfully transplanted. This method has secured the survival of Encephalartos woodii, of which only a single male plant existed. Some may also form aerial branches out of the side of the trunk which, although do not have roots, may be induced to grow. All offsets are always the same gender as the parent (Jones, 2002, p.244). Eudlo Cycad Gardens in south east Queensland, Australia have produced basal offsets on Encephalartos gratus once the caudex exceeded 20-25 cm in diameter (Heimbloom, 1999, The Species, p.54). The large colourful seeds are ingested by a number of large birds, such as hornbills and louries which void the seeds intact once the fleshy outer coat has been digested. Thrushes may eat the sarcotesta as do various rodents. Large mammals such as baboons and various species of monkey may feed on the outer flesh and aid in dispersal. Elephants eat whole cones of Encephalartos poggei and disperse the seed in their dung (Jones, 2002, p.243). Although Macrozamia have a more variable range of seed sizes, published data does cover possums, wallabies and other animal species more likely to be found in New Zealand's open environment (pers. obs.). The large, colourful seeds attract the attention of birds and animals, particularly rodents and marsupials. The emu is the only bird which seems to ingest these seeds whole and is probably an important dispersal agent, either voiding the seeds after the sarcotesta has been digested or passing them in dung. Parrots such as rosellas also occasionally feed on the sarcotesta of species such as M. communis, but probably play a very minor role in seed dispersal. An Australian raven was observed carrying a seed in it's beak. Rodents, in particular the Australian Brown Rat, feed actively on the sarcotesta and store caches of seeds in protected sites(Jones, 2002, p.323). Kangaroos and wallabies also feed on the sarcotesta of a number of species and are very effective at dispersal, while possums are generally not (Jones, 2002, p.58). Sometimes these animals will worry a mature cone, hastening it's disintegration and carrying off seeds which are still attached to the sporophylls. There is some indication that the spread of seedlings by periodic floods (Jones, 2002, p.323). From this information I can assume that Encephalartos seeds would be too large (20 x 50 mm minimum) for kereru or other native birds to swallow, and if they were to manage to do so, would pass the seed kernel as they do with karaka drupes. Pukekos are extremely likely to be curious and could fly above the stiff leaves to land on the apex to pluck at the cone. Their natural instinct is to try anything and as they frequent suburban areas where the plants are most likely to be found, should be considered as possible dispersal agents. Temperatures are too cold in New Zealand's southern regions for the species to be grown outdoors, so I consider kaka and kea as dispersal factors as very improbable. Other birds, such as rosellas, tend to feed on the outer flesh without carrying the seed away as the seed would be too large and heavy. Rats and possums are likely dispersal agents in New Zealand, carrying off seeds to a safe area to consume. Both tend to drop or lose seed and rats often store nuts or seeds, that if not rendered incapable of germinating by chewing the embryo, could develop into plants. Children could also be attracted to the bright colours and curious shapes and could be considered a possibility for dispersal, as could illegal disposal of garden waste (pers. obs.). However, as all seed is infertile unless artificially hand pollinated, or in the rare event of two fully mature male and female Encephalartos, both capable of cross pollination, coning at the same time and were accidentally successfully fertilised by a native or introduced insect attracted to and capable of entering the narrow openings of the female cone (Jones, 2002, p.80), the possibility of a wild population existing is exceptionally remote. Competitors and predators While some species of Encephalartos have a fairly wide distribution, others are remarkably localised and a few are known to be restricted to a single river system or even a solitary hill (Jones, 2002, p.240). In their native habitat Encephalartos woodii and E. relictus were described from a single male plant, E. brevifoliolatus is known from five male plants. Most of the species being applied for are listed as vunerable to extinct in the wild according to 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and therefore are not outcompeting their surrounding vegetation. It must be appreciated that their growth is slower than most other plants which will overtake them and crowd them out. Other plants may quickly shade them so that they are unable to receive the amount of light that they require for adequate growth (Boyer, 1992, pp.24-25). In New Zealand they need to be planted away from other taller vegetation as they cannot compete for light and would enter dormancy if shaded and with constantly damp soil would succumb to root rotting (pers. obs.). A unique group of day-flying moths of the family Geometridae have adapted to various species of Encephalartos. Probably the best known of these is the Leopard Magpie Moth (Zerenopsis leopardina), the caterpillars of which can severely damage cultivated cycads (in KwaZulu-Natal). An additional three genera and six species of these attractively marked moths are known to be intimately associated with species of Encephalartos. The gregarious caterpillars, commonly known as "inch worms", feed on the young leaves, often under webbing. As they grow the caterpillars become less gregarious and can move onto other (non-cycad) plants to feed. When of sufficient size they pupate in the leaf litter or soil. During their feeding the caterpillars acquire toxins from the cycads which render them noxious to predators. The adult moths advertise their unpalatable nature by their bright orange, yellow and black markings (Jones, 2002, pp.241-242). A range of weevils in the family Curculionidae, principally in the genus Phacecorynes, live in the trunks of various Encephalartos species. As with other weevils, the larvae of this species tunnel extensively within the stem and around the leaf bases, causing the latter to be shed prematurely. Curculionid weevils of the genera Phloeophagus and Brachyscapus have also been found in trunks (Jones, 2002, p.72). The weevils are found only in South African Encephalartos species already listed on PBI. It should be noted that the trunk-boring weevils, Brachyscapus, Phacecorynes, and Phloeophagus genera, can remain undetected inside stems, can endure long-distance transportation, and may even survive methyl bromide fumigation under vacuum (Jones, 2002, p.71), but only applies to caudex or stems being imported, a practice which is extremely expensive, being held in quarantine for long periods, and most often results in the loss of the plant (pers. obs.). Cycad seed kernels containing the embryo and its food supply, the megagametophyte, are enclosed within a hard, woody sclerotesta which protects them from being eaten by predators. As with most other parts of cycad plants, the seed kernel contains toxins and is believed to be poisonous to invertebrates. However, there are exceptions. Using the Macrozamia and Lepidozamia genera as examples, as it is a cycad species predated upon by possums and rats, it has been observed that the Australian Brown Rat (Rattus fuscipes), and probably other rodents, gnaw neat holes in one end of the sclerotesta of Macrozamia seeds, consuming the contents including the embryo. In lean years, they may attack immature cones before the seeds have ripened. The Australian White-tailed Rat (Uromys caudimaculatus), is very fond of Lepidozamia hopei seeds, as are feral pigs. In Africa, porcupines are very fond of the young tissues of accessible developing cones and baboons destroy immature ones as playthings (Jones, 2002, pp.59-60). From this it is reasonable to assume that rats, possums, wallabies, goats, pigs and possibly rabbits will attack cones and eat the seeds of Encephalartos species if available to them (pers. obs.). Pests particular to New Zealand that attack cycads are generally few as our marked seasons tend to control their spread and disease is limited to root rotting through poor drainage. Mealy bug and scale