City College of San Francisco Jay Field

City College of San Francisco
UNAPPROVED Minutes from ITAC Meeting on May 20, 2014
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Anthony Costa, Joe Jah, Cynthia Dewar, James Rogers, Shawn Yee, David Yee,
Jay Field
Guests: Tim Ryan, Robert Lam, Mike Solow, Fred Teti
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am.
I. Announcements
A. Meetings for Fall 2014/Spring 2015
a. Fourth Tuesday of the month from 10 am to 12 pm; Third Tuesday in December
B. Election of new Chair in August
II. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes from the April meeting were approved.
II. Old Business
A. Replacement faculty/staff computers (including laptops)
a. Electronic inventory of computers: 150-160 first generation Omni Pros. The computers still need
to be physically located. Full-time faculty would be given the choice of a laptop or a desktop. If
there is a shared computer then considerations would be made. If the full-time faculty member
chose a laptop then a used computer would be made available to the part-time faculty member.
About 200-250 desktops have been replaced this year.
b. There are new quotes for PC's with an i7 processor. ITS is working to get as many computers out
as possible, with a higher quality computer. Looking at pricing for Apple desktops and laptops.
c. ITS continues to replace desktop computers and will do so through next year. The desktop will be
assigned to the individual faculty member. There was discussion about how/what the assignment
of a computer (desktop/laptop) “looks like”.
d. Cameras will be on the Apple desktops and laptops. External cameras could be purchased by the
department. External speakers would need to be supplied by the department.
B. Expansion of Wi-Fi and classroom projectors
a. Wi-Fi There are now close to 200 access points, including 17 at the Downtown Campus. There
are still 32 access points available to deploy. The focus is on Civic Center, ARTs buildings and
the MUB. The 700 group of Bungalows is the one place where there is not coverage.
b. Classroom Projectors Jay has formed a group from BEMA, Audio Visual, and ITS. They are
codifying standards for ITS. Chinatown is an example. There is a data projector, media station,
desktop podium. There was a donation from VC Lamb of $100,000 of instructional money. The
goal is to spend it on Sci 100, 101, 136, VA 115, and ART 218. Troxell will do a walk-through
with the working group and Facilities. Troxell will give CCSF quotes so that hopefully most of
these rooms can be built out. The goal is to codify the standard so that more rooms can be done in
the future. Technology changes quickly but the idea is to have a standard to cover the user
interface. Every faculty member should be able to walk into any classroom and be able to use the
technology. The approach that this group is favoring is a standard LCD projector in most rooms,
and for those that want an interactive projector (“smart board”), the Hitachi short-throw with
specialized software. The interactive projector would not work well for a larger room such as VA
115. The Hitachi is not specialized for every room. Availability/security of cables was discussed.
C. Status of ITAC in Participatory Governance
a. Jay reported that the placement of ITAC will be considered/decided at PGC in the Fall. Jay
emphasized the importance of the Technology Plan and the need to update it every year.
D.Consolidation and better utilization of student computer labs/classrooms
a. There are about 95 computer classrooms (rooms with 20 or more computers). There are about 35
other various rooms with computers for students. There needs to be a designation between computer
Minutes from 5/20/14 ITAC Meeting
labs and rooms with several computers. The question was raised, for those departments without access
to a computer lab, who do they go to if they would like to schedule to use the lab? The process for
reserving the labs was discussed. It was discussed that possibly the need for labs is more of a need for
LCDs in classrooms. An inventory of labs exists. There are 130 labs throughout the District. Tim
asked the question, “Who will take this topic on?” The list will be reviewed by ITS and sent to
Academic Affairs so that a point of contact is included in the list of labs. It is a challenge to get the
info about lab use from departments. Lab utilization tracking was discussed. There is a new lab that is
being built out in the MUB for Math and Child Development. The lab is scheduled to be completed by
January 2015. Currently, Math and Business share a lab.
III. New Business
A. New Help Desk Has Launched
a. Volume is low as it is the end of the semester. The software interface for ticketing is complex on
the ITS side but the user end is simple. There is an Apple specific system that ITS is working to
include in password resets. Hills passwords can be reset. Web4 can be reset for students. It is set
up for faculty as well. The user will need their student ID number, last four digits of their Social
Security, and their birthdate. Planned user self-server password resets are part of a larger Identity
Management Strategy.
b. There is an FAQ that Houston Community College used. They are the top 50 questions that
students ask and not really have anything to do with technology. Jay has circulated the list and it
will be given to the Help Desk. It is not their charter but it is helpful information to students.
c. School Dude is retired for ITS. It is going to be used by Facilities.
d. IntelliResponse is a new service that Student Service will use.
e. Various ways that classlists are accessed was discussed (Web4/Classlist Portal).
f. Cynthia will send handouts from Wil Wu regarding entering grades to Robert.
IV. Reports
A. CTO’s Report – Jay Field
a. Identity management is a focus for ITS. ITS will “brand” identifications for all students and it
will be part of the active directory. For example, the student’s RAM ID (student ID number) will
be used to access desktops in labs.
B. Ellucian report on Banner and Help Desk
a. Jay discussed the significant upgrade for the Banner Student Module in order to accommodate
new rules on Financial Aid by the Federal Government. It must be done by August 1, 2014.
Complex. Massive. There will be two days in July (Saturday and Sunday) when Banner will be
unavailable. No registration will be available. ITS will work Academic Affairs and Student
Services to choose a date that does not conflict with when grades are due. They will know the
upgrade date by mid-June. Jay will provide an update at the August meeting.
b. CCSF is running, in most cases, the most recent updates to Banner. What we are not doing as
much as we would like, we are not utilizing the system itself as much as we should/could. For
example, years ago we modified Banner to run priority registration. Now, Banner offers the
ability to run priority registration. Our task is to learn how to adopt the new features in Banner to
replace the modifications that we have made over the years.
C. Ed Tech Department Report – Cynthia Dewar
Wen’s contract was signed last Monday.
Working with ITS to integrate Banner with Insight (Moodle).
Turnitin will be doing a demo on campus for administration next week
d. will be the next project!
D. Student Report
a. Robert reported that 12 computers were replaced by Shawn Yee in the Veterans Center.
Adjourned at 12:11 pm
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar