City College of San Francisco UNAPPROVED Minutes

City College of San Francisco
from ITAC Meeting on October 29, 2012
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Anthony Costa, Eric Raznick, Shawn Yee, Ophelia Clark,
and Joe Jah
Resources: Cynthia Dewar, Lidia Jenkins, Peter Goldstein
Guests: Tim Ryan, J.R. Hall, Monika Lui
The meeting was called to order at 11:10 am.
I. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the September 24, 2012 meeting were approved.
II. Confirmation of Future Meeting: 11/26 from 11-12:50 pm in L108.
Old Business
I. Approval of Email Choice
a. Peter discussed the approval process for Microsoft 365 as the faculty/staff choice.
Members discussed the choice and the need for training. Eric and Cynthia will
create a summary sheet about why 365 was chosen. Peter wants the decision to go
to the Board in November. At a future meeting ITS will present a plan for the rollout of 365. Training options were discussed. Training will take place in spring
b. CCSFmail for students: 100% of students now have a CCSFmail account. When
students begin their account they have to agree to Google’s Terms and
Conditions. Eric is looking into this more and talking with Google.
II. Tech Plan
a. Peter reminded us that the more we can clearly demonstrate the feedback loop in
our Tech Plan the better. He said that it is there and we could either keep the
reflection in the plan or we could put it into a separate document. The
relationship between the Tech Plan and program review was discussed.
i. The Tech Plan should go formally to the new special council. It can go to
the Academic Senate informally and other groups for feedback but the
model is linear now. Soon after November 16th, the new special council will
meet so the Tech Plan can be on their agenda with the goal of going to the
Board’s December meeting.
Members reviewed the Tech Plan page by page.
Minutes from 10/29/12 ITAC Meeting
III. Non-credit Online Positive Attendance Reporting Status Update
a. A pilot is being done at the Mission Campus in fall 2012 with the Business
Department. There are still some issues with training. There will be more
demonstrations for faculty. The goal is to expand to other campuses and
programs. Faculty use Web 4 to report daily or every two weeks the hours that
the students have attended. The students are still signing in with paper and
pencil. It would be beneficial to have the students “sign-in” electronically. With
PARS students are supposed to sign in daily however some students sign in once
for all two weeks. This can be problematic because the head count numbers do not
match. When we over-report it creates a problem on the other end. It takes quite
a lot of monitoring on the part of the instructor. AccuTrack was discussed as an
option. It is used for positive attendance on the credit side and could work for
attendance tracking in some non-credit classes. Business is also piloting preregistration for non-credit students at the Downtown Campus. This was addressed
in the Tech Plan (page 21). The project needs to be scaled up but a conversation
needs to take place focused on what is trying to be solved. Cost-saving and
accuracy are key to non-credit attendance reporting. Monika will report back at
the December meeting.
IV. Status Update on Requiring all Faculty to Report Grades and Attendance Online Starting
Spring 2013
a. Notices were sent out to instructors in midterm printed grade sheets. It is moving
forward. It applies to non-credit graded classes, and all credit classes.
V. Network Security/Firewall Status Update
a. Tim had a copy of the analysis that Checkpoint did last month. It has been useful
and a few corrective steps will be implemented. ITS is working on another firewall
upgrade. Operationally, there have been a few issues. There was a bit of an outage
last Monday to the network environment. iTunes access is now fully functional
again. The Palo Alto firewall will probably be kept.
VI. Accreditation Status Update
a. The work group's next report is due November 9th. It is a progress report. The
entire Self-evaluation is due December 7th.
Computer Use(age) Policies (Acceptable Use Policy) Revisions/Integration Work
Group Report
a. The work group met and edited the CCSF Computer Usage Policy document. The
document could be edited down further. There are quite a few examples. The
workgroup will meet once more to finalize the document, then the Policy will be
sent to the Board with the Technology Plan.
b. It was clarified that the district would have a policy approved by the Board.
Department labs would have individual “guidelines” that would not need to go to
the Board.
I. Reports
A. Interim CITO’s Report – Eric Raznick (See comments above)
B. Ed Tech Department Report – Cynthia Dewar
i. We are looking at AE Learning for student support.
We are looking at Voicethread as a possible replacement for
Adjourned at 12:52 pm
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar
Minutes from 10/29/12 ITAC Meeting