Student Application 2015

SOURCE Awards: Undergraduate Research/Creative Project Grants
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, October 26th, 2015
Name ____________________________________________________
Student ID #
Address __________________________________________________
Graduation Date ___________________
Phone ____________________________
GPA _________________ (minimum 2.5 required in major)
E-mail ____________________________
Title of Project ___________________________________________________________________________________
Amount of Support Requested
Are you applying to other sources of funding? If so, please list them. ___________________________________________
Department _______________________________________________
Faculty Sponsor ___________________________________________
Department Chairperson’s Signature ____________________________________________
Please include the following with your application:
1) A detailed rationale (2–3 double-spaced pages) to support your proposal which includes the
following information:
a. What is the purpose or goal of your project?
b. How will you carry out the project research? (materials, methods, process, etc.)
c. What is your timetable?
d. What are the anticipated results or conclusions or of your project (if applicable)?
e. Why should you receive SOURCE grant funds for this project?
2) A letter from an appropriate faculty sponsor specifically endorsing the merit and feasibility of the
proposal and outlining both student and faculty sponsor roles.
3) A detailed project budget should be included. This can be a table or list of expenses with estimated
dollar amounts. Expenses might include supplies, materials, travel, and other costs associated with
developing and presenting your project. Travel allowances are as follows: 56 cents a mile for travel,
$55 a day for meals (for travel exceeding 24 hours), and less than $195 per night for lodging.
Award Guidelines
1. Students who are being paid as research assistants may not request SOURCE Award funding for their
project. Projects must be student-initiated and directed, although this does not preclude a student’s project
from being part of a larger, more complex effort. The student’s project must be in some way “stand-alone,”
that is, the student cannot simply be engaged in data collection, transcription, etc. It is expected that the
student’s project will be based on a research/creative process appropriate to the discipline.
2. If research involves human or animal subjects, the research must conform to standards set by the
Committee on the Rights of Human Subjects and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (check
with faculty sponsor for details).
3. Award recipients must be enrolled in a course related to their research or creative project.
4. Award funds may not be granted as stipends.
5. Research/creative projects must be completed by the end of the Spring 2016 semester, and funds must be
used by 6/30/16. Award recipients must present their project at the SSU Research and Creative Activities
Symposium on May 3rd, 2016.
6. Submit application to the SSU Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Experiences (SOURCE) in
Schulz 1125 by October 26, 2015.
I have read and understand these guidelines.
Student signature ____________________________________________
Please direct any questions about this proposal to Daniel Smith,