Math 352 Dr. Sunil K. Tiwari Text: Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires (6th Edition) Office: Darwin 133-A; Phone: 664-2373; Office Hours : M W(10-11), TTh (10:00-11:30)+by appointment URL: Monday Wednesday Friday 1.1 28 1.1 30 Labor day 2 1.2 4 1.2 6 1.3 9 1.3 11 2.1 13 2.2 16 2.2 18 2.3 20 2.3 23 3.1 25 3.2 27 3.2 30 Review 2 Exam 1 4 3.3 7 3.3 9 3.4 11 4.1 14 4.2 16 4.2 18 4.3 21 4.3 23 4.4 25 5.1 28 5.2 30 5.2 1 5.3 4 Review 6 Exam 2 8 5.3 11 5.4 13 5.4 15 7.1 18 7.2 20 7.2 22 7.3 25 Thanksgiving 27 Thanksgiving 29 7.3 2 8.1 4 8.2 6 8.2 9 11.1 11 11.1 13 Final Exam will be take home. It will be given on 12/06/02 and will be due on 12/13/02. Grading : Homework and Projects -- 120; Presentations -- 80; Two midterms -- 200 (100 each); Final (Comprehensive) -- 100. [ Total -- 500 points] Every Thursday students will be presenting their assigned problems. A -- 90 - 100 %; B -- 80 - 89 %; C -- 70 - 79 %; D -- 60 - 69 %; F -- 00 - 59% I reserve the right to vary a grade based on certain subjective factors I believe are important, including the following: -- faithful attendance -- classroom participation -- willingness to help others in and out of class -- interest in the subject -- maturity and integrity as a student Cooperation: I would like to stress that I not only permit but encourage students to work together, and I believe strongly that the sprit of community that is thereby fostered is an important factor in the learning process. We will often work together on problems, in and out of classroom. I do not believe in the adversarial model of education. You are not competing against each other, nor with me. Our collective goal is to assure that each student has full opportunity to achieve his or her highest potential.