NEWS RELEASE SFCC and Foundation Move Closer to Resolution

For Immediate Release
For More Information
Linda Siegle
SFCC Governing Board
(505) 690-5850
Jill Janov
Marketing and Public Relations
(505) 428-1776
SFCC and Foundation Move Closer to Resolution
Judge Dismisses Part of Lawsuit
Santa Fe, NM, Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004 – New Mexico District Judge James Hall
dismissed a portion of the lawsuit filed against Santa Fe Community College by the
Foundation for the Santa Fe Community College.
Judge Hall threw out the foundation’s claim that the college breached its contract with the
foundation, and he ruled that the foundation could not sue the college for monetary
The judge, however, did decide that a valid dispute remains between the foundation and
the college and that issues remain to be settled. Those issues include how the
approximate 3.3 million endowment and other funds will be transferred. The college
believes the funds should be transferred to its new GROW Santa Fe Community College
Foundation, the college’s new fund-raising unit.
“The foundation’s endowment will remain intact and the proceeds will be distributed
according to the donor’s original intent. That has always been the board’s position and
will continue to be its position in the future. In no case will any foundation monies or
contributions go directly to the college,” said Linda Siegle, governing board member at
SFCC and the Foundation representatives and their respective attorneys have agreed to
meet next week to work on resolving the issues and formal mediation has been set for
Jan. 11.
“Both parties look forward to resolving the remaining issues as quickly as possible on
behalf of our students and donors. The board's only interest has been in strengthening the
college,” Siegle said. “We are optimistic that we will move forward quickly and to focus
our attention on our fund-raising efforts for the GROW Santa Fe Community College
Foundation Funds (page 2)
The lawsuit was filed by the foundation in September after the SFCC Governing Board
unanimously voted in August to end its agreement with the foundation. Board members
made the decision because the foundation raised funds almost solely for student
scholarships, and since then the needs of the college have changed, requiring a more
flexible fund-raising arm that also can support new academic programs, capital
campaigns and endowed funds.
Dr. Mark Gelber has been selected as acting director to head GROW Santa Fe
Community College Foundation in its initial stages. The college is searching for a
permanent director. GROW is assuming responsibility for proper administration and
disbursement of all SFCC scholarships and will abide by all original donor requests.
About Santa Fe Community College
Santa Fe Community College serves more than 14,500 students per year in its credit,
noncredit and adult basic education programs. The college contributes to the area’s
economic, technological and cultural development by offering programs ranging from art
to business management and directly addresses regional job shortages through its nursing,
teacher education and culinary arts programs. For further information, visit or call (505) 428-1000.