Evaluation of human norovirus (GGΙ&GGΠ) presence in refined

Evaluation of human norovirus (GGΙ&GGΠ) presence in refined
wastewater and untreated raw milk using semi nested RT-PCR in the
same area simultaneously
M.Yavarmanesh1, M.Abbaszadegan2, M.B.Habibi Najafi1,A.Mortazavi1
The objective of this study was to determine human norovirus in refined wastewater
and untreated raw milk in Mashhad, Iran at the same time. Therefore we collected
simultaneously refined wastewater samples and untreated raw milk samples (n: 19)
from a wastewater refining center and a raw milk collection center respectively. Then
we used NV primer sets for detection of human norovirus(GGΙ&GGΠ )using semi
nested RT-PCR. We detected both of noroviruses(GGΙ&GGΠ )in all of refined
wastewater samples(n:19) whereas norovirus GGΙ and norovirus GGΠ were detected
in four out of nineteen and six out of nineteen in untreated raw milk samples
Keywords: Determination, Norovirus GGΙ& GGΠ, Wastewater, Raw milk
1- Department of Food Science & Technology. Faculty of Agriculture. Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad
2- National Science Foundation Water Quality Center. Civil & Environmental
Engineering .Arizona State University