First EUTERP Platform Workshop Spanish approach RADIATION PROTECTION EDUCATION&TRAINING SYSTEM IN SPAIN M. Marco1, M. Rodríguez2, M. Rodríguez-Suárez1, J. Hernández-Armas3, R. Villarroel2 1.-SEPR-CIEMAT , 2.-CSN 3.-Universidad de La Laguna Spanish radiation protection education and training programmes provide a consistent an integrated educational model different levels of responsibilities Initial training programmes are well established since 1972 Occupational exposed workers are required to have individual certifications, based on personal licences Training is an important tool for upgrading competence for radiation exposed workers and one of the bases for the optimisation programmes NATIONAL CONTEXT Regulatory framework • Nuclear Safety Council Acts • General Regulations on: Nuclear and Radioactive Facilities, Health Protection against Ionizing Radiation, Medical X-Ray and Emergency Preparedness. • Technical Instructions • Summary of main requirements Licensees shall develop and maintain knowledge and training of workers in Radiation Protection Radiation Protection Services (SPR) and Technical Units (UTPR) Individual certification for: operators and supervisors of facilities, experts and responsible for SPRs and UTPRs RP of external workers Certification of entities that provide RP knowledge/training Training in emergency response Regulatory approach •Operators and Supervisors of radioactive facilities. Individual certificate (license) CSN Knowledge/experience requirements. Training program: CSN Safety Guide 5.12. Different (5) application fields Courses certified by CSN Available at more than 20 entities CSN certification of RP curses in official education programs to obtain academic degrees Regulatory approach •Personnel of X-Ray medical diagnosis facilities. Decrees on: Set up and use of X-Ray facilities (1991) and Quality Criteria for radio-diagnosis (1999) Individual certification for management personnel and operators Certification released by entities certified to provide training CSN Resolution (1992) establishes requirements for courses Available more than 30 certified entities Regulatory approach • Outside workers at Nuclear Facilities Decree on operational RP of outside workers (1997) CSN Instruction (IS-06). Drafted by working group CSN-UNESA. Defines basic RP knowledge, specific knowledge of the plant and training programs outside companies responsible for basic training . Nuclear licensees responsible for specific training of each facility. Regulatory approach • Radiation Protection Services and Technical Units CSN Instruction (IS-03): requirements & training program Specialized services in RP to advise licensees Heads of SPR and UTPR Certification from CSN as RP Expert: Highest qualification level required. Technical staff of SPR/UTPR: Qualification required (IS-03). certification released by RP Expert Ciemat: High level RP Curse ( QE) Regulatory approach • Other exposed personnel (non-licensed) of facilities Licensees required to develop and maintain knowledge and training in Radiation Protection Radiation Protection Manual (license document approved by CSN) includes provisions for RP training. Facility's RP Experts or Supervisors are responsible for it • Emergency Order of the Council of Ministers (EU Directive 89/618/Euratom) National Emergency Basic Plan and On-site / Off-site Emergency Plans Annual programs: curses, training, exercises, drills Authorities, licensees and intervention services Requirements Supervisor/ license Nuclear Sector Operators/license Training and Experience Professional Background experience requested Sciences degree, 3 years engineer or equivalent Univ. Degree 2 years D. Technician RP Professional education Radiation protection High Univ. Degree officer on Sciences Industrial, medical and research Sector Medical Sector Operators (license) Professional education, Technical School Supervisor (license) Univ. Degree on Sciences Radiation protection High Univ. Degree officer on sciences Technical expert on RP Professional education, Technical School Operators (license/ accreditation-RX) Health professionals and technicians Doctors / Degree on sciences High Univ. Degree on sciences Supervisor (license accreditation-RX)) RX –radiation protection officer medical physics High Univ. Degree expert /radiophysics on sciences 3 years Specific training 18m, specific course + evaluation 1 year of specific training + evaluation 40h specific course + evaluation Advanced RP course 300h -+ evaluation - 30-46 h specific course + evaluation - 35-54 h specific course + evaluation Advanced RP course 300h -+ evaluation 3 years - 75 h specific course + evaluation 1 week specific course 1 week specific course 6 month 3 years Advanced RP course 300h -+ evaluation National evaluation/specific regulation License/RX accreditation: Supervisors professionals who supervises the operation of a radioactive installation and guarantees the application of technical specifications, regulations, emergency plans etc. Operators professionals who operates in a radioactive facility under the supervision of the facility supervisor. Radiation Protection Education and Training in Health Environments in Spain • X-Ray Facilities – General RadioDiagnostic – Interventionism Dental X-ray facilities Doctors: X-ray directors, minimum 25 hours Technical personnel and nurses: X-ray operators, minimum 24 hours Dentists: Dental X-ray directors, minimum 18 hours All courses include both theory and practice (hands-on training) Radiation Protection Education and Training in Health Environments in Spain • Radiotherapy facilities including: – LINAC – 60Co – X-ray Surface Therapy – Braquitherapy • Nuclear Medicine Facilities including: Doctors: X-ray supervisors, minimum 54 hours Technical personnel and nurses: X-ray operators, minimum 46 hours – Metabolic therapy (131I) All courses include both theory and practice (hands-on training) Radiation Protection Education and Training in Health Environments in Spain • X-Ray and Radioactive Facilities: – Local Radiation Protection Head (if required by the regulating In large Hospitals, the RP Head must be a Medical Physics Expert. organisation) – External Radiation Protection Head In small instalations, the RP Head can be someone that has succesfully passed a capacitation course. The capacitation course involves a minimum of 350 hours plus an examination RADIO-THERAPY NON SEALLED SOURCE RADIOLOGY SUPERVISORS LABORATORY • BASIC AREA: • 1. Atomic and nuclear structure and radioactivity 2 h. 2 h. 2 h. • 2. Production and interaction of radiation 2 h. 2 h. 2 h. • 3. Radiological quantities and units. Shields 3 h. 3 h. 3 h. • 4. Fundamentals of radiation detection 4 h. 4 h. 4 h. • 5. Radiobiology: biological effects 2 h. 2 h. 2 h. • 6. Radiation Protection. General criteria 1 h. 1 h. 1 h. • 7. Operational Radiological proteccion 1 h. 1 h. 1 h. • 8. National and European regulations 2 h. 2 h. 2 h. • 9. Evaluation and exercises 1 h. 1 h. • 10. Practical sessions and seminars 14 h. 14 h. 14 h. • TOTAL (Basic area): 32 h 32 h 32 h • SPECIFIC AREA: • 11. SPECIFIC AREA: uses, bilogical effects and associated risks, radiation protection operation, design and specific normative 10 h. • 12. Specific practical sessions 10-14 . » TOTAL aprox: 1 h. 57 h. Basic syllabus for the Technical Qualified Expert on RP (2002) » hours • MODULE 1: BAS IC ATO MIC AN D NUCLEAR PHYSICS 6 • MODULE 2: QUANTITIES AND UNITS 2 • MODULE 3: RADIO LOGICAL EQUIPM ENT 6 • MODULE 4: DETECTION, MEASUREMENT M ETHODS 8 • MODULE 5: IONISING RAD. RISKS . BIO LOGICAL EFFECTS 4 • MODULE 6 : RADIOLOGICAL PROTEC TIO N 11 • MODULE 7: Legal framework 6 • DETECTION AND MEASUREMENT METHODS 12 • OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION 6 • RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION IN MEDICAL FACILITIES(NUCLEAR MEDICINE, RADIOTHERAPY, X-RAY) 13 • seminars 1 • TOTAL HOURS: 75 LAB j obs: Radiation Radiation Protection Protection advanced advanced course course QUALIFIED QUALIFIED EXPERT EXPERT on on RP RP basic basic module module 130hours 130hours occupational occupational exposure exposure industry industry and and nuclear nuclear area, area, exposure Public Public and and environmental environmental exposure 50 50 hours. hours. 60 60 hours hours medical medical exposure 60 hours Future • Use of new IT technologies • Recent developments • WEB site containing all training materials for Certified radiation protection curses. 5 especialities (source uses) x 2 level (operator, supervisor) 3 especialities (Med. X-Ray ) x 2 level (operator, manager) • Computer assisted RP course for large facilities outside workers. • Mixed e-learning/face-to face courses ( b-learning) • Harmonization of UE requirements on RP qualifications. RADIATION PROTECTION E-TRAINING FOR EXPOSED WORKERS CONTENT: FLASH multimedia (tutorial): auto-learning 4 MODULES WITH AUTOEVALUATION: 1.PHYSICAL CONCEPS 2.LEGAL ASPECTS. 3.RISKS. PROTECTION. 4.PRACTICAL SESSION. EXAM HOURS 12 (To be done in 1 or 2 weeks) TARGET GROUP Exposed workers TUTOR Yes EVALUATION METHOD COMPLETE MODULES (moodle platform) FEEDBACK (e.mail, chat, telephono, etc) EXAM (platform): 20 test questions in 1 hour (70%) COURSE CUESTIONARE Survey (moodle platform) FINAL INFORM Yes COURSES 2007 1ª 2ª 3ª 4ª 5º 6º 7ª 8ª 9ª 10ª TOTAL: 10 STUDENTS Fechas 11 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 TOTAL: 182 18/04-04/05 28/05-08/06 18/06-29/06 17/09-28/09 24/09-05/10 15/10-26/10 15/10-26/10 12/11-23/11 12/11-23/11 10/12-21/12 ASSITANCE MATERIAL: BASIC RP E-TRAINING HELP: MULTIMEDIA ASSITANCE FAQs DIDACTIC GUIDELINES TUTOR WELCOME CONTENT: BASIC RP E-TRAINING COMUNICATION TOOL: MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION: MODULE 1 TUTOR EMAIL MODULE 3 EXERCISES: selfEVALUATION. PRACTICAL SESSION: multimedia interactive material Ej: VIDEO MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION: MODULE 2 STUDENT TRACKING: CIEMAT BASIC RP ETRAINING MODULE STUDY TIME COURSE EVALUATION: CIEMAT BASIC RP ETRAINING RESULTS OF COURSE SURVEY EXAM RESULTS CONNECTION TIME METHODOLOGY: 90 % GOOD STUDENT SUCCESS: 100% PLATFORM: 70% GOOD/VERY GOOD CONTENT: 90% SUITABLE MARK: 8,32 (7,10) COMMENTS: NEVER FEEL ALONE CONCLUSIONS Spain has a solid and integrated RP educational model, which takes into account the variety of applied fields and the different levels of responsibilities. RP training courses are designed, organised, implemented and up-dated by CIEMAT and other institutions since 1964. In the medical sector, special educational programme, practical training and specific accreditation are established for experts on medical physics. Initial and continuous training for Experts on Medical Physics must be improved. It is necessary: To improve: continuous, refresher and on the job training specially in the medical sector in the industrial and To standardise training material To develop and implement new multimedia tools for each level of training To set up and promote distance learning as a training tool for those people unable to attend conventional learning institutions. who are European harmonisation of RP educational programmes have to be carried out, specially in the accreditation and recognition requirements of training. THANK YOU