insects seem to be the main predator of leaflets for Encephalartos and slaters feeding on unhealthy and decaying stems (Boyer, 1992, pp.26-28). Affinities with native organisms/biota Cycads are unrelated to any other living group of plants (Jones, 2002, p.9). Therefore are not related to any living plants native to New Zealand and cannot affect biodiversity of flora. While native insects may feed on what appears to be only unhealthy decaying plants, it is unknown if this influences the food chain. As they must be immune to the toxins present, if any, then it is assumed that this is a natural part of their life cycle. There are already many species of Encephalartos present in New Zealand and as any significant increase in population is considered to be unlikely, it must be assumed this will have only a minimal impact (pers. obs.). Although all cycads contain chemicals which are toxic, these materials are variously distributed in parts of the cycad plant but are not always found in the same tissues of all species; for example toxins are present in the testa of species of Macrozamia but appear to be absent from this part of the plant in many Encephalartos species (Jones, 2002, p.16). Only an animal capable of crushing the kernel could consume any reasonable quantity of toxins and this may be restricted to only introduced pests and possibly pukekos although I imagine they would only have an interest in the sarcotesta particularly if other more accessible food sources are readily available (pers. obs.). Potential use for organism Importation is reliant upon meeting criteria for exporting and importing under CITES regulations for both countries. Declaration must be made as to whether it is for trade or private use and as only cultivated seed from artificially propagated plants (on Appendix I or II of CITES) may be exported (Donaldson (ed.), 2003, p.43), quantities at present are only being produced in limited numbers as yet, therefore generally suitable only for hobbyist collectors. Commercial or trade items may be sold to nurseries for growing on purposes, but personal or private growing stock can not be offered for resale (G.Coleman, 2005, Seedbank for Palm & Cycad Society of N.Z., in litt.). Availability is further compounded by the fact that South Africa no longer allows the export of any cycad seed since 2003 as it was impossible to tell if the seed had been wild collected or artificially propagated (Donaldson (ed.), 2003, p.43). Other African nations with native cycads often experience instability and access is restricted by poor infrastructure and difficult terrain making supply of any seed with the necessary paperwork extremely rare (pers. obs.). Another source of seed is from F2 generation plants, cycad plants or plants grown from seed that have been CITES permitted, are allowed to have their resultant seeds be exported. Without the CITES permitted documentation proving the parent plant's origin, the seeds may not be exported (G.Coleman, 2005, Seedbank for Palm & Cycad Society of N.Z., in litt). Therefore the primary objective is to secure seed of as many species where possible to obtain independence from importing to establish a breeding stock of plants. Seed produced from these plants may be sold locally, but not exported unless CITES permitted. The benefits of this would be reduce pressure on wild populations (as well as the cultivated plants overseas), eliminate expensive import costs and the risk of unwanted organisms, reduce problems over imported seed and plant species not being named correctly and variable seed sizes not matching currently known data, provide a higher germination rate of fresh seed from locally grown sources, establish an alternative gene pool for the worlds diminishing pedigree stock and offer the possibility of exporting F2 generation seed of the rarer species to supplement natural populations being regenerated if required (pers. obs.). 3.5 Identify and characterise any likely inseparable organisms Inseparable organisms are those which are inherently associated with the main organism e.g. gut bacteria in animals. Information on this is required by section 34(2)(d) of the Act. >Encephalartos species have no inseparable organisms, although two cycad seed weevils, Antiliarhinus zamiae and A. signatus of the Brentidae family, are known for their larvae feeding on the storage tissue of seeds of fifteen species (all South African and all currently on PBI except Encephalartos caffer). While this doesn't affect the seed from germinating if the embryo remains intact, the weevil can fly and could spread to other cycad species and possibly become an unwanted pest if it were to escape. Inspection of seeds has to date been very effective, and only needs seed dealers to remain aware of any larvae found inside seeds and to destroy them by burning immediately (Jones, 2002, p.77). There are trunk-boring weevils which only affect whole plant or caudex imported and is covered in Section 3.4, Competitors and predators (Jones, 2002, pp.71-72). Current border procedures of inspecting all seed imported has to date been very successful in preventing unwanted organisms and as all seed is from cultivated sources they are naturally closely monitored for pests anyway. So long as importers are constantly reminded to be vigilant for any form of infestation, any risk of outbreak is extremely unlikely (pers. obs.). Section Four – The Proposed Release Programme Provide details of the source of the organism for release and the proposed release programme including comments on timing and location(s) of the release(s) etc. >Permits for importing Encephalartos species have become exceedingly difficult to obtain, South Africa no longer allows the export of seed since June 2003 (Donaldson (ed.), 2003, p.43) and other countries present many problems in trying to complete the necessary documents. Therefore any seeds that are imported are generally in small quantities and only suitable for private hobbyist use. These are only offered to current seedbank members of the Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand and the sale of less common seeds or seedlings to the public is strongly discouraged as the intention is to establish an independent source of viable pedigree seed (pers. obs.). To achieve this will take many years as gender can only be determined upon production of cones and female plants are generally less common (Jones, 2002, p.61). Seedbank members that have bought seeds must wait for the after-ripening process. This takes four to six months in Encephalartos for the pro-embryo to develop into a complete embryo (Boyer, 1992, p.20), and to be capable of germinating. The seed is kept lightly moist constantly, while applied with modest heat (15°-28° C.), forced germination at high temperatures results in dormancy or more likely death (Boyer, 1992, p.23). Viability is approximately two years - in extreme cases, some species can germinate after five to six years (Jones, 2002, p.80). Members have found the seedling stage is always the most vulnerable for any plant and cycads are no exception. All the initial growth relies on the reserves inside the large seed. The main tap root is fleshy and vulnerable to rot as it does not have the leaf area to disperse excess water through transpiration. Coralloid roots, for nitrogen fixing, are not developed until later and therefore seedlings need slow release fertiliser as regular watering or rainfall depletes the soil of essential nutrients. Unimpeded drainage is an absolute necessity to its survival (pers. obs.). Soil mixture should contain thirteen essential elements for optimum growth, and in their correct proportions as growth is dictated by the least available nutrient (J.Lok, 2005, President of Palm & Cycad Society of N.Z., in litt). Sun will burn the delicate new leaf, most species only grow one new leaf a year for a decade and must have some protection for part of the day, even though almost all need full sun in later life for continued growth (Jones, 2002, p.79). Comparisons between the same species grown in tropical Queensland, Australia and New Zealand, would suggest to me our growth rate is only a third of the achievable rate, with tropical and sun loving blue-leaved species possibly never being capable of producing cones and sustaining them to viability unless grown permanently in