UMD Course Proposal or Course Change Form Updated June 25, 2014 Directions: Use this form to propose a new course, make two or more changes to an existing course, or add a title to an existing special topics course. This form may be submitted electronically with each approver indicating consent via a short email message with the form attached. Double click inside the box and choose the default value as “checked” Deadlines: o December 1 for the following Summer Session and Fall Semester o October 1 for the following Spring Semester Additional information and instructions are available at: Name (print) Signature Date Department Head/Representative College Curriculum Committee DGS (for graduate courses in department with a DGS) Dean (or college designee; signature confirms items 22 & 23 have been reviewed and are accurate) UMD Academic Affairs Gerald Pepper Effective Term Subject Catalog Number (only one course number per course proposal form) Course Short Title (30 character limit, including space; displays on transcript) Course Long Title (100 character limit, 50 for topics titles; displays on class schedule ) New course Special topics course Course change Requesting Complete Fields 1-25 Complete Fields 1-3, 5-6 and 12-25 If you are making a course change, fill in only the fields that reflect proposed change. If the change encompasses the entire element, just list the change; for example, if you are changing the credits from 3 to 4, only list 4 credits. If you are adding or deleting items, please include all the information; for example, if you are adding a term the course will be offered, please list the current term along with the addition(s). For changes to fields 16-22, only the changes need to be listed. Please summarize the nature of the change(s). Liberal Education requested No Yes (If yes, please visit for information and Graduate credit requested No Yes (Attach addendum for 8xxx level courses only.) forms.) 1. Faculty Contact 2. Minimum Credits 3. Maximum Credits 4. Can a student register for this course more than once? (Excluding registration for improving a prior grade.) No Yes If yes: Maximum times student can register: Maximum number of credits: During the same term No Yes 5. Catalog Description (1100 character limit, including spaces.) 6. Grading Basis 7. Terms most frequently offered (Check all that apply.) 8. How often will the course be taught? 9. How this course will be delivered? A/F or Audit Med School P/N S/N or Audit Med School O/E/S Student Option (A/F, S/N or Audit) Fall Spring Summer Every Year Every Other Year Offered Periodically Completely Online (no face-to-face meetings) Primarily Online (1-3 face-to-face meetings) 2 (Check all that apply.) 10. How will the course be scheduled? _curric/curriculum/crse_comp.html Partly Online (4 of more face-to-face meetings) Face-to-Face (no online) Choose one option a. Discussion only b. Fieldwork only c. Independent Study only d. Lab only e. Lecture only f. Lab & Discussion g. Lecture & Discussion h. Lecture & Lab i. Lecture, Lab & Discussion IF f, g, h, or i, does registration in one automatically register the student in the other? No Yes 11. Is there a final exam? No Yes html 12. Prerequisites Please List: (Prerequisites will be enforced at registration; a specific grade in a prerequisite can be listed, but cannot be enforced at registration.) 13. Consent required (If you select department or instructor consent, a student must obtain a permission number regardless of the information entered in #12. It will be the responsibility of the person giving the permission number to assure all prerequisites listed in #12 have been met.) 14. Is the content equivalent to the content of any other course? 15. This course may require students to be absent from other courses for at least one class session. No Consent Required Department Instructor No Yes If yes, enter course(s) No Yes (If yes is chosen, addendum must be attached identifying what instructions are given to students for this provision.) 16. What is the rationale for proposing this course? 17. Conceptual outline and topics 3 18. Describe student learning outcomes and associated assessment methods. # Outcomes: state in measurable terms Assessment Methods: (Students completing this course will be able to): (Students will demonstrate outcome by): A B C D 19. Describe course instructional materials. 20. To make students more aware of their academic standing, please identify an example of an activity that will be graded before the end of the 6th week of the term (NA for Graduate Programs.) 21. How will your program(s) be affected by the proposed new course or course change? Programs must submit a separate request to change their program(s). Will this change affect any other department? If so, describe communications with the affected department(s). (See course mapping found at 22. Describe financial and staffing implications For question 23: In general, one student credit hour (SCH) or 50 minutes of classroom contact is equivalent to one contact hour (CH) per week to be assigned to the instructor. However, the Instructional Workload Protocol (12.20.11) document describes courses for which exceptions to this general statement have been approved. Additional information is found at: For a new course that deviates from the 1 SCH = 1 CH general rule, a request from the collegiate Dean to the Office of the EVCAA requesting an exception must accompany. 23. Instructor contact hours per week *NOTE: final approval of course fees is processed once per year through Phase II budgeting and all fees must be approved by the Board of Regents. If a course will meet in an ITSS lab more than two hours in a semester, the computer lab access fee must be assessed. 24. Will a computer access fee be requested? 25. Will a course fee be requested? No Yes If Yes, please describe No Yes If Yes, please describe 4