Government 2301 Exam II Study Guide.doc

Government 2301 Exam II Study Guide
How are interest groups different from political parties?
political action committees
interest group theories
public interest groups and examples of them
economic interest groups and examples of them
governmental interest groups and earmarking
A lobbyist's effectiveness depends on _____
Interest group ratings of representatives and senators
The news media
major news source for Republicans
citizen journalists
Origin of the internet
press release
press briefing
press conference
LEAST media friendly branch of government
The freedom of the press is a concept rooted in the _____ Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
Most people get their information about politics from
recent study conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center
media framing
the Texan Creed
main Texas ideologies
2010, population of Texas
Origin of the name Texas
largest ethnic minority in Texas
The first permanent resident Asian Americans in Texas
Since independence from Mexico in 1836, which ethnic group has dominated Texas politics and government?
Texas Rangers
Economies of Texas
Texas urban triangle
distribution of income in Texas
Child poverty in Texas
How does poverty affect political participation?
Why are the wealthy better able to be actively and routinely engaged in politics and government?
Prior to its independence, Texas was governed as ____?
liberal constitution
statutory constitution
Why are a high percentage of Texas legislators lawyers and businesspeople?
Compare and contrast Texas and U.S constitutions
home rule
county commissioner
county judge
justice of the peace.
county clerk
general law
special districts
Texas has how many counties?
Functions/responsibilities of counties
commissioners court
county sheriff
District clerk
local government code
sources of county revenue
sources of city revenue
extraterritorial jurisdiction
Municipal elections in Texas
county elections in Texas
Proportional representation
Entities that have oversight and regulatory authority over public schools
charter school
Primary elections
What establishes the formal organization of political parties?
How are most judges in Texas selected?
Types of elections in Texas
requirements to vote in Texas
African American history in Texas
The Battle of the Alamo
Texas joined the United States as the twenty-eighth state and the U.S. Congress accepted the new constitution for the
State of Texas in ______?
Article 1 of the Texas Constitution of 1876 establishes _______?
precinct convention
Texas state party conventions
General elections in Texas are held when?
county chairperson and a county executive committee
In Texas, who elects the party chairperson for each party?
What are the primary functions of the party organizations?
Fragmentation of the governor and lt. governor offices
Projected changes as a result of Hispanic growth in Texas
Social service expenditures in Texas
The tax structure in Texas is
Regressive taxes
Progressive taxes
_______ was the first European language spoken in Texas.
Jim Crow Laws
Vietnamese immigrants in Texas
Different names for interest groups
The mass media includes ________?
In the late 1780s, newspapers in the colonies were controlled by _______?
Conservative talk show hosts dominate ________?