“TWU Cooks” Cookbook by ASSET This cookbook is filled with Texas Woman’s University history and a collection of our favorite recipes. Get your copies of this cookbook by returning an order form and your check or money order to: ASSET P.O. Box 425769 Denton, TX 76204-5769 Or deliver order form and your check or money order to any of the current ASSET officers (see website for listing of current officers at www.twu.edu/ASSET. For additional information, please call 940-898-2202 and ask for Sharon or Kathleen. ORDER FORM Mail to: Address: City/State/Zip: Cost: $20.00 each Shipping/Handling: $ 3.00 each Total: $23.00 per cookbook mailed Number of Copies: Total Enclosed: Please make check or money order payable to: ASSET Proceeds assist the funding of our J. Wilkes Berry Memorial Scholarship, ASSET Scholarship, Professional Development Award and ASSET hardship fund. Thank you. Association of Service and Support Employees of Texas Woman’s University (ASSET)