heated conditions (pers. obs.). A six year old Encephalartos laurentianus seedling cultivated in Eudlo Gardens is producing leaves over 3 metres in height, new leaves emerging almost continuously with four to five flushes in a year not uncommon and has a caudex over 20 cm in diameter. The species suckers vigorously from the base, and other cycads in the gardens have produced offsets once they reach 20-30 cm in diameter (Heimbloom, 1999, The Species, pp.36-37). E. laurentianus is a species present in New Zealand prior to 29th July 1998, however, no basal offsets or seeds are known to have ever been made available to members of the Society to date indicating that this achievement is still many years away (pers. obs.). Those that are capable of withstanding New Zealand's constant rainfall with fluctuating temperatures can be grown outdoors providing they are planted on a mound of free-draining soil mixture that does not break down (Jones, 2002, p.67). All cycads with age are worth a considerable amount of money, more so if they form a seed producing pair, and precautions must be taken to ensure that the easily transportable plants are kept away from public attention or have very adequate anti-theft protection. Constant application or slow release fertilisers are needed as rainfall and watering depletes essential minerals and trace elements required for annual growth and heavily taxing cone and new leaf production (pers. obs.). Male cones are generally produced in multiples and rupture their pollen sacs over a month to increase the chance of the host specific insect attaching pollen to it's body and carrying it to a receptive female, as female cones are less common and seldom open at the same time (Jones, 2002, p.61). As it is rare for even mature cycads to set seed, if growers wish to produce viable seeds it is imperative that hand pollination be carried out (Jones, 2002, p.80). In cultivated plants, the male cone is carefully removed and laid down inside a paper bag and refrigerated or frozen until a female of the same species is available. This extends the viability of the pollen (which is normally only several days) to weeks. When a female cone becomes receptive, it opens very slightly, usually at the base. For best results, a small amount of pollen is mixed with water and squirted into the cone over the few days it remains open before it closes again. This method is preferred to dry pollination because it avoids contact with airborne pollen which, like all parts of cycads, has some toxins present. As the openings are minute, sometimes the top of the cone is cut off to allow easier access. This is done several times over a fortnight to maximise pollination as not all ovules are receptive at the same time, each time covering up the cone with a breathable cloth bag to prevent accidental cross-pollination or losing seed on the ground to rodents and birds (Jones, 2002, pp.80-81). The Society is in the initial stages of creating several Cycad Botanical Parks for maintaining seed and pollen producing plants although an alarming increase in cycad thefts does present security problems in that too many in one location provide a tempting target. Such is the value and attraction of cycads that during the hurricane evacuations in Florida, many large and rare cycads have been stolen from Montgomery Botanical Center. It is hoped by making viewing of these ancient plants available to the public, that an understanding of their plight, and in due time successful recovery, that it will instil a greater sense of care for our surroundings and how we can make a difference and bring species back from the brink of extinction (pers. obs.). Section Five - Identification and Assessment of Adverse Effects (Risks) Information in this category is required by section 34(2)(e) of the Act) and in accordance with the Methodology. This section should include information on the adverse effects of the type referred to in the HSNO Act. As set out in section 6 of the Act, you must take account of the physical environment, effects on human health and welfare, the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions and New Zealand’s international obligations. In filling out this section please consider both the organism(s) and any inseparable organism. It is expected that organisms meeting the rapid assessment requirements will not normally have any significant biological risks associated with them, so that a full assessment of adverse effects may not be necessary. However, sufficient information must be provided to confirm this, and also to confirm that the requirements for rapid assessment are met. These requirements are set out in Section Six of this form. It is recommended that sections five and six of the form are filled out in parallel to ensure that sufficient information is provided, but not duplicated. 5.1 Identification and assessment of biological and physical adverse effects of the organism(s). Effects in this category are those set out in sections 6(a), 6(b) and 6(c) of the Act; and repeated in other words in section 35(2)(b) of the Act. Cross reference the material in this sub-section with that in Section Six of the form. > Could form self-sustaining populations anywhere in New Zealand, taking into account the ease of eradication: - The possibility of reproducing independently in the open environment is virtually nil. However, taking the point to the extreme, if a plant were to produce suckers and remain undiscovered for decades in an ideal growing medium, rich in essential nutrients, and reduplicate itself, it could only clone plants of the same gender and not be capable of extending a population further afield. (Refer to Section 6.2). - Eradication would more likely see the plant and any suckers removed to be replanted in a Botanic Garden as Encephalartos are not known for vigorous growth requiring immediate action and the specimen would most likely have considerable value, if only for conservation. For difficult to access terrain, the soft starch column of the trunk is easily severed by a handsaw to remove the meristem resulting in death. (Refer to Section 6.2). Could displace or reduce a valued species: -Cycads have no affinities to any living plants, including any plants native to New Zealand and Encephalartos are not invasive anywhere in the world. (Refer to Section 6.3). Could cause deterioration of natural habitats: -Growth is much slower in the wild than as cultivated plants (Jones, 2002, p.69), and therefore slower than other plants in the immediate vicinty to ever be invasive, with reproduction almost exclusively by basal suckers. In the unlikely event that fertile seed did form, due to their large size, (minimum size 50 mm x 20 mm), dispersal would be mostly gravitational, with some seed possibly being gathered and spread by rats. If taken into heavy shade with wet, cold conditions, no seedling would be capable of surviving or further growth as dense shade promotes dormancy. (Refer to Section 6.4) Will be disease-causing or be a parasite, or vector or reservoir for human, plant, or animal disease: -Encephalartos are not associated with any diseases. (Refer to Section 6.5). Will have any adverse effects on human health and safety or the environment: -While it is well known that all cycads contain toxins, Encephalartos have no toxic concentrations in the brightly coloured sarcotesta, as this is used in dispersal (Jones, 2002, p.46). Still, as a precaution as with handling any raw seeds, gloves should always be worn when collecting seeds and removing the sarcostesta to avoid prolonged skin contact (Jones, 2002, p.82). The seed kernels do contain toxins, although not enough to kill rats or pigs, the usual predators, even if eaten in quantity (Jones, 2002, p.59). Leaves could be eaten by stock, but as the effect is cumulative, this would require a lot of large cycads as each plant produces only a few leaves each year and they are prickly, therefore it is an unlikely scenario. Pollen can cause allergic reactions and is advisable to mix with water for pollination purposes or wear a facial mask. (Refer to Section 6.6) 5.2 Identification and assessment of adverse effects on the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga Under sections 6(d) and 8 of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that the release of the organism does not raise particular issues for Maori. If your application might especially possibly have impacts on native flora and fauna, or flora and fauna which it is reasonable to think may be valued by Maori, you should address these issues here. Include details of any consultations that you have undertaken in relation to this application. If concerns were raised during the consultation process you should consider whether or how you are able to address those concerns to the satisfaction of Maori. > Cycad are not related to any living plants in the world, therefore they are not related to any plants native to New Zealand (Jones, 2002, p.9). Due to their demanding unimpeded drainage requirements, it is extremely unlikely they could grow in our wet and cold environment or reproduce successfully without human intervention. As such, the genus requires constant attention and due to slower growth than most other plants and limited numbers of hobbyists growing them, they will only ever exist as landscape plants, not capable of interacting with native flora and fauna. National Maori consultation was carried out in October 2005 and 80 Runanga were sent a summary, a copy of the Landcare Research New Zealand report, a coloured page of pictures of cycads and a response form to be returned by 16th January 2006. Of the 80 consultation packs sent out to the Runanga of New Zealand, 9 responses were received back, one of which was asking for an extension of time to the 28th of February. A further allowance to the end of March was made to allow them time in case of problems. No response has been received. Two had no issues or comments and three replied saying they had no issues but requested updates on the progress of this project/research. This wording makes up part of the standard ERMA Response form although there is no expected research to be carried out on this project. Three responded requesting enquiries to which I sent an e-mail to each explaining in more detail that the summary did not cover adequately and received no further enquiries from them. It does seem an impossible ask to expect anyone to instantly acquire an understanding of every aspect surrounding all the many procedures involved in the export and import of CITES regulated plants, the border control inspections and quarantine security and endless challenge to grow difficult species that still has experienced growers asking questions and the limited response in this instance may well reflect this. >Appendix 2 National Maori Consultation Refer to Appendix 2 for response forms and replies to queries. 5.2 Identification and assessment of other effects Other effects include economic and related benefits and costs (section 6(e) of the Act and impacts on New Zealand’s international obligations section 6(f) of the Act. The possibility of economic, social and cultural effects/issues should also be covered if relevant (section 5(b) of the Act). >The primary goal is that by extending the list of species producing locally grown viable seed, this will in the future eliminate all need for importing expensive seed, saving money going off-shore, providing control over genetic purity, maintaining an alternative gene pool for international stock and artificially increasing populations of seriously threatened species by a limited number of experienced cycad enthusiasts and conservationists. There is a possibility of export of F2 seed of rarer species but this is unlikely due to other countries such as Australia having faster growth rates and therefore cheaper prices and larger quantities. Production of seedlings in South Africa, from both confiscated seed and cultivated plants, has shown to reduce pressure on natural colonies in the wild, either to be used to produce further seed, sold as seedlings to commercial growers or returned to bolster depleted populations, particularly female plants, as these are targeted first by poachers and over zealous collectors (Jones, 2002, pp.28-30). Not only are cycad parks an attraction in South Africa, such as the awe inspiring Encephalartos transvenosus forest, with some over a thousand years old, but it is also possible in time to create the same natural wonder here in New Zealand as well. Section Six – Satisfaction of the Criteria for the Rapid Assessment of Risk from Release of the New Organism(s) This section of the application form must include information on the matters referred to in sections 35 and 36 of the HSNO Act. Because sections 35 and 36 have different thresholds (i.e. highly improbable versus significant respectively), your primary concern should be to meet the more stringent criteria. These are generally the criteria set out in section 35(2)(b). If these criteria cannot be met then your application will fail irrespective of whether the requirements of section 36 are met. If you do fail you can request ERMA New Zealand continue with your application for a full (rather than rapid) assessment in which case you will need to complete form NOR. Please address each of the subsections below. These reflect the matters just referred to in sections 35 and 36 in the HSNO Act. Give as much detail as the subject warrants. Include a description of where the information in the application has been sourced from, e.g. from in-house research, independent research, technical literature, community or other consultation. The importance of showing that the organism(s) is obviously low risk is paramount. As already indicated you will probably find it convenient to complete sections five and six of the form at the same time. To avoid duplication cross reference between the two sections. Note: If your application is for a plant, it is recommended that you obtain an independent reputable (e.g. from Landcare Research) weed risk assessment. If the risk score is above zero (i.e. there is some degree of weediness) then it is more likely that your application will be declined and/or referred on for a full assessment in which case you should complete form NOR. Please incorporate the results of your weed risk assessment into the relevant headings below and attach a copy of the weed risk assessment. 6.1 Unwanted organisms Under section 35(2)(a) of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that the new organism(s) to be released are not ‘unwanted organisms’ as defined in the Biosecurity Act 1993. Note: An ‘unwanted organism’ means any organism that a chief technical officer, appointed under the Biosecurity Act, believes is capable or potentially capable of causing unwanted harm to any natural and physical resource or human health. Provide information on this. >Encephartos are not on the list of prohibited or unwanted organisms as defined in the Biosecurity Act 1993. 6.2 Probability of the new organism forming self-sustaining populations and ease of eradication Under section 35(2)(b)(i) of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that it is highly improbable that the organism, after release, could establish self-sustaining populations anywhere in New Zealand, taking into account the ease of eradication. Please assess the potential of the organisms to establish self-sustaining populations. Also assess how easy it would be to eradicate the organism if it was to establish and by what means would eradication be possible (e.g. mechanical, chemical, biological control, lack of reproductive or propagative potential etc.) and at what cost? For ease of reading please provide material under separate sub-headings as below. Formation of self-sustaining population >It is rare for cultivated cycads to set seed even if male and female plants of the same species are placed side by side and their cones reach maturity together (Jones, 2002, p.80). To establish a self-sustaining population would require two adult plants of coning maturity, approximately 15-25 years (Jones, 2002, p.49), and of compatible species (not all Encephalartos can hybridise), growing in a nutrient rich medium that is extremely fast draining, pollinated by a tiny insect (the openings of a female are very slim, sometimes not even detectable), attracted to and not repelled by both the scent of the male (to collect a pollen grain) and female (although they are seldom both open at the same time and pollen viability is only a few days), normally a member of the weevil family and usually host-specific, (Oberprieler, 2005, in