SFCC Class Combines Tax Preparation and Community Service

Michelle Stobnicke
Business and Occupational Studies
Phone: (505) 428-1659
Jill Janov
Marketing and Public Relations
Phone: (505) 428-1776
SFCC Class Combines Tax Preparation and Community Service
Jan. 16, 2004 — A new class offered at Santa Fe Community College will teach students how to
prepare simple tax returns and give back to their community at the same time. The class is part of
TAX HELP New Mexico, an organization designed to help elderly and low-income individuals
prepare their tax returns through partnerships with post-secondary educational institutes in New
Beginning Jan. 20, students enrolled in Acct. 140 will receive six weeks of training in tax return
preparation, including software use and electronic filing procedures. Students will spend the
following six weeks helping SFCC employees and students with incomes under $35,000
complete their returns. Community members outside the college will be able to access help with
their taxes once instructors and students have completed the initial year of the program.
“The students learn a skill that’s incredible,” said Gail Terzuola, director of SFCC’s ServiceLearning Department. “In addition, it benefits the community because so many people who make
under $35,000, especially other students, often don’t apply for their earned-income tax credit,”
she adds.
SFCC Tax Class (page 2)
The class is open to all students and there is no prerequisite for registration. “It’s fun and very
fulfilling,” says Michelle Stobnicke, chair of SFCC’s Business and Occupational Studies
department, who encourages nontraditional students to sign up for the course. “It’s a real
opportunity for retired adults who want to give back to the community.”
TAX HELP New Mexico is sponsored by PNM and its partners include the Albuquerque
Technical Vocational Institute. The Internal Revenue Service and the New Mexico Department
of Taxation and Revenue are among its affiliate partners.
About Santa Fe Community College
Santa Fe Community College serves more than 14,500 students per year in its credit, noncredit
and adult basic education programs. The 20-year-old college offers academic, career and
personal-enrichment programs and services to meet the needs of business, government and the
region’s diverse population. The college contributes to the area’s economic, technological and
cultural development by offering programs ranging from art to business management and
directly addresses regional job shortages through its nursing, teacher education and culinary arts
programs. For further information, visit www.sfccnm.edu or call (505) 428-1000.