SFCC Gallery Presents Integrate.Disintegrate and Book Arts Show

Clark Baughan
Gallery Director
Phone: 428-1501
Jill Janov
Marketing and Public Relations
Phone: 428-1776
SFCC Gallery Presents “Integrate.Disintegrate” and Book Arts Show
Jan. 15, 2004 — Four artists from California, New York and Santa Fe will display digital
images, pastel drawings, paintings and sculptures in the “Integrate.Disintegrate” exhibition from
Feb. 5 through March 4 at the Visual Arts Gallery at Santa Fe Community College.
Showing concurrently until Feb. 25 is a joint exhibition of the San Diego and Santa Fe Book Arts
groups. It features a variety of styles and techniques centering on the book as an art form.
The exhibition, which opens with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 5., represents the first time
the groups have shown together in Santa Fe. Following the SFCC show, the work will travel to
San Diego. Local artist Bobbi Culbert organized the collaboration between the groups.
In the “Integrate.Disintegrate” exhibition, paintings by Diego Rios of Antioch, Calif., pastel
drawings by Barbara Rachko of New York City, ceramic sculptures by Max Lehman of Santa Fe
and digital images by Eddie Dayan also of Santa Fe feature work that utilizes visual language of
dreams and surrealism.
Using elements from cartoons and Mayan hieroglyphs, Lehman’s ceramic sculptures are
whimsical commentaries on political realities. Rachko’s pastel drawings, which have earned
broad acclaim, arrange masks and papier-mâché figures to create theatrical installations that are
photographed and translated into rich images.
Dayan’s digital images use narrative to explore the fragility of life and the illusion of selfcontrol. His traditional and digital images offer powerful personal statements. Diego Rios’s work
includes political content and modern elements. It depicts the injustice of war, poverty and
SFCC Visual Arts Exhibition (page 2)
The Visual Arts Gallery is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at
no charge. The campus is located at 6401 Richards Ave. approximately 2.5 miles south of Rodeo
For information, contact Clark Baughan, gallery director, at (505) 428-1501.
About Santa Fe Community College
Santa Fe Community College serves more than 14,500 students per year in its credit, noncredit
and adult basic education programs. The 20-year-old college offers academic, career and
personal-enrichment programs and services to meet the needs of business, government and the
region’s diverse population. The college contributes to the area’s economic, technological and
cultural development by offering programs ranging from art to business management and
directly addresses regional job shortages through its nursing, teacher education and culinary arts
programs. For further information, visit www.sfccnm.edu or call (505) 428-1000.