litt.) and deposit the pollen grain inside the female cone while it is open (usually less than a fortnight) to produce a viable seed (if the ovule is receptive). Possible dispersal agents include rats, possums and wallabies, attracted to the bright colours, and could spread any fertile seed after eating the outer sarcotesta (Jones, 2002, p.323). It should however be remembered that even after the seed detaches itself from the female cone, it still requires 6-12 months of after-ripening before sprouting can occur if it is pollinated. The sarcotesta needs to be removed or rotted off as this contains chemical inhibitors to prevent germination (Jones, 2002, p.83) and the seed kernel is required to be moist constantly to prevent drying out or rehydrated, or the embryo will die (Jones, 2002, p.82). If successful, the seed could develop into another plant but seedling losses would be very high due to New Zealand's high rainfall all year round, rendering it vulnerable to fungal rot even in free-draining media (pers. obs.). Therefore the probability for a genus in which several species are classified as extinct in the wild and most others survival entirely reliant upon artificial pollination to establish itself in a less than suitable open environment such as New Zealand's can only be regarded as excessively remote. Ease of eradication >Although African Encephalartos wouldn't pose any immediate concern of eradication and could easily be transplanted to a more desirable location, the Australian government agencies have in the past encouraged the eradication of two of their endemic cycads, Cycas and Macrozamia, declaring them noxious for a period because inexperienced cattle were allowed to graze in unfenced areas where they were tempted by the new flush of bright green leaves (and most toxic), after the frequent bush fires that destroys all other vegetation and promotes regenerating growth. Eradication was effected by applying herbicides such as arsenic compounds to a notch in the trunk made by an axe. Subterranean trunks could be split with an axe before the onset of the wet season, and kerosene poured into the wound. Today, areas where cycads are prevalent in farmed regions, they are conserved by fencing them off, and any new development schemes allows the removal of sought after species as almost all cycads are easily transplanted, a considerably more internationally acceptable treatment of native species (Jones, 2002, p.47). 6.3 Probability of the new organism displacing or reducing a valued species or causing any significant displacement of any native species within its natural habitat Under section 35(2)(b)(ii) of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that it is highly improbable that the organism, after release, could displace or reduce a valued species. The Authority must also take into account the sustainability of all native flora and fauna and it will decline the application if displacement of any native species within its natural habitat is significant under section 36(a) of the HSNO Act. Provide an assessment of these matters. For example, how likely is it that the new organism(s) will affect the abundance or geographical distribution of a native or valued introduced species such as kauri, kiwi, ryegrass, or trout? Note: It is important to identify and address how any potential effect is likely or unlikely to occur. >As reproduction will be totally reliant upon hand pollination to produce viable seed (Jones, 2002, p.80), or by the only other means of duplication by removing basal suckers, any plants grown outdoors will be relatively inert and not become interactive within the open environment (i.e. they are not expected to become invasive or to compete with or displace native or valued plant species). Stock are not expected to come in contact with mature Encephalartos as plants are extremely expensive items, as well as the cycads shouldn't present themselves as a more desirable food source than grass and their prickly nature is a form of deterrent. It also appears that the sarcotesta of species of Encephalartos would lack the toxin macrozamin found in some of the species of Macrozamia (Jones, 2002, p.46). 6.4 Probability of the new organism(s) causing any significant deterioration of natural habitats Under section 35(2)(b)(iii) of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that it is highly improbable that the organism, after release, could cause deterioration of natural habitats. Please assess this matter. For example, how likely is it that the new organism(s) will influence the biophysical quality of, for instance, freshwater lakes and streams, or the canopy of native forests? >Cycads sadly form some of the most threatened species on this planet with two species (E. woodii and E. relictus) both known originally from a single male plant, and several other species extinct in the wild. This has been brought about by the fact of reduced populations, females removed by poachers, poor seedling recruitment due to seasonal and deliberate fires, host specific pollinators having become extinct or controlled by insecticides, and a low natural reproductive success rate. In a warm temperate country, growth and spread would be slower, if even possible, having no impact on native habitat. Even as mature leaves are shed from the trunk, these are drained of nutrients and toxins, back into the plant to assist new growth of leaves and cones, thus rendering the dead leaf suitable for mulching or composting (Jones, 2002, p.47). 6.5 Probability of the new organism causing disease, being parasitic, or becoming a vector or reservoir for human, animal or plant disease Under section 35(2)(b)(iv) of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that it is highly improbable that the organism could cause disease, be parasitic, or become a vector for human, animal, or plant disease. Please assess these matters. For example, what evidence is there from other countries that the new organism(s) are hosts for plant viruses, or are carriers of bacteria pathogenic in humans? >Cycads are relatively disease free plants. Literature is quite extensive on interaction between cycads and humans, having been around for so long, and show no diseases associated with Encephalartos. With New Zealand's wetter conditions, it does lead to occasional Phytophthora attacks, even in free-draining media when associated with cold. Sooty mould, scale insects, spider mites and mealy bugs will attack cycads, particularly if inside and not exposed to natural weather elements (Jones, 2002, pp.77-78). 6.6 Probability of the new organism having any adverse effects on human health and safety or the environment Under section 35(2)(b)(v) of the HSNO Act the Authority must be satisfied that it is highly improbable that the organism will have any adverse effects on human health and safety or the environment. Section 36(c) requires that the organism is unlikely to cause any significant adverse effects on human health or safety. Please assess these matters. For example, is there evidence of people displaying allergic reactions to the organism itself or pollen from the new organism(s); are the new organisms venomous? >There is an early documented account of soldiers in the Boer War becoming violently ill after eating untreated seed kernels, driven by hunger and obviously after seeing animals eat the sarcotesta which does not contain the macrozamin toxin. Only by continuing to eat the kernels would this result in possible death (Jones, 2002, pp.45-46). In many countries around the world where cycads are present, the seeds and stems have been processed by complex methods over several weeks to extract the starch for food (Jones, 2002, pp.44-45). Resin exuded from wounds in petioles and rachises has been used medicinally for insect and snake bites, and for various skin infections (Jones, 2002, p.48). With alternatives available, this has lessened. Male cones do shed pollen over several weeks and prolonged exposure could cause a reaction to an allergy sufferer. As a precaution to the pollinator, a facial mask should be worn and the pollen diluted with water before spraying into the female cone. When handling the flesh of any seed, gloves should be a standard to guard against any possible toxic transference (Jones, 2002, p.82). Cattle and sheep have developed paralysis in the hindquarters when left to wander and graze on leaves of large colonies of other genera of cycads, in Australia (Cycas and Macrozamia) and the Caribbean (Zamia) (Jones, 2002, p.47). There is no mention of any similar effect on cattle in any part of Africa, and certainly stock do come in contact with large stands of Encephalartos, possibly because the leaflets are slightly prickly, leathery and unappealing to eat. For such an area of vast numbers of wild cycads to exist in New Zealand would not be plausible, and we keep livestock fenced in paddocks, not roaming freely over hundreds of acres of wild scrub, so therefore this does not present a realistic concern (pers. obs.). 