Chapter 12 Fourier Transforms of Discrete Signals Sampling • Continuous signals are digitized using digital computers • When we sample, we calculate the value of the continuous signal at discrete points – How fast do we sample – What is the value of each point • Quantization determines the value of each samples value Sampling Periodic Functions - Note that wb = Bandwidth, thus if (signal overlaps) -To avoid aliasing -According sampling theory: then aliasing occurs To hear music up to 20KHz a CD should sample at the rate of 44.1 KHz Discrete Time Fourier Transform • In likely we only have access to finite amount of data sequences (after sampling) • Recall for continuous time Fourier transform, when the signal is sampled: • Assuming • Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT): Discrete Time Fourier Transform • Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT): • A few points – DTFT is periodic in frequency with period of 2p – X[n] is a discrete signal – DTFT allows us to find the spectrum of the discrete signal as viewed from a window Example D See map! Example of Convolution • Convolution – We can write x[n] (a periodic function) as an infinite sum of the function xo[n] (a non-periodic function) shifted N units at a time – This will result – Thus See map! Finding DTFT For periodic signals • Starting with xo[n] • DTFT of xo[n] Example Example A & B notes X[n]=a|n|, 0 < a < 1. notes DT Fourier Transforms 1. 2. 3. W is in radian and it is between 0 and 2p in each discrete time interval This is different from w where it was between – INF and + INF Note that X(W) is periodic Properties of DTFT • • Remember: For time scaling note that m>1 Signal spreading Fourier Transform of Periodic Sequences • Check the map~~~~~ See map! Discrete Fourier Transform • We often do not have an infinite amount of data which is required by DTFT – For example in a computer we cannot calculate uncountable infinite (continuum) of frequencies as required by DTFT • Thus, we use DTF to look at finite segment of data – We only observe the data through a window – In this case the xo[n] is just a sampled data between n=0, n=N-1 (N points) Discrete Fourier Transform • It turns out that DFT can be defined as • Note that in this case the points are spaced 2pi/N; thus the resolution of the samples of the frequency spectrum is 2pi/N. • We can think of DFT as one period of discrete Fourier series A short hand notation remember: Inverse of DFT • We can obtain the inverse of DFT • Note that Using MATLAB to Calculate DFT • Example: – – – – or Assume N=4 x[n]=[1,2,3,4] n=0,…,3 Find X[k]; k=0,…,3 Example of DFT • Find X[k] – We know k=1,.., 7; N=8 Example of DFT Example of DFT Polar plot for Time shift Property of DFT Other DFT properties: Example of DFT Example of DFT Summation for X[k] Using the shift property! Example of IDFT Remember: Example of IDFT Remember: Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms • Consider DTFT • Basic idea is to split the sum into 2 subsequences of length N/2 and continue all the way down until you have N/2 subsequences of length 2 Log2(8) N Radix-2 FFT Algorithms - Two point FFT • We assume N=2^m – This is called Radix-2 FFT Algorithms • Let’s take a simple example where only two points are given n=0, n=1; N=2 Butterfly FFT y0 y0 Advantage: Less computationally intensive: N/2.log(N) y1 General FFT Algorithm • First break x[n] into even and odd • • Let n=2m for even and n=2m+1 for odd Even and odd parts are both DFT of a N/2 point sequence • Break up the size N/2 subsequent in half by letting 2mm The first subsequence here is the term x[0], x[4], … The second subsequent is x[2], x[6], … • • N / 2 1 WN / 2 x[2m] WN ( mk k m 0 WN 2 mk WN / 2 WN / 2 m N / 2 N / 2 1 WN / 2 x[2m 1]) mk m 0 mk WN / 2 WN / 2 m N /2 WN / 2 m WN e 2pj cos( 2p ) j sin( 2p ) 1 N WN N /2 1 Example Let’s take a simple example where only two points are given n=0, n=1; N=2 X [k ] N / 2 1 WN / 2 x[2m] WN ( mk k N / 2 1 m 0 WN 2 mk WN / 2 WN / 2 m N / 2 WN / 2 x[2m 1]) mk m 0 mk WN / 2 WN / 2 m N /2 WN / 2 m WN e 2pj cos( 2p ) j sin( 2p ) 1 N WN 0 X [ k 0] W m 0 0 0.0 1 0 x[0] W ( W 0 1 m 0 0 0. 0 1 N /2 1 x[1]) x[0] x[1] Same result X [k 1] W x[0] W ( W1 x[1]) x[0] W1 x[1] x[0] x[1] m 0 0.1 1 1 1 m 0 0.1 1 FFT Algorithms - Four point FFT First find even and odd parts and then combine them: The general form: FFT Algorithms - 8 point FFT Applet: A Simple Application for FFT t = 0:0.001:0.6; % 600 points x = sin(2*pi*50*t)+sin(2*pi*120*t); y = x + 2*randn(size(t)); plot(1000*t(1:50),y(1:50)) title('Signal Corrupted with Zero-Mean Random Noise') xlabel('time (milliseconds)') Taking the 512-point fast Fourier transform (FFT): Y = fft(y,512) The power spectrum, a measurement of the power at various frequencies, is Pyy = Y.* conj(Y) / 512; Graph the first 257 points (the other 255 points are redundant) on a meaningful frequency axis: f = 1000*(0:256)/512; plot(f,Pyy(1:257)) title('Frequency content of y') xlabel('frequency (Hz)') This helps us to design an effective filter! ML Help! Example • Express the DFT of the 9-point {x[0], …,x[9]} in terms of the DFTs of 3-point sequences {x[0],x[3],x[6]}, {x[1],x[4],x[7]}, and {x[2],x[5],x[8]}. Later References • Read Schaum’s Outlines: Chapter 6 • Do Chapter 12 problems: 19, 20, 26, 5, 7