Minutes for ITAC Meeting on 3.18.13.doc

City College of San Francisco
ITAC Meeting on March 18, 2013
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Anthony Costa, Eric Raznick, James Rogers, David Yee,
Shawn Yee, and Joe Jah
Resources: Cynthia Dewar, Lidia Jenkins
Guests: Tim Ryan, J.R. Hall, Monika Liu
The meeting was called to order at 11:10 am.
I. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the February 2013 meeting were approved.
II. Confirmation of Future Meetings: April 8, and May 13 from
11:10 am -1:00 pm in L108.
Old Business
I. Status report on switch to Microsoft 365 for faculty/staff email
A. The migration is moving forward. About 200-300 accounts are being created a
week. Users are given a week notice. April 26th is the deadline for all CCSF
employees to be fully migrated off of Groupwise. Trainings will be scheduled to teach
users how to migrate emails from Groupwise to 365.
II. Non-credit Online Positive Attendance reporting status update
A. Per the February meeting, Monika Liu was invited to report about OPA. Last
semester faculty from the Mission Campus tested the system. This semester
Business is piloting a system where students report attendance. Because the
AccuTrack system is not integrated with Banner the instructor must enter the
hours manually. The pilot was extended to ESL. Monika did a demo at Civic
Center and faculty at this site agreed to do it as a pilot. Issues came up including
the need for IT support. Faculty requested the feature be added to drop students
online. If the pilot works out well, ESL would like to increase instructor use. ESL
is not using AccuTrack. Changes need to be made to AccuTrack so that the
reporting is easier. This is a project for ITS to work on with Monika. The College
needs to address the online positive attendance process. ITAC is very supportive
of the project. Many parts of the project need to be reviewed. The printer also
needs to be repaired. Unfortunately, the old system needs to be maintained while
planning for a new system.
III. Network Security/Firewall status update
Minutes from 3/18/13 ITAC Meeting
A. Tim handed out a visual, “Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Network Firewalls.” CCSF
has both Palo Alto Networks and and Check Point Software Technologies. He
distributed a visual of the CCSF Firewall Infrastructure. There are active and standby
modes. Tim discussed the features that can be added to the firewall. There is about a
$2000 a year licensing costs per feature. ITS is working to find the balance so as not
to put to much load on the system. We are using the latest firewall version of Check
Point. Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection is the new desktop anti-virus
software. All new computers will have this software. ITS is in the process of upgrading
existing system.
B. There is now a Chief Information Security Officer at the State Chancellor’s Office.
CCSF has to follow a process to identify the most appropriate response to such
situations. We need to be prepared to take action.
C. It is important to warn our students. Anthony revisited CCSF’s Computer Usage
Policy. He did not find anything in the policy warning students about such devices. It
was suggested that a statement be drafted and sent to every CCSF lab. Eric will draft
a paragraph.
IV. Accreditation status update, related to ITS
A. The visiting team will be coming either April 8th or the 15th. Tim passed out the
evidence list for Workgroup 9. The Tech Survey for all College Employees closed on
March 7th. The Board of Trustees will see the preliminary budget for 13-14.
Technology will be allocated an additional 1.5 for 13-14; 2 million for 14-15; 2.5
million for 15-16. The budget is to meet the needs of the replacement cycle and
Program Review. Perkins can possibly pick up some of the Program Review costs.
VI. Technology Plan
A. Tim handed out cost associated with ITS portion of Tech Plan, item by item. Some
items do have a specific cost while others do not. Tim will identify various cost areas
and each can be applied to the 90 items.
VII. Continued Discussion: ITAC’s role in participatory structure
James reported that ITAC will fall under Planning in Participatory Government.
The next meeting is on April 18th at 3 pm. It is also listed on the Participatory
Government calendar.
New Business
Discussion IT-related projects and Program Review
A. Guidelines are still being identified in terms of prioritizing ITS-related
projects. Some projects come in as a repair and others are new projects. A
line item in the budget would account for smaller repairs. There needs to be a
request mechanism for such requests and there needs to be a budget limit for
such requests. Criteria needs to be set for ITS to use to determine whether or
not to approve or not approve such requests. There is an online ticketing
system. Buildings and Grounds will start using the online ticketing system. It
was suggested that ITS begin a pilot project. It needs to be distinguished from
Program Review. Language needs to be drafted.
II. Key-logging Device
A. CCSF discovered a key-logging device placed on a computer in the Rosenberg
Library. It records keystrokes. It must be a USB keyboard. It is put in between the keyboard and
the computer CPU. For this particular one, it needs to be physically retrieved. It doesn’t have
remote send. The computer does not register it as a device. It is potentially very serious. It was
found in early February. Such devices are legal to purchase. It is marketed as a child safety
monitor tool or as a way to monitor employee computer use. CCSF turned the device over to the
authorities. ITS was able to determine when the device was added to the computer. It was on the
machine from Friday to Monday. ITS did not find other such devices and routinely checks for
such devices. ITS notified about 250 users of that particular computer with only one response
from a user.
A. Interim CITO’s Report – Eric Raznick
1. Argos training was successful. ITS will be given more training so that more data
blocks can be created.
2. Eric attended the CISOA Chief Information Officer’s Association. The State Chancellor’s
Office is looking at licensing a learning management system state-wide. The model is just like
CENIC. It would be free. Colleges could choose whether or not to use it.
3. Ellucian presented mobile solutions as a toolset. You would download the CCSF App and have
access to schedule, ability to sign up for classes, maps, etc.
4. ITS has a new air-conditioning system.
5. There is still a move to hire a permanent CITO,
B. Ed Tech Department Report – Cynthia Dewar
1. Turnitin did a demo on March 15th for faculty. Very positive
Adjourned at 12:52 pm
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar
Minutes from 3/18/13 ITAC Meeting