Applicants Pack

Applicants Pack
Non-Executive Forestry Commissioner (England)
To apply, please provide:1. Your Curriculum Vitae (CV), including the names of two referees;
2. A Personal Statement covering why you are interested in this role whilst addressing
the Essential Criteria listed in Section 1 and ;
3. Completed monitoring forms at Sections 4 – 6.
Applications should be emailed to Information about the
application process may also be obtained from; information
about the role may be obtained from Stephen Bennett (0300 067 5027).
The closing date for applications is 4 January 2016 (Midnight)
Please note that it is intended to sift applications w/c 18 January 2016 and hold Interviews
w/c 22 February 2016 in London. This could be subject to change.
This appointment is regulated by The Commissioner for Public Appointments
Section 1: Role Description and Essential Criteria
Post title:
England Forestry Commissioner (non-executive)
Forestry Commission England is based in Bristol and has offices
and forests throughout England. Note: This is not an officebased appointment
Reports to:
Chair, Forestry Commission
 Serve as Board member of the England National Committee;
 Serve as a Forestry Commissioner with special responsibility for England;
 Serve as a member of the Forestry Commission England Audit and Risk Assurance
Committee, with the potential to Chair it;
 Serve as a member of the Forest Enterprise Strategy Board;
 Participate across all aspects of the Commission’s interests, leading change and
contributing to the strategic direction of the organisation.
When completing your personal statement we want you to give examples of your direct
and proven experience and activities of the criteria and competencies listed below.
Candidates must provide evidence to demonstrate the following competencies:
an ability to provide strategic leadership during significant organisational change;
an understanding of governance and accountability in the management of complex
an understanding of the objectives and work of the Forestry Commission including
the direction of current government policy in England with regard to forestry;
business acumen, founded in strong understanding of the commercial world.
Section 2: How to Apply
How to apply
All candidates are required to provide the following:
 A CV and personal statement covering why you are interested in this role whilst
addressing the Essential Criteria listed in Section 1
 Register of Interest Questionnaire (Section 4)
 Political Activity Questionnaire (Section 5)
 Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire (Section 6)
The closing date for applications is Midnight, 4 January 2016
Please include the following when applying.
 The names and contact details of two people who may be called to act as referees
for you. They must have authoritative and personal knowledge of your recent
achievements in a professional or public service capacity. Please note that references
will be taken up for those applicants invited to interview.
 A contact telephone number, which will only be used with discretion.
How we will use your data
Any personal information you give us will be processed in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998. We will not retain your personal data any longer than is
necessary for the completion of this appointment process. Any statistical data
retained will be anonymised.
Candidates should be aware that, if they are successful, some of the information
contained in their application will be placed in the public domain.
This appointment is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA)
and documentation generated via this recruitment exercise may be passed to OCPA
for audit purposes.
The Commissioner for Public Appointments
The Commissioner for Public Appointments regulates the processes by which Ministers
make appointments to the boards of public bodies. Government departments are required
to follow the Commissioner’s Code of Practice and guidance when processing public
The Code of Practice is based on three core principles – merit, openness, and fairness –
and sets out the essential requirements for meeting those principles.
The Commissioner also investigates complaints and may conduct an inquiry into the
policies and practices followed in relation to appointments processes which he regulates.
The Commissioner will not investigate complaints relating to non-selection unless it
appears that the appointments process has breached the Code of Practice. If you wish to
make a complaint, please refer to the OCPA Complaints Procedure for guidance.
Further information on the role of the Commissioner or the appointments process is
available at:
Section 3: The Recruitment Process
All appointments are made following an open competition conducted in accordance with the
Code of Practice published by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
Closing date for applications
4 January 2016
Sift Date
w/c 18 January 2016
Interview Date
w/c 22 February 2016
Appointment Starts
June 2016
The recruitment process
Short listing of candidates will be undertaken by assessing the information provided in your
CV and personal statement. The short listing will be undertaken by the selection panel
against the essential criteria listed at Section 1. Those candidates who have been selected
will be informed by letter and invited to an interview. Those who have not been selected for
interview will be notified by letter.
