Radiation “101” Radiation Team Air Toxics, Radiation & Indoor Air Office (ATRIA) Mike Bandrowski Ed Snyder Shelly Rosenblum Agenda • Structure of the atom & radiation • Type of radiation potentially encountered in the field • Rad units • Health effects • Rad protection • Regulations & Limits Working With Your Community* Trust & Credibility: How To Build It How To Keep It *And living to talk about it! Ionizing Radiation • We’re talking about radiation which has sufficient energy to remove electrons from atoms. • Non-ionizing radiation does not have that kind of energy: radiowaves, visible light, low frequency electromagnetic fields. Ionizing Radiation ee- N N P+ N N P+ P+ P+ P+ N N P+ e- eee- Structure of the atom The atom is mostly “empty” space. P+ N The “empty” space is filled with charge fields. Hang onto these points. We’ll use them later when we talk about interaction with matter. e- The neutron N The neutron is a fusion of an electron and a proton. P+ N e- The nucleus Like charges repel. So strong forces must hold the nucleus together. The ratio of protons to N N P+ P+ P+ neutrons determines P+ P+ P+ P+ stability. N N N P+ P+ P+ P+ N Nuclei with too few or too many neutrons are unstable and will decay by giving off radiation, i.e. they’re radioactive. Radioactive decay N N P+ P+ P+ P+ P+ P+ P+ N N N P+ P+ N P+ Energy: gamma ray: an electromagnetic (EM) wave Fast moving particles: neutrons, protons, electrons We refer to that altering of the nucleus as a “disintegration” (even though it doesn’t completely disintegrate). Radiation / radioactivity • “Radiation” refers to the energy given off by an atom as it decays. The energy may be in the form of a gamma ray or fast moving particles. • “Radioactivity” refers to the act of decay (or disintegration) which results in radiation being given off, i.e. it’s active. Contamination • Refers to fine particles of a radioactive material on a person or an object. • May be removed by washing, grinding, etc. • Prevented by wearing protective clothing. Dress properly and remove properly. Forms of radiation • gamma: same as an x-ray but originates in the nucleus & more energy. This is an EM wave. (No charge) • beta: an electron emitted from the nucleus. (Charge of -1) (it’s small) • alpha: two protons (Charge of +2) & two neutrons (zero charge) (it’s the Orson Welles of particles) Neutron radiation • Emission of neutrons from the nucleus. • Does not generally result from normal spontaneous decay. • It results from fission. • Since it has no charge it penetrates long distances through matter. • Not encountered in contaminated site work (hopefully) or dirty bomb incidents. The atom, the solar system & things passing through. • Without the effects of gravity, the odds of an object passing through the solar system hitting the sun or a planet would be very small. • Without the effects of charges, the odds of a particle passing through an atom “hitting” the nucleus or an electron is small. Penetration of radiation • Atoms are mostly “empty” space. • Odds of a particle contacting another particle are small. • Charge fields responsible for most of the interaction between radiation and matter. • The greater the charge and the greater the mass, the greater the interaction with matter (the shorter the penetration distance). Penetration of radiation • The greater the interaction, the greater the transfer of energy. • The greater the transfer of energy, the greater the biological damage. Ionizing Radiation ee- N N P+ N N P+ P+ P+ P+ N N P+ e- eee- gamma • Essentially a high energy x-ray. No mass or “charge” but as an EM wave it interacts with electrons. • Penetrates many feet through matter. • Requires dense material for shielding – lots of lead. • Those rad suits you see in the movies? They prevent contamination not gamma penetration. beta • Negative charge of 1. Small particle • Penetrates inches through matter. • Can burn skin. • Protective clothing will shield beta particles. alpha • Positive charge of 2. Four large particles. • Won’t penetrate dead layer of skin. • Danger is inhalation of fine particles of alpha-containing material. • Radon decay products emit alpha. (later decay products can emit gamma) Protection from radiation • Time: preplanning to minimize time spent in radiation field. • Distance: all prep work should be located away from source. • Shielding: when possible. A car can provide shielding. Position it to put as much mass between you and the source. Storage drums, walls, dirt mounds, your partner… • Dosimetry: so you can track what ya got! Units of radioactivity How many disintegrations per second are going on in that material? i.e. How radioactive is it? Old Units 1 curie (Ci) = that amount of material in which 37 billion disintegrations per second are occurring. (1 gram of radium) New International Units 1 becquerel (Bq) = that amount of material in which 1 disintegration per second is occurring. Maria Skłodowska-Curie Maria Skłodowska-Curie (born Maria Skłodowska; known in France and most other countries as Marie Curie; November 7, 1867 – July 4, 1934) was a Polish-French physicist and chemist. