City College of San Francisco Attendees

City College of San Francisco
UNAPPROVED Minutes from ITAC Meeting on April 15, 2014
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Anthony Costa, Jay Field, James Rogers, and Joe Jah,
Cynthia Dewar, Martin Madgrigal
Resources: Carol Reitan, Sue Homer
Guests: Tim Ryan, Robert Lam, Fred Teti, Jane Foster
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am.
I. Approval of Minutes
1. Minutes from the March meeting were approved.
II. Old Business
2. Replacement faculty/staff computers (including laptops)
 Robert outlined the planning options for the PC desktop roll-out. 75 new PC's are
arriving soon, to deploy.
Jay said that he would like to offer one PC option and one Apple option. Other
schools that he has worked at have had a Laptop Usage Form—primarily for
administrators and faculty. The form outlines how the college expects the
administrator/faculty to use the equipment such as the obligation to lock the
equipment, bring the equipment to work, etc.
Jay would like the refresh that is planned for the fall (identifying desktops and
purchasing the desktops) to include this revised option.
Anthony reminded ITAC that we reviewed forms for laptop selection/usage at a
previous meeting. He will send the form to Jay.
Jay believes that tablets are not yet a good option to replace computers for
general work use.
 Connection to LCD projectors was discussed and the challenges of various
adapters. ITS will make certain that the computers come ready to connect.
3. Expansion of Wi-Fi and classroom projectors
 Civic Center, Downtown, and Chinatown are priorities per the Chancellor. Within
the next two months 30 new access points will be deployed. Additional access
points were requested per ITS Program Review. It is a time-consuming process to
deploy, maintain, and upgrade including account management.
 An open Wi-Fi network was discussed. Jay talked about possible solutions such as
only allowing web-based access and throttling back the bandwidth.
 ITS would like to identify standards for smart boards. Jay has already met with
Media Services and it set to meet with Broadcast Media Services (Maya Novelli).
There needs to be a standard smart board so that any faculty member can walk
Minutes from 4/15/14 ITAC Meeting
into any classroom and utilize the equipment. ITS will set up a price point and a
standard, working with various departments and Perkins to establish such
information. Smart classrooms is a top priority for the College.
Tim worked with Kathleen Alioto about setting a price point for out-fitting the
Downtown Campus with smartboards at a cost of $400k.
Attendees discussed establishing a price to build out smart classrooms; that price
could be given to potential donors.
CCSF has about 700 classrooms and about 100-200 of those classrooms are smart
classrooms. These are rough numbers.
One of ITS' top Program Review requests was for more smartboards.
BMS has given ITS a list of recommended classrooms for upgrade to smart board.
Anthony shared that AV would distribute mobile access points if IT gave them the
hardware so that the Bungalows could be covered.
Moving forward, Jay indicated ITAC could continue the discussion, looking at the
recommendations and determine what would get the best “bang for the buck”. He
will work to get something together for the fall.
4. Banner Security Policy and Computer Usage Policy
 Jay has nothing to report concerning approval of these policies.
 Jay asked about the Computer Usage Policy that is currently on the website. The
policy on the website is the old policy. Craig clarified that the new policy has not
yet been approved, and ITAC has been trying to get the policy passed by the
5. Status of ITAC in Participatory Governance
 There is nothing to report. It has not been discussed at PGC. Members agree that
it is their desire to be officially chartered through PGC. Jay will attend PGC this
week, research this more, and report back to ITAC.
6. Consolidation and better utilization of student computer labs/classrooms
 The labs are an expensive asset. Very few labs can accommodate larger classes
that want to utilize the labs (the labs are too small). Essentially, there are too
many labs. Fewer labs and bigger labs are what is needed. It is a challenge to
maintain and update the labs as well as keep up with the needs of individual
programs. It was suggested that a Master Calendar of some of the labs and how to
use the labs would be very helpful.
 Other models for managing the labs was discussed.
 Procedures for sharing labs such as training and clean-up need to be identified.
Total Cost of Ownership needed to be considered.
 There has not been a department that was willing to take on
managing/coordinating all student computer labs/classrooms.
 We discussed who could take the lead on facilitating the sharing of computer lab
classrooms. Possibly ITS, or the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, or
Educational Technology? Craig mentioned that this is a good example of an issue
that ITAC should bring to PGC.
III. New Business
7. ITS Criteria for approval of Perkins and Program Review Requests
 Tablet options were discussed. ITS will support tablets that have already been
purchased. There needs to be more discussion about iPad carts. ITS has talked
with Apple about apps. They are at the beginning stages of establishing support
for Apple iPad maintanance, app purchase and installation. Mission has 12 iPads.
Vocational Education purchased some too. They are currently testing.
 Mobile Student Labs was discussed. Various ideas were discussed.
 Other tablet options were discussed. Jay suggested that ITS also support Windows
based tablets. There is hesitation to support Android tablets because of the
enormous variety of devices.
 ITS needs to be asked about computer requests for Perkins and Program Review.
All factors must be considered including facilities. The challenge is that Perkins
does not fund facilities upgrades such as installation of more electrical outlets for
8. Old student-use computer replacement with hand-me-downs from other upgrades? (e.g.
student union and resource centers)
 The Queer Resource Center has three computers that are not working.
 The Veterans Resource Center has two computers that are down.
 While waiting for Program Review requests that will hopefully be written next fall
to replace these computers, Martin asked if it is possible to put “hand-me-downs”
into these centers. It could be over a year before these computers are replaced.
 Martin was encouraged to contact Robert.
 Generally, ITS wants to avoid installing old computers, with limited life and
IV. Reports
9. CTO’s Report – Jay Field
10. Ellucian report on Banner and Help Desk – Jane Foster
 Two local staff have been hired. Knowledgeable on Banner. They have started.
Five remote staff are still commuting in to CCSF. Jane is interviewing two
additional local staff. The contract is for a total of six.
 Jane will do a post-conference de-brief with those from CCSF who attended
Ellucian Live. It was informative and provided many ideas for leveraging existing
software tools
Minutes from 4/15/14 ITAC Meeting
Looking at a mid-May launch for help desk, via phone and email. Support will be
given on a wide variety of topics related to Tier 1 support such as password
resets. Users will be able to get a lot of information from the support center.
Students having problems with logging in, registration, etc. There is a limit to the
help. Service Now is the software for help tickets. As users put in a trouble ticket,
email interactions will occur. A number will be generated. Users will be notified
when a technician has been assigned. When the problem has been solved, the user
is sent a survey.
No more School Dude for ITS – will be used for Buildings and Grounds requests
The old Help Desk phone number will be forwarded to the new Help Desk.
ITS will be launching a publicity campaign about the new Help Desk.
It will be 24/7, 365 day support.
Biggest challenges for Ellucian re: Banner is to unravel the modifications that have
been done in the last 10 years. They are doing quick fixes such as helping staff
leverage what the Banner tools do and un-doing customizations that was
appropriate at the time but is no longer needed.
Anthony asked about the customization that loads Student Data into Millennium.
He and Jane will talk about this further.
Jay said that there is an IT goal to move to single sign-on for the College.
11. Ed Tech Department Report – Cynthia Dewar
 Wen’s contract was approved through August to support Insight.
 Moving forward with filing two positions. Both the trainer and Insight System
Administrator positions have been funded. (Replacing Vic and Jose after their
12. Student Report
a. Martin is working with Jane on the finance piece related to clubs, and Web4
Adjourned at 12:09 pm
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar