Writing 2 Practice 2

‫نسيت أقول الباب ‪ 8‬ليس معنا‬
‫صارو‪( ):‬ليس معنا‬
‫‪Practice on all‬‬
‫)‪(L 1. 2. 3. 7.9‬‬
 Write
a paragraph in 2 of the
following topics, using the
following rules:
1.The three part of the paragraph.
Introduction- body-conclusion
2. Capitalization. 3. Punctuations.
4. transitions
1. choose from Try it out – questions in (p: 9)
give it a title.
 2. Your grand brother or sister in your life.
)His/her name – job- talents- favorite thingsWhy you love him/her- how s/he helps youwhat do you do with each other in your free
Use These time order and comma:
At the beginning- First,
second and third…
Later… next- soon- after that..
before the
During the…at the beginning
of the.. Then
Finally, at last
A film you watched on TV in the week end
 Praying(before- middle- end)
Islam builds on 5npillars. One of them is
prayers. To pray you should first , as Muslim
must purify his body. Second, stand toward
ge’bla. Say in the name of Allah the most
Merciful the most Gracious. The recite secretly
or loudly some chapters form Holy Quran after
two raqats I knelt and ask Allah for forgiveness,
then I sit and recite tashahod. Finally, stand and
complete my/your prayer.
Use coordinating conjunctions and comma:
Insert:( and/but/so/or.. in the following
I am tired. I couldn’t sleep last night,
Would you mind buy me coffee. buy me tea
I didn’t find a bus. I walked.
I met Nada. I met Abeer.
----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.Mona always cooks sweet, and she cooks
pizza -CS
2.my parents give me money, and love- SS
I am going to tell you about the horrible event
that happened to me last week. While I was
shopping I suddenly felt as if there is someone
putting his hand in my handbag. I am so afraid
that may be a thief trying to steal the money I
withdrew just now from the bank. I cried loudly,
people from here and there came asking me what
is wrong with you?. I hold my breath. Start
speaking, th..ere.. Is a thief trying to steal my
money. They gazed to my face where is the thief,
my sister close my mouth crying haaay that is me
trying to tell you I am also in the market. We both
laugh and left.
:(what is the paragraph is
 supporting sentences
 Concluding sentence
(summary of topic sentence)
Home work: 13 till ends
Read B(1.2.3)
then choose the suitable from
2. Read C (a,b,c) then
determine the topic sentences,
controlling idea and write the
topic sentence
1.Living in small apartment(house) has many
1.easy to clean
2. not expensive in renting
3. few furniture
4. not need a servant
5. little electricity for AC.
Attends all lecterues
Write my lectures
Do homework's, assignment and
Study hard before and during exam
1.Visit optical doctors regularly
2. Use healthy food and drinks .
3. Don’t use mobile , computer, Tv for a long
4. Protect eyes from dust and the Sun.
5. wash your face many times a day.
1)-Attending hajj needs many practices as are
given by Islamism's rules.
For example, the Muslim should start Ihram by
purifying and wearing white clothes without
sewing for men.
Another rule,keep saying Allah Akbar
Another rule:go to Mecca circle Kabba, and to
Safa and Marwa mountain running 7 times
Choose a topic from try it out (P:43)
Write a topics sentences and conclusion
using conclusion words and phrases for
these topics:
1. Disadvantages of growing
up in small town
2.Ways of studying
3.Travel abroad
Date: ____________________________________
To: ______________________________________
From: ____________________________________
Re: Marciela Perez
(A)-Compare means(:give the sameness)
And the signals are(as., just as..like…..............)
(B)- Contrast means(to give the differences)
And the signals are(but, yet, although, differ)
What are the two ways of organizing contrast
and compare paragraphs:
1- block (how)
2- point by point (how)
 Two
varieties of English under line
the signals
2. Fresh fruits and vegetables taste delicious.
Canned one are tasteless
a. Fresh fruits and vegetables are health, but
canned are not and cause cancer.
b. Fresh fruits and vegetable are cost more than
canned but they are health
fresh fruits and v. Live long, but canned have
expire dat
3. Eating well and exercising will keep you in good
health. Exercising by itself will not.
b. __________________________________________
Do C. using signals are given
Then write an essay in the 2 from the 4 topics
1. Reasons of studying English in Arabic
Balance foods
Living in a big Cities Advantages and
Reading skills builds other language skills
NB: (follow the 3 structures of essay)
1-2-3-4 (P:152) are thesis
1. _________________________