CHEM 1212_Ayers

Chemistry 1212 (AYERS, M/W 11:00-12:20, SPRING 2015)
Chemistry encompasses a wide array of phenomena. Photosynthesis, combustion of fossil
fuels, and reactions in the atmosphere are just a few examples. The human body may
also be considered a chemistry laboratory with a multitude of reactions in progress
simultaneously. Fortunately, diverse chemical phenomena are systematically studied
using the concepts of structure and energetics. These concepts are a central theme in
Chemistry 1212.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of CHEM 1212, students should be able to:
define the following topics: intermolecular forces, solutions, kinetics, equilibria,
thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
perform extensive mathematical calculations which apply the content to laboratory based
situations as well as real world applications.
They are also expected to acquire an awareness of the role of Chemistry in everyday life.
Students will also learn to apply the scientific method in laboratory activities, collect and
analyze scientific data and formulate appropriate conclusions from data analyses and
communicate their findings.
Class time
General Information
Timothy M. Ayers
Phone (678) 839 - 6019
Office: 2-129 TLC
M, W 11:00 - 12:20 PM
Chemistry: Structure and Properties, 1st Nivaldo J. Tro
Online HW Registration: see orientation file for details
Office Hours
MW: 10-11am, 1-2pm
R: 1-2pm
Additional office hours by appointment
Lecture: Not required. However, to be successful in the course, it
is highly recommended that you attend all lectures in order to
receive the best learning experience.
Lab: Required. See lab syllabus. Lab is a separate course!
Please use your myUWG e-mail for contact purposes. E-mails
from other service providers (gmail, aol, hotmail, yahoo) will be
ignored per university policy.
Effective and frequent use of CourseDen (D2L) is an essential part
of Chem 1212. Important announcements, lecture notes, and all of
your grades will be posted in this venue. Please become familiar
with CourseDen (D2L) as soon as possible, and if you are
experiencing any technical difficulties, call ITS to help resolve
your issues.
Spring 2015 Schedule:
Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces
Exam I
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Equilibrium
Exam II
Wednesday, February 18th
Acids and Bases
Aqueous Ionic Equilibrium
Exam III
Wednesday, January 28th
Wednesday, March 11th
Free Energy and Thermodynamics
Exam IV
Wednesday, April 15th (Last day of class)
* The final examination will be given on, Monday, April 20st from 11am1:30pm.*
The final exam is based on all the topics covered during the semester. It consists of
multiple-choice questions, and is prepared by the American Chemical Society (ACS). A
study guide for this exam is available in the campus bookstore for purchase.
Workshop Chemistry
Workshops (CHEM 1001) are an important part of CHEM 1211K. You must attend a
workshop that meets once a week outside of class to discuss chemistry problems and
improve your understanding of the material.
Each workshop will be led by a student leader who has taken the course
previously and who has been trained for undertaking this responsibility. The purpose of
workshops is to build confidence in your own ability to do chemistry problem-solving.
Each workshop will be scheduled for a two-hour block of time.
Why should you want to commit to two more hours spent on chemistry each week in
addition to your time in class? Here are some good reasons.
 You should plan, on average, to spend at least six hours a week outside of lecture
studying chemistry. Workshop can be two of them.
 Working with other students and with the leader can be more productive than
doing all of your studying alone. In the structured workshop setting other students
can help you understand something you may have missed during the lecture.
Futhermore, as you explain ideas and principles to someone else it becomes more
clear in your own mind.
Workshops at other institutions have found that students participating perform
significantly better on chemistry exams than those not attending workshops.
 It directly affects your grade. The workshop portion of your grade will be
based on:
1. Attendance. Don’t arrive late; don’t leave early.
2. Participation in group efforts to solve problems.
3. Preparation. Aris homework assignment should have been completed before the
relevant workshop.
4. Attitude. This style of grading is very unique. Please keep in mind that you are not
judged on actual right answers, but the effort you put forth.
Online Homework: Modified Mastering Chemistry
You must register and complete content related homework weekly via the Mastering
website. Please refer to the orientation file regarding registration for more information.
Homework of this nature has been shown to boost students’ understanding of the
concepts in general chemistry. I hope that you find that it encourages a meaningful
relationship with your text while promoting good study habits. The average of your
homework scores will count as 10% of your course grade.
Your grade will be calculated based on the following components:
In-class examinations (4)
ACS Final
Online Homework
Letter grades
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
0% - 60%
Extra Credit Opportunities
There are no extra credit opportunities for this course.
Other Grading Policies
No make up exams will be given. Furthermore, no work completed in a previous course
will be accepted in this course. In case of an illness or a true emergency, a student may
be excused from one in class examination, provided the instructor is contacted prior to
the examination. If excused, the score for this examination will be the average of all in
class examinations.
Classroom Etiquette
Please turn off your cell phones before the beginning of class. Be considerate of your
neighbor and the fact that he/she has spent a great deal of money to enroll in this course
and learn the material.
Policy on cheating
Cheating and plagiarism are prohibited. Any student who cheats or plagiarizes material
will receive a grade of “F” for the entire course.