TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY 3100 CLEBURNE STREET • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77004. 713·313·7011 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS OFFICE: 713-313-7794; FAX: 713-313·1823 Texas Southern University Department of History & Geography Oral History Project Interview Agreement Form You have been asked to participate in an Oral History Project with the History Department at Texas Southern University. The purpose of this project is to gather and preserve information for historical and scholarly use and to train advanced history students in the oral history process. A tape, digital, or video recording of your interview, along with any transcripts of the recording, will be made by the interviewer and will be donated to and kept and used at the Special Collections of Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas. The parties noted below have agreed to release all rights of the recordings, transcripts, and any accompanying material acquired to Texas Southern University. Other institutions or individuals may obtain access of the interview for the purposes of research, instructional use, publication, or other related educational/academic purposes. This agreement also includes the University’s right to publish the transcripts, recordings, abstracts, and accompanying material in either print or electronic format. I, ________________________________ (name of interviewee), hereby give copyright of my interview, transcript, and any other accompanying material to Texas Southern University to be used for whatever educational and scholarly purposes that the University determines. ________________________________ Interviewee Signature ________________________________ Interviewer Signature ________________________________ Date ________________________________ Date AN EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY INSTITUTION