6.7 Likelihood of the new organism(s) causing any significant adverse effects on New Zealand’s inherent genetic diversity Under section 36(d) of the HSNO Act the Authority must decline the application if the organism is likely to cause any significant adverse effect to New Zealand’s inherent genetic diversity. Please assess this matter. For example, how likely is it that the new organism(s) will hybridise with native or valued species or affect their current distribution? >Cycads are not taxonomically linked to any living plant form and therefore cannot hybridise with any native plant or valued species, so no effect upon New Zealand's genetic biodiversity is possible (Jones, 2002, p.9). Section Seven – Overall evaluation Although not required because it is a task for the decision maker, applicants may provide their own overall evaluation of the information in Sections 5 and 6 above. In doing this the first step is to address the criteria set out in Section 6. Organisms must satisfy all these criteria in order to be eligible for rapid assessment. The more general risk assessments in Section 5 are intended to both support the Section 6 information and to provide information on risks which lie outside the statutory criteria for rapid assessment, but are covered by Part II of the Act. >By making this application it is simply a more convenient way of adding species to the MAF Plant Biosecurity Index that are already present in New Zealand but difficult to prove, as well as including other species that may be tried should the seed become available. Encephalartos aplanatus is present in New Zealand as it was believed to be part of the E. villosus complex. It has since been raised to species level largely by the fact it has a different host-specific pollinator (not found in New Zealand) and slightly different leaflets (Jones, 2002, p.247). E. chimanimaniensis and E. pterogonus are further divisions of the E. manikensis complex, a species that after being segregated from E. gratus, has already seen E. concinnus and E. munchii raised to specific rank. E. manikensis once covered a vast area and as the population has diminished, isolated stands have adapted to local environmental conditions giving rise to variants such as 'Choala', 'Chipinga', Elizabethvillensis', 'Vanduzi' and 'Vumba'. At present these are still only E. manikensis forms, but may in time be studied further to see if more taxa are warranted (Jones, 2002, p.288). Of note, E. natalensis has 15 such variants and may also be similarly divided in the future. E. gratus, described in 1916 and is widely distributed in Malawi and Mozambique (Jones, 2002, p.269), E. caffer, first discovered in 1772, southernmost naturally occuring cycad and is common and regenerating freely (Jones, 2002, p.252). Both of these cycads are common and suited to New Zealand conditions and it is understood that several large specimens are currently growing in Auckland having been sold prior to 29th July 1998 and are all now in private ownership and access is unavailable to Society members. E. relictus (only one male), E. brevifoliolatus (only five plants and are all males), E. hirsutus (listed as Critical on the IUCN Red List), as are many cycads of this genus. It will take a massive effort simply to ensure their survival as they teeter on the brink of extinction, let alone becoming weedy in New Zealand and every opportunity should be made to raise the profile of their plight as well as other highly endangered species. The other 11 species, E. barteri, E. bubalinus, E. delucanus, E. equatorialis, E. ituriensis, E. mackenziei, E. macrostrobilus, E. marunguensis, E. poggei, E. schaijesii and E. schmitzii, are all tropical in nature and will struggle to survive in an unprotected open environment. E. delucanus, E. marunguensis, E. poggei, E. schaijesii and E. schmitzii are accepted as the most difficult species to establish and maintain in cultivation, with E. barteri being very sensitive to cold (Jones, 2002, p.244). The species are not on the prohibited or unwanted organisms list as defined by the Biosecurity Act 1993 and as there are 49 other species already on the Plant Biosecurity Index, it indicates that they do not pose a risk in New Zealand. Most Encephalartos are highly threatened by low populations, too scattered over vast distances to be able to reproduce (particularly as females are removed by poachers), or the absence of host-specific pollinators that have become extinct or killed by insecticides, leading to all the genus placed on Appendix I of CITES. With a limited number of hobbyist collectors growing the cycads, and very few male and female plants grown in close proximity of each other to effect accidental pollination, the possibility of a selfsustaining population (as discussed in section 6.2), is implausible. The Australian Government is the only organisation in the world to ever intentionally try to eradicate species of two cycad genera, both distantly related to Encephalartos, all because of the vast outback does not fence stock and instead allows animals to wander uncontrolled. Simple methods they used reinforce the ease in killing any species, even in native habitat. Cycads are vulnerable in every aspect and little effort is needed to destroy them if required, their value and rarity would be reason enough to try and relocate them. Despite the length of time in New Zealand, very few old specimens can be found, probably due to growth limiting climatic conditions and fatalities occuring with these demanding plants. The only insects seemingly associated with cycads are scale insects, spider mites and mealy bugs, with slaters and earwigs observed afterwards on decaying plants. To displace valued or native species is again not a possibility, they simply cannot compete in growth rate. Although cycads are known to contain toxins, within each genera, these are contained in different parts or may even be absent in some. Certainly Encephalartos appears to have no toxins in the sarcotesta of the seed as these are eaten by a wide variety of animals, the kernel is even entirely eaten by pigs and rats with no ill effect. Leaves have nutrients and toxins drawn back into the starch column to assist in new growth flushes which tax the reserves of the plant. Therefore, only the seed kernel could exude low levels of toxins into the environment if produced in huge quantities. It is not expected that large numbers will be grown for the landscape industry as Encephalartos have slightly toothed leaves, an undesirable selling point, while most other species are too rare to ever be available. Natural habitats should remain unaffected by their presence in New Zealand just as the species currently on the Plant Biosecurity Index are not affecting the environment. Disease in cycads is rare, there does not appear to be any associated plant virus or bacteria pathogenic to humans. An incident of poisoning occurred in 1900, over a hundred years ago, when soldiers were desperate and ignorant of these plants. Since then, it is extremely doubtful any further incidents have happened, however, should cycads become plentiful and popular, advice may be warranted on the label if sold from gardening outlets as a precaution. No animal or human would readily eat a plant's leaves as the prickly nature of the leaflets is a deterrent, the seeds are only found on females and are very highly prized plants for seed production as males outnumber them in by a three to one ratio (Jones, 2002, p.61). The pollen of mature male plants could cause a reaction to those with allergies if exposed to the pollen over a prolonged period of time. Those that are involved in reproduction