Applied Linguistics

Applied Linguistics
3 Modules__ each module has 7 units
• Module One: contains(7 units) as follows:
1.Definition of Applied Linguistics
2. Theory of LL
3. The native Speaker & Applied Linguistics.
4. The 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition
5. Social influence in language Learning
6.Individual Differences in Language Learning
7.Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics
Unit 1.Definition of Applied Linguistics(AL)
Page (22-30) –slide 1-22
Applied Linguistics is:
* interested mainly in language problems.
• A tool to solve and improve social problem that
concern language.
• It answers the following Questions:
a. how we can teach language better?
b. What type of individual differences in LL?
c. What are the social influences affect LL?
d. How to prepare an up- to- date language
5. How can help and advice ministry of ed.
Official, planners and stake holders in designing
a suitable curriculum for various group of people
and communities?
Some scholars define AL as:
1. Brumfit (1977:33): “AL is a theoretical and
empirical investigation of real world
problems in wc language is a central issue.
2.. Grabe ( 2000: 9) says:
“AL. tries to resolve people L based problems
encounter in real world” as: ( learners, teachers,
supervisors, academics, lawyers, service
providers, those who need social services, test
makers, policy developers, dictionary makers,
translators and other clients). He distinguished
bw theory and practice.
3. Schmitt & celce- Murcia (2002:1) say:
“AL. uses what we know about:* language, *
how it is learned, * how it used in order to
achieve some purposes or solve some problems
in real worlds”
Davis and Edler (2006:11) observe :
“AL: is a coherent activity which theories through
speculative and empirical investigations real
world problems in which language is a central
1. History of Applied Linguistics:
The History of AL. which studies, improves LT
and LL, L planning, management of L handicap,
comm. bw groups origin is started:
1. In USA by its teaching programme during &
after 2nd world war.
2. Grabe: (2000)said: “it influenced by early
European Direct Method {he followed
Bloomfield’s out line guide practical study of
foreign L.
3.2 AL. History in Different Countries
1. In USA: (1948)
Started at Michigan Univ. by a conference organized by
(Charles,C. , Fries, Kennth L., Pike and Freeman.A., this
conference issued and founded a quarterly Journal of
Applied Linguistics.
2. In UK : (1956):
At Univ. of Edinburh
They established in 1956 a school of AL. by
Cartford at Edinburgh Univ, and a centre of AL
BAAL(British Association of Apllied
Linguistics) established in 1967.. USA. in Washington, DC by: Charles
Ferguson. Then national associations of AL.
came together in 1964 they also, meet every
four years in an international congress
In a symposium held in US A at Association of AL
in St Louis, Davis, Edler 2006 discussed that
Angelis(2001) summaries history in 4 divisions
as follows:
1. The roots of AL. have identified in North
2. Therefore, North America has evolved
overtime in its orientation and scope, so it
has North American linguistics.
3. North America linguists directed real
amounts of works to the world.
4. They create ground to what is known as AL.
Finally. Angelis noted that until 1990s there were much
language activities with out reference to linguistics.
• In Ustralia (McNamara:2001) points out that
different Australian’s AL. in contrast differ
from the ones of USA and UK.. Bc, it made AL
of modern Language its target for teaching
materials and writing systems was focus on.
• They were influenced by Europe and USA not
UK and it came in mother tongue teaching to
immigrant E as L2.
Also,in Australia;
• In 1980s EFL and British tradition came to
• AL in Australia concerns with education with
regard to the new migrant languages and
literacy in English.
Davis & Edler (2001) note that AL is
about language teaching
• They both give the differences bw AL and LA as
defined by Widdoson as follows:
• LA : thro’ it the problem can be resolved and
reform by direct unilateral (single) application
(program) of concepts and term just by linguistics
inquiry, ie: language problem can be solved thro’
linguistics solutions.
LA: It tries to explain and test theories about
language itself, not to solve language problem in
real world.
LA: use Language data to develop learners
linguistics knowl about language
AL : the intervention(involvement) in it, is
crucially has to relate and reconcile(suitable)
different representations of reality including
that of linguistics without excluding others.
AL: look beyond language to explain and solve
social problems.
AL: Study language problem in order to correct
3.3 Sub- fields of AL
1. 2nd Language Acquisition
2. L A assessment and Testing
3. L. Policy and Planning
4. Lexicography
5. Multilinguism
6. Corpus Linguistics
+ (Psycholinguistics- Education- SociolinguisticsEnglish Studies- Discourse studies)
Other add Forensic Linguistic( language and law)
They also, add CALL(computer Assisted
language learning)
• These addition disciplines ( fields) show how
AL is a growing field,
The following are the definition of these subfields:
Defining some sub fields as follows:
A) 1.2nd L acquisition: theory deals with:
• Age of mental involvement
• Quantity of input(that determine the ultimate
attainment(ability)(page 27)
B) L Assessment & Testing:
Seeking for development and implementation of
frameworks to describe students’ progress in LL
thro’ time.(helps institutes to invest in their
C. Language policy and Planning
It deals with:- Analysis of policy making (L is a part)
- Language problems.
- Involve rival (competition) interests(ethnic
relation, political, social, bureaucratic and
class grouping (thro’ doing policy and planning
research) searching for non-linguistics
d. Lexicography (invent dictionaries)
• It deals with:
- FL and L2 learning and teaching at all ages and
levels of ed.
- Writing and study of dictionaries for 1st , 2nd
and FL ed.
- Involves mono- bi- lingual (one L) and
multilingual(many L) works and general
childern’s school, college and specialized
technical dictionaries.
E. Multilingualism:(many language)
• Is the use of more than one language within a
speech community.
F. Corpus Linguistics(group):
It aims to improve language description and
theories and stubs(cut)
- It seeks for accuracy in description of L.
- Helps to assess the relevance of the L
description of L use.
3.4 on the interdisciplinary(learning fields) nature of AL
and Relevance to language teaching:
- AL: a branch of linguistics that concerned with
practical applications of language studies, with
regards to communicative function of L.
- It involves:
1. Lexicography
2. Terminology
3. General and technical translation.
4. Language teaching.
5. Writing
6. Interpretation
7. Computer and lexicography
And above all as noted by Douglas (2003) : AL has a
close association with SL and FL teaching.
End of Unit 1
Exercise 1
1. Define Applied Linguistis?
2. What are the functions of Applied Linguitics?
3. Compare bw AL and LA?
Summary of the Previous Unit:
1. The focuse of AL is trying to solve L problems
that people face in real life.
2. AL refers to application of linguistics to the study
and improve LT. LL. LP. Management of
3. In 1948 LL: a quarterly AL Journal was
started at MTch univ. by Charles C. Fries
supported by
Kennth L. Pike and W.
Freeman to disseminate info. About work at
Fries L institute
Summary 2
4. In UK a school of AL was established by J. c.
Cartford at Univ. Of Edinburgh.