Selection Panel
The panel will include a senior Defra official, the Chair of the Forestry Commission and an
Independent Member whose role is to help ensure a process of fair, independent, and open
The Interview
 The interview should last in the region of 45 - 50 minutes. It is therefore essential for
your application to give full but concise information and evidence relevant to the
 Candidates will be expected to make a short presentation if selected for interview;
 Candidates will be able to claim for reasonable expenses incurred travelling to and from
Post interview
The Panel will recommend appointable candidates to the Secretary of State for Defra who
will wish to meet all appointable candidates before making a final decision. Once the
Minister has met with the appointable candidates and made her decision, all candidates will
be advised of the outcome.
Appointments are made on merit, following a fair and open process and these
appointments are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
Section 4: Register of Interest
Please submit a signed copy of the Register of Interest form which addresses the issues of
conflicts or improprieties, past or present that would impact on your ability to carry out this
Full Name:
Please register any links and relationships with organisations, individuals or bodies that
may give rise to a potential conflict of interest, including any potential political conflicts of
1. Directorships
Please list all Directorships (held within the last two years), with a brief description of the
company. Please include any partnerships.
Date of Appointment
Date of Resignation
2. Other Public Appointments
Date of Appointment
Date of Resignation
3. Close relations and friends
Please list any possible conflicts of interests created by virtue of the employment,
directorships or significant shareholding of a close relation or friend.
Relationship to Senior Manager
4. Any other matter
Please list any other matter, which may give rise to a potential conflict of interest eg
related consultancy contracts, external examinerships with academic institutions,
membership of committees/organising bodies with decision making or purchasing powers,
membership of political or lobby organisations, including Trusteeship of charitable or other
I certify that the information included within this register is, to the best of my knowledge
and belief true and accurate and complete.
Section 5: Political Activity Questionnaire
All applicants for a public appointment should complete the question below. This question
is asked as it enables the monitoring of political activity of candidates for a public
appointment in so far as it is already in the public domain. Neither activity nor affiliation is
a criterion for appointment (except where statute dictates specific representation).
If you are successful, the information provided will be published with the announcement of
your appointment.
Please indicate which of the following activities you have undertaken during the past five
years by ticking the appropriate box and by providing details of your involvement. Name
the party or body for which you have been active. If you have been or are an Independent
or have sought or obtained office as a representative of a particular interest group, you
should state this. You should tick all relevant categories.
Obtained office as a Local Councillor, MP, MEP etc.
Stood as a candidate for one of the above offices
Spoken on behalf of a party or candidate
 Acted as a political agent
 Held office such as Chair, Treasurer or Secretary of a local branch of a
 Canvassed on behalf of a party or helped at elections
 Undertaken any other political activity which you consider relevant
Made a recordable donation to a political party1
None of the above activities apply
Name of Party for which activity undertaken:
Note: This form is for monitoring purposes only and therefore will be detached from your application and will not be
seen by any selection panels. However, it is appreciated that such activities may have given you relevant skills,
including experience gained from committee work, collective decision making, resolving conflict and public
speaking. If, therefore, you have had such experience and you consider it relevant to your application for this post,
you should include it separately in the main body of your application form.
Details of involvement:
The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 requires the Electoral Commission to publish a
register of recordable donations (donations from any individual totalling more than £5,000 in any calendar year, or
more than £1,000 if made to a subsidiary accounting unit such as a constituency association, local branch,
women’s or youth organisation). These provisions became effective from 16 February 2001.
Section 6: Diversity Monitoring
Please complete or check boxes as appropriate
Role Reference:
Current Role Title:
Full time:
Marital / Civil Partnership
If yes, No. of Hours:
Asian Indian
Chinese or Other:
White and Asian
White and Black African
White and Black Caribbean
Other Ethnic Origin
(please describe):
These categories are not
about nationality, place of
birth or citizenship.
relate to broad ethnic group
categories as recommended
by the CRE. When you have
read them all please tick the
box that most accurately
describes you.
Religion (please state)
Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010 defines a person as having a disability if he or she ‘has a
physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or
her ability to carry out normal day to day activities’.
Do you consider yourself as having a disability under the terms of
the Equality Act 2010?
Please describe the nature of your