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first twice-honored Nobel laureate (and still today the only laureate in two different sciences), and the first female professor at the Sorbonne. Antoine Henri Becquerel In 1896, while investigating phosphorescence in uranium salts, Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity. Investigating the work of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Becquerel wrapped a fluorescent mineral, potassium uranyl sulfate, in photographic plates and black material in preparation for an experiment requiring bright sunlight. However, prior to actually performing the experiment, Becquerel found that the photographic plates were fully exposed. This discovery led Becquerel to investigate the spontaneous emission of nuclear radiation. Radiation exposure roentgen (R) • It’s a measure of the ionizations of the molecules in a mass of air. • This can only be used to describe an amount of gamma and X-rays, and only in air. • One roentgen is equal to depositing in dry air enough energy to cause a charge of 2.58E4 coulombs (a unit of electric charge) per kg of air. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (March 27, 1845 – February 10, 1923) was a German physicist, of the University of Würzburg, who, on November 8, 1895, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as x-rays or Röntgen rays, an achievement that earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. Radiation dose Old Unit RAD (radiation absorbed dose) • Amount of energy deposited by any form of radiation in some material. • 1 rad = amount of radiation required to deposit 100 ergs of energy into some material. New Unit • Gray (Gy) • One gray is equivalent to 100 rads. Louis Harold Gray Louis Harold Gray (10 November 1905 - 9 July 1965) was a British physicist who worked mainly on the effects of radiation on biological systems, inventing the field of radiobiology as he went. Units related to health Old Unit (equivalent dose) rem (roentgen equivalent man) Product of absorbed dose multiplied by a quality factor which considers the radiation and the organ or tissue sensitivity. New Unit Sievert (Sy) 1 sievert = 100 rem Rolf Sievert, the man and the unit One of the main initiators of both ICRP and ICRU, 1929. Chairman of ICRP 1956 - 1962. Chairman of UNSCEAR 1958 - 1960. Professor at the Department of Medical Radiation Physics in Stockholm 1941 - 1965. Adapted from: The Health Physics Society: University of Michigan http://www.umich.edu/%7Eradinfo/introduction/natural.htm Source Newer International Units | Old Units Average annual effective dose equivalent microsievert (uSv) millirem (mrem) Inhaled (radon & decay products) 2000 200 Other internally deposited radionuclides 390 39 Terrestrial radiation 280 28 Cosmic radiation 270 27 Cosmogenic radioactivity 10 1 Rounded total from natural sources 3000 300 Rounded total from artificial sources 600 60 3600 360 Total How does radiation effect cells? • By altering electron configuration of cellular atoms, radiation affects cell chemistry. • Directly affects DNA and other molecules. • Indirectly by creating free radicals from H20 which attack DNA or other molecules. High dose health effects rem Health Effect 5-10 50 55 70 75 90 100 400 1000 changes in blood chemistry. nausea fatigue vomiting hair loss diarrhea hemorrage death destruction of intestinal lining internal bleeding death damage to central nervous system loss of consciousness death 2000 Time to Onset hours 2-3 weeks within 2 months 1-2 weeks minutes hours to days Low dose cancer risk model Linear No Threshold Model Linear Threshold Model Used by EPA and most regulatory agencies. Risk of Cancer 0 No risk Dose Low dose cancer risk model Risk of Cancer 0 Dose Regulations & Limits • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) – Worker: 18 year-old male: 5 rem/year – Worker: pregnant woman: 500 millirem (mrem) during pregnancy • EPA – NESHAP for public from DOE facilities: 10 millirem/year – Administrative Levels for EPA Workers: <50mrem/quarter; <500mrem/year; >50mrem/quarter triggers some discussion. So … How much is safe? Questions? Thanks for your attention!