
European Computer Driving
Module 3 – Word Processing
Chapter 3.6 - Tables
Inserting a table
Z Open the Table menu, select
Insert, Table
Z The Insert table dialogue
box appears
Z Key in the number of
columns and rows required
Z Click OK
Z An empty table will appear
on screen
Typing text into a table
Z Click in the first cell, type in
text required
Z To move to the next cell on
the right, click in it (or press
the right arrow key once)
Z You can also use the Tab key
to move from one cell to the
Z Don’t worry if text goes onto
more than one line – that will
be sorted later!
Selecting Cells
Z To select the whole table,
click Table, Select, Table (or
click and drag across the
whole table)
Z To select a row, click next to
the row in the left margin (or
click and drag across the
Z To select a column, move the
pointer above the column
until it changes to an arrow
then click
Z To select a cell select Table,
Select, Cell (or triple-click
inside the cell)
Modifying Row Height
Z Select the whole table
(Table, Select, Table)
Z Select Table again from the
menu and click Table
Z Click the Row Tab, click
Specify height and type in
measurement required
Z Click OK
Merging table cells
Z Select the cells to be merged
Z From the Table menu select
Merge Cells
Z Click the Centre align icon
Z The text will centre itself
within the selected cells
Formatting text in cells
Z Select the cell(s) you want to
Z Click on the Bold, Italics,
centre or other options of
your choice
Z To shade cells, select the
required cells
Z From the Format menu
select Borders and Shading
Z Click the Shading tab and
click the colour required
Z Click OK
Changing Cell Borders
Z Click anywhere in the table
Z Open the Format menu and
select Borders and Shading
Z Click the Borders tab
Z Select All
Z If you needed to you could
change the line width or
colour from here!
Z Click OK
Inserting and deleting rows and
Z To insert a row, click inside
the row above where you
want the row to appear
Z Open the Table menu, select
Row then Rows Below
Z To delete a row, click inside
the row to be deleted
Z Open the Table menu, select
Delete then Row
Z Note you can insert or delete
a column by selecting
column instead of row!
Changing column widths
Z To change a column width,
move the mouse pointer to
the right border of the column
until a double arrow appears
Z Click and drag to change the
Z To change a column width to
a specific measurement
Select the column
Select Table then Table
Click on the Column tab
Click next to Preferred
Width and type in
Click OK
Centring Text Vertically
Z Select the whole table
Z Right click anywhere in the
table and select Table
Z Move the mouse pointer over
Cell alignment
Z Select the middle icon to
centre text horizontally and
The final result …..