activities, are advised to wear facial mask and only use the pollen mixed with water for pollinating female cones as a precautionary measure. There are the 49 species already on the Plant Biosecurity Index that pose no threat to our genetic diversity as cycads are not related to any living plants, therefore are not related to any plants native to New Zealand. As a summary, the population of Encephalartos species present in New Zealand is low due to limited numbers of cycad enthusiasts and the continued existence of these species in this country is completely reliant upon artificial propagation, as would be with these additional species being applied for. The impact on our open environment is negligible, if at all, as the plants will always be expensive and rare due to slow growth habits and too valuable to be left unguarded. Disease, health issues or weediness have not presented any problems to those that are currently growing Encephalartos species and these issues are not expected to ever promote concern in the future, particularly due to low numbers that can be or will be grown. Section Eight – Additional Information 8.1 Do any of the organism(s) need approvals under any other New Zealand legislation or are affected by international obligations? For example, indicate whether the organism may be subject to other New Zealand legislation, e.g. the Biosecurity Act 1993; or if the organism(s) are listed in CITES, then approval is required from both the importing and exporting countries. >All Encephalartos species and subspecies are listed as Appendix I on CITES. CITES export permits are required from 1975, when South Africa became a signatory country. CITES import permits are required from 1989, when New Zealand became a signatory country. TIES was an extension to the CITES laws of 1989 and was to include seed and pollen as parts of the plant parts requiring export permits. MAF import permits are required for all cycad parts excluding seeds. South Africa has introduced it's own laws banning the export of all cycad seed, June 2003. It was decided recently that wild-collected seed be allowed to be cultivated to reduce pressure on natural populations but is only for local demand and not for export (Jones, 2002. p.28). There are also plans to judge cultivated specimens under different criteria to wildcollected plants (Jones, 2002. p.29). 8.2 Have any of the new organism(s) in this application previously been considered in New Zealand or elsewhere? For example, have the organism(s) been previously considered for import (e.g. under the previous Plants or Animals Acts or under the HSNO Act)? Also include information on all occasions where the organism(s) have been considered by other countries, governments or organisations and the results of such considerations. >I can find no record of these Encephalartos spp. having been previously considered under the HSNO Act 1996 or the Plant Act 1970 (repealed). 8.3 Is there any additional information that you consider relevant to this application that has not already been included? Please provide any such information that is material to the organism(s) concerned >There are 49 species currently represented on the Biosecurity Plant Index and these are growing in New Zealand, some in open environment situations, including the Auckland Regional Botanic Gardens, Manurewa, Clive Square, Napier and Pukekura Park, New Plymouth. As these plants have been purposely planted in a publicly accessible area, it must be assumed they do not represent a health hazard to humans or animals, or else there would be reported incidents and require protective measures in place (pers. obs.). 8.4 Provide a glossary of scientific and technical terms used in the application >Acaulescent Without trunk, subterranean or underground stem. Aculeate Bearing short, sharp prickles or spines. Acute Bearing a short, sharp point. Adventitious Arising from secondary growth. Aerial branches Suckers forming on the side of the trunk above ground. After ripening Period of several months between a pro embryo developing into a mature embryo ready to germinate. Anastomosing Forming a network with crossed links, as in the venation (arrangement of veins) of some cycads. Apical Uppermost point. Arborescent Tree-like growth habit, forming a trunk. Basal leaflet Small leaflets growing at the base of a leaf, used for distinguishing between taxa. Basal suckers A shoot arising from the roots or trunk below ground level, also known as pups or offsets. Basipetally Progressing from the apex to the base. Bifurcate Forked or deeply notched. Bipinnate Twice pinnately divided, as in the leaves of Bowenia. Bulbous Bulb-shaped or swollen. Bulla Expanded outer head of a cone scale with several facets. Callous In cycads applied to an often colourful patch of tissue at the base of leaflets in Macrozamia species. Cambium The growing tissue lying just beneath the bark. Cataphyll Reduced scale-like leaves (bracts) that protect the apex between leaf flushes. Caudex Trunk-like growth axis. Contractile roots Roots that pull down the trunk to keep the apex level with the surface. Cyanobacteria A group of bacteria, previously called blue-green algae. Cylindrical Shaped like a roller with parallel sides. Deciduous Falling off or shedding of any plant part, usually leaves. Decumbent Reclining on the ground with the apex ascending. Decurrent Running downwards beyond a junction, as in the lower margins of the leaflets extending along the rachis. Dehiscing Shedding, as in the release of pollen from the sporangia. Distal Towards the apex. Ellipsoid Oval-shaped in three dimensions. Emergent trunk A trunk that grows above ground level, aerial. Entire Whole, not toothed or divided in any way. Facets Applied to the flat surfaces of the outer face of a cone scale. Falcate Sickle-shaped. Fusiform Spindle-shaped. Gametophyte Flesh of the female seed kernel that provides sustenance for the development of the mature embryo. Glabrous Smooth, hairless. Glaucous Bluish green bluish grey, or covered in bloom to impart a bluish lustre. Incubous When the upper or distal margins of a leaflet overlap the lower margins of the next. Inflexed Recurved when young like a shephard's crook. Involute Inverted vee shaped leaves sloping downwards. Keeled In the shape of a keel, vee-shaped. Lamina The expanded part of the leaf. Lanceolate Leaflet that is lance-shaped, tapering to each end, widest at base and narrowing towards the apex. Laterally Arising at the side of the main axis. Lax Open and loose. Linear Long and narrow with parallel sides. Lobe Segment of an organ as the result of a division. Macrozamin Toxin found in the sarcotesta of some Macrozamia species, but not in Encephalartos. Median leaflet Leaflets growing in the middle of a leaf, used for distinguishing between taxa. Megagametophyte The fleshy tissue that surrounds the embryo. Megasporophylls Female cone scale which bear the ovules. Meristem The apical growing point of a stem or root. Mesic Moist conditions. Mesophyll Photosynthetic tissue of a leaf. Micropyle An opening in the developing ovule which allows the pollen tubes to enter during fertilisation. Microspores Term for the pollen grain of cycads. Microsporophylls The male cone scale which bear the microspores. Mucilaginous Secreting glue-like compounds. Multilobed Leaflet tip divided into multiples of four or more. Nodule Point of attachment of a leaflet to a stem. Non-articulate Not jointed. Oblanceolate Leaflet that is lance-shaped, tapering to each end, widest at the apex and narrowing towards the base. Obliquely Not perpendicular. Obvate Leaflet that is round-shaped with both ends tapered. Ovate Leaflet that is round-shaped at base, tapering towards the apex only. Ovoid Egg-shaped in a solid or three dimensional plane. Ovule The structure within the ovary which becomes the seed after fertilisation. Peduncle Cone stalk. Peltate Circular, with the stalk attached in the middle. Pendulous Hanging downwardly. Petiole The stalk of a cycad leaf between the expanded base and the first leaflet. Pinnate Once divided, feather-like, with the divisions extending to the midrib, usually referring to leaves. Platyspermic Cycad seeds which are distinctly flattened and upon germination split into two halves near the micropyle. Procumbent A trunk leaning or reclining on the ground. Pro embryo A fertilised egg cell attached at the end of a helically-coiled suspensor that pushes deep into the gametophyte. Proximal Towards the base or attached end, basal. Pungent Sharply pointed end. Pyramidally Surface of the bullae on cones that are raised in the shape of a pyramid. Rachis Extending from the petiole to the end of the lamina. Radiospermic Cycad seeds which are round in cross-section and germinate by forcing the radicle out of a pore at the micropylar end of the seed, as in all cycad genera except Cycas. Reclining trunk A trunk forced over by it's own weight and laying along the ground. Recurved Curved backwards. Revolute Vee shaped leaves facing upwards. Rhizome Underground stem producing roots and leafy shoots. Sarcostesta The outer fleshy layer of a cycad seed. Scarp Escarpment, steep slope or side of hill or rock. Sclerophyll Plant with hard, stiff leaves. Sclerotesta The hard, bony layer of a cycad seed which surrounds the megagametophyte and embryo. Seed kernel Fleshy tissue of the gametophyte enclosed in a shell forming the female seed. Senescence Growing old. Sessile Without a stalk. Simple Undivided. Spines Reduced leaflets that are short and have one or more stiff, sharp points. Spinose Modified like a spine or resembling a spine. Sporangium A case that bears spores. Sporophyll Cone scale of a cycad. Stipules A swollen protective growth situated at the base of the petiole. Striate Marked with narrow lines. Subterranean trunk Trunk that grows downwards below the ground surface, underground. Succubous When the lower or proximal margins of a leaflet overlap the upper margins of the next. Suckers (basal) A shoot arising from the roots or trunk below ground level, also known as pups or offsets. Stolon A shoot from the root of the plant. Symbiotic When two different organisms live in intimate harmony together. Terminally At the end or extremity. Testa The outer covering of the seed, the seedcoat. Tomentose Densely covered with short, matted, soft hairs. Trifurcate Leaflet divided at the apex into three separate tips. Tuberous Swollen and fleshy. Vascular bundle Internal conducting system of plants. Vegetative Asexual development or propagation. Voiding Ejecting. Whorls Three or more organs attached at a similar level on a stalk, also commonly applied to a new flush of leaves. Xeric Dry conditions. Xerophytic Adapted to growing in dry conditions. 8.5 List of appendices List any appendices included with this application. Any information that is commercially sensitive or additional material included with the application (such as details of consultations, referenced articles) should be contained in appendices. The main application should refer to the relevant appendices but the application is able to be read as a stand-alone document. >Appendix 1 - Individual Fact Sheets for the 19 species, and 1 subspecies. - Photographic examples of Encephalartos Appendix 2 - Response forms and replies to National Maori consultation. Appendix 3 - Initial Weed Risk Assessment (Landcare Research) Appendix 4 - Photocopied Cross-referenced Material 8.6 References Please include a list of the references cited in and supplied with this application form. Originals of the references must be supplied in full. Where the reference supplied is an extract from a book only the specific pages quoted must be supplied. > Boyer, Keith. (1992). Palms and Cycads Beyond The Tropics. Australia: Palm & Cycad Societies of Australia. Coleman, Gary. (2005). <> Donaldson, J.S.(ed.). (2003). Cycads. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, ix + 86 pp. Grobbelaar, Nat. (2002). CYCADS . Pretoria: Four Images Bureau & Printers. Haynes, Jody.L. (2005). The World List of Cycads: A Historical Review. Florida: Montgomery Botanical Center. Heibloem, Peter. (1999). Cycads of Central Africa. Australia: Palm & Cycad Societies of Australia. Hill, K.D. & Stevenson, D.W. The Cycad Pages. (1998-2005). <> IUCN 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <> Downloaded July 15, 2005. Jones, David.L. (2002). Cycads of the World, 2nd Edition. Australia: Reed New Holland. Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. Initial Weed Risk Assessment. Lok, John. (2005). <> Oberprieler, Rolf.G. (2005). <> Scragg, Mark. (2006). <> The International Plant Name Index (2004). Published on the Internet. <> Downloaded 4th June 2005. Whitelock, Loran.M. (2002). The Cycads. Oregon: Timber Press. Section Nine– Application Summary Summarise the application in clear, simple language that can be understood by the general public. Include a description of the organism(s) to be released, the potential use of the organism, and any risks associated with their release. This summary will be used to provide information for those people and agencies that will be notified of the application (e.g. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Conservation) and for members of the public who request information. Note: Do not include any commercially sensitive information in this summary – this should be attached as a separate appendix and clearly marked “confidential”. > Application Summary The Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand wish to import for release 19 Encephalartos species (Cycads) to establish seed producing plants for private collectors and Botanic Gardens to ensure survival of these highly threatened plants by maintaining an alternative seedbank. There are currently forty nine species of this genus already listed on the Plant Biosecurity Index, and the additional Encephalartos species to be applied for are: E. aplanatus, E. barteri, E brevifoliolatus, E. bubalinus, E. caffer, E. chimanimaniensis, E. delucanus, E. equatoralis, E. gratus, E. hirsutus, E. ituriensis, E. mackenziei, E. macrostrobilus, E. marunguensis, E. poggei, E. pterogonus, E. relictus, E. schaijesii and E. schmitzii. Cycads are the oldest known living plants and are not related to any other plants, as such, they can not affect New Zealand's genetic diversity. They can form trunks or be subterranean and have a crown of palm-like leaves. All cycads contain some toxins, including the new flush of leaves and should be grown away from grazing stock as a precaution. They are long lived, and therefore slow growing, and upon maturity produce either male or female cones. Reproduction is usually effected by a host specific insect, weevils mainly, and as many of these insects may be extinct or controlled by insecticides, artificial pollination has in most cases become the only means of regeneration. Some species are known only from a single male or small group of male plants. Pollen could cause a reaction to allergy sufferers if subjected to prolonged exposure and the kernels contain toxins, although the bright fleshy sarcotesta apparently does not as this is eaten by several animals. Due to the value of mature plants, it would be suggested that they should not be grown in public places to avoid theft, but also to eliminate any possibility of accidental airborne contact with pollen or ingestion of kernels. Populations of Encephalartos are very low, both in nature and in cultivation, and it is expected that only a limited number of hobbyist collectors will be growing the cycads to establish an alternative gene pool of seed producing plants should it be required and to reduce or eliminate importing further seed. This will divert seed and seedlings grown in their native origins to replenish natural colonies that have been badly depleted by over zealous collectors, but it can only be achieved by starting a resident seed producing population as early as possible to save these ancient curiosities. Checklist Please check and complete the following before submitting your application: All sections completed Appendices enclosed Confidential information identified and enclosed separately Copies of additional references attached Cheque for initial fee enclosed (incl. GST)† If “yes”, state amount: Fee direct credited to ERMA bank account: If ‘yes” give date of DC …/…/… and amount: Application signed and dated Electronic copy of application e-mailed to ERMA New Zealand Yes Yes/ NA* Yes/NA Yes/NA Yes/No $………. Yes/No $………. Yes Yes *NA – not applicable † The cost of the application (our fee) can be found in the “Fees and Charges Schedule” on our web site under “New Organisms” and “NO and GMO Forms and Publications” Signed: Date: