Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of higher education EE 205 (A) Q.1 Assemble the circuit in figure below : Majma’ah University College of Engineering Final Exam , Time : 60 min ( 10 marks ) Instructor Signature Q.2 Use digital multimeter to measure the current 𝐼0 , and the voltage 𝑉0 . ( 8 marks ) Instructor Signature Dr. Tarek Said Eng. Abdullah AL-Jumah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of higher education EE 205 (A) Majma’ah University College of Engineering Final Exam , Time : 60 min Q.3 Calculate the power consumed in each resistor. ( 4 marks ) Q.4 Find the equivalent resistor for this circuit . ( 3 marks ) Q.5 We need 𝑉0 to be 5.3 V, what should be the value of voltage source to achieve this new value of voltage ? ( 3 marks ) Dr. Tarek Said Eng. Abdullah AL-Jumah Majma’ah University College of Engineering Final Exam , Time : 60 min Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of higher education EE 205 (A) Q6. The above graph shows two overlapping sine waves. The oscilloscope is set as follows: TIME/DIV knob is set to: 50 μs VOLTS/DIV knob on channel 1 is set to: 10V VOLTS/DIV knob on channel 2 is set to: 5Mv a) If the blue waveform is on channel 1 and the red waveform is on channel 2, what are the following values for each? ( 10 marks ) Blue Waveform Red Waveform VPP VP VRMS Period (T) Frequency (F) b) What is the phase difference between the red and blue waveforms? Dr. Tarek Said ( 2 marks ) Eng. Abdullah AL-Jumah