Chapter 7 (Model Assessment and Selection )

Chapter 7
(Model Assessment and Selection )
발표 일자 : 2004년 7월 15일
발 표 자:정보혜
Model Assessment and Selection
1. Introduction
2. Bias, Variance and Model Complexity
3. The Bias-Variance Decomposition
4. Optimism of the Training Error Rate
5. Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error
6. The Effective Number of Parameter
7. The Bayesian Approach and BIC
8. Minimum Description Length
9. Vapnik-Chernovenkis Dimension
10. Cross-Validation
11.Bootstrap Methods
1. Introduction
◆ Model Assessment and Selection
-Model Selection: estimating the performance of different models in order to
choose the (approximate) best one.
-Model Assessment: having chosen a final model, estimating its prediction error
(generalization error) on new data.
Assessment of performance guides the choice of learning method or model,
And gives us a measure of the quality of the ultimately chosen model.
2. Bias, Variance and Model Complexity
◆Test error (generalization error) : the
expected prediction error over an
independent test sample.
◆Training Error : the average loss the
training sample.
-Model becomes more complex
 decrease in bias
increase in variance
In between there is an optimal model
complexity that gives minimum test
3. The Bias-Variance Decomposition
The expected prediction error of a regression fit
using squared-error loss:
at an input point
-For the K-nearest-neighbor regression fit:
The number neighbors k is inversely related to the model complexity.
Increase in k (complexity decrease)  bias increase , variance decrease
3. The Bias-Variance Decomposition
-For a linear model fit by least squares:
is the N-vector of linear weights that produce the fit
and hence
This variance changes with x0 ,its average is
In-sample error is
Model complexity is directly elated to the number of parameters p.
3. The Bias-Variance Decomposition
-For a ridge regression fit :
Variance term-the linear weights are different.
Bias termLet
denote the parameters of the best-fitting linear approximation to f:
The average squared bias :
The average squared model bias is the error between the best-fitting linear approximation and the true
function. The average squared estimation bias is the error between the average estimate
the best fitting linear approximation.
3. The Bias-Variance Decomposition
Figure shows the bias-variance
The model space is the set of all
linear predictions from p inputs.
“closest fit” is
The large yellow circle indicates
A shrunken or regularized fit (to fit a
model fewer predictors, or regularize
the coefficients by shrinking them
toward zero) has an additional
estimation bias, but it has smaller
3. The Bias-Variance Decomposition
3.1 Example :Bias-Variance Tradeoff
Prediction error (red) , squared bias
(green) and variance (blue).
The top row is regression with squared
error loss: The bottom row is
classification with 0-1 loss.
The variance and bias curves are the
same in regression and classification,
but the prediction error curve is different.
This means that the best choices of
tuning parameters may differ in the two
4. Optimism of the Training Error Rate
err <Err
Because the same data is being used to fit the method and assess its error.
In-sample error
The Ynew notation indicates that we observe N new response values at each of the training points xi, ,
Err is “extra-sample” error.
Err= E(Errin)
For squared error, o-1, and other loss functions.
4. Optimism of the Training Error Rate
In summary,
-example (least squares linear fit):
And so,
d↑  op↑
N↑  op ↓
-An obvious way to estimate prediction error is to estimate the optimism and
then add it to the training error rate err. (AIC, BIC and others)
5. Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error
The general form of the in-sample estimates:
Cp (fit under squared error loss)
is an estimate of the noise variance, obtained from the mean-squared error of a low-bias
AIC (fit under log-likelihood loss)
is a family of densities for Y (containing “true” density),
estimate of , and “loglik” is the maximized log-likelihood:
It relies on a relationship similar to (7.20) that holds asymptotically as
is the maximum-likelihood
5. Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error
-for the Gaussian model (with variance
assumed known), the AIC
statistic is equivalent to Cp. ▶
Choose the model giving smallest AIC over the set of models considered.
For nonlinear and other complex models, replace d by some
measure of model complexity.
Given a set of models
indexed by a tuning parameters ,denote by
. The training error and number of parameters for each model.
We define
If we have a total of p inputs, and we choose the best-fitting linear model
with d<p inputs, the optimism will exceed
5. Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error
6. The Effective Number of Parameter
A linear fitting method
Where S is an
matrix depending on the input vectors x i but not on yi .
Then the effective number of parameters is defined as
-If S is an orthogonal-projection matrix onto a basis set spanned by M
features, then trace(S)=M.
trace(S) is exactly the correct quantity to replace d as the number of
parameters in the Cp statistic.
7. The Bayesian Approach and BIC
 BIC (The Bayesian information criterion)
-Under the Gaussian model (assuming the variance
is known)
-2∙ loglik =
(which is
for squared error loss)
BIC ∝ AIC (Cp) with the factor 2 replaced by log N.
BIC tends to penalize complex models more heavily than AIC when
7. The Bayesian Approach and BIC
 The Bayesian approach to model selection
Suppose we have a set candidate models Mm,m=1,…,M and corresponding
model parameters
, and we wish to choose a best model from among
them. Assuming we have a prior distribution
for the parameters of
each model Mm.
-the posterior probability of a given model
Where Z represents the training data {xi , yi}N1 .
-the posterior odds
If odds>1 , then choose model m, otherwise choose model l .
The contribution of the data toward the posterior odds
7. The Bayesian Approach and BIC
As N∞ under some regularity conditions.
For loss function
, this is equivalent to the BIC criterion.
∴ Choosing the model with minimum BIC is equivalent to choosing the model
with largest (approximate) posterior probability.
N ∞ , BIC will select the correct model approaches one
N ∞ , AIC tens to choose models which are too complex
But, for finite samples, BIC often chooses models that are too simple, because
of its heavy penalty on complexity.
8. Minimum Description Length
The theory of coding for data
If messages are sent with probabilities Pr (zi) , i=1,2,…, use code lengths li=
-log2Pr(zi) and
Model selection
We have a model M with parameters , and data
consisting of both
inputs and outputs. Let the probability of the outputs under the model be
-Choose the model that minimizes Length.
Minimizing description length is equivalent to maximizing posterior probability.
9. Vapnik-Chernovenkis Dimension
Definition of The VC dimension
The VC dimension of the class {f (x, α )} is defined to be the largest number of
points ( in some configuration) that can be shattered by numbers of {f (x, α )}
The VC dimension is a way of measuring the complexity of a class of functions by
assessing how wiggly its members can be.
This is a very wiggly function that gets
even rougher as the frequency
Α increases, but it has only one
In general, a linear indicator function
In p dimensions has VC dimension
p+1, Which is also the number of free
9. Vapnik-Chernovenkis Dimension
-If we fit N training points using a class of functions {f(x, α)} having VC
dimension h, then with probability at least 1- η over training sets:
The bounds agreement with the AIC .
But, the result in (7.41)are stronger.
-SRM approach fit s a nested sequence of models of increasing VC dimensions
h1<h2 <…, and then chooses the mode with the smallest value of the upper
-drawback of SRM approach is the difficulty in calculating the VC dimension of
a class of functions.
9. Vapnik-Chernovenkis Dimension
◆ 9.1 Example
Boxplots show the distribution of
the relative error
Over the four scenarios of figure
This is the error in using the
chosen model relative to the best
The AIC seems to work well in all
four scenarios, despite the lack of
theoretical support with 0-1 loss.
BIC dose nearly as well, while the
performance of SRM is mixed.
10. Cross-Validation
A method of estimating the extra-sample error Err directly.
K-fold cross validation
be an indexing function that indicates the partition to which
observation i is allocated by the randomization.
is the fitted function with the kth part of the data removed.
-The cross-validation estimate of prediction error:
The case K=N is known as leave-one-out cross-validation.
What value shoud we choose for K?
K smaller  more bias, less variance
K larger  less bias, more variance
10. Cross-Validation
The prediction error and tenfold
cross-validation curve estimated
from a single training set.
Both curves have minima at p=10,
although the CV curve is rather flat
Beyond 10.
“one-standard error” rule:
To choose the most parsimonious
model whose error is no more than
one standard error above the error
of the best model.
Here it looks like a model with abot
p=9 predictors would be chosen,
While true model uses p=10.
10. Cross-Validation
Generalized cross-validation
-Linear predictor:
for many linear fitting methods:
-The GCV approximation:
as an approximation to the leave one-out (K=N) cross-validation for the linear
predictor under squared error loss.
The similarity between GCV and AIC can be seen from the approximation
11.Bootstrap Methods
◆ The Bootstrap process
We wish to assess the statistical
accuracy of a quantity S(Z) computed
from a our dataset.
B training sets each of size N are
drawn with replacements from the
original data set. The quantity of
interest S(Z) is computed from each
bootstrap training set, and the values
are used to assess the
statistical accuracy of S(Z).
11.Bootstrap Methods
-For example, Estimate of the variance of S(Z)
 Monte-Carlo estimae of the variance of S(Z) under sampling from the empirical
distribution function for the data
◆ Bootstraping the prediction prediction error
is the predicted value at , from the model fitted to the bth bootstrap
- Bootstrap samples act as the ‘training “ sample
- original samples act as the ‘test’ sample
 under estimate Err due to the overlap of the ‘training’ sample & the ‘test’
11.Bootstrap Methods
◆ Leave –one-out bootstrap
is the set of indices of the bootstrap samples b that do not contain
observation I, and
is the number of such samples.
is biased upward as an estimate of Err.
The average number of distinct observations in each bootstrap sample is about
◆ 0.632 bootstrap estimate
11.Bootstrap Methods
Figure shows the results of fivefold
cross validation and the 0.632+
bootstrap estimate in the same four
problems of figure 7.7.
Both measures perform well overall,
perhaps the same or slightly worse
that the AIC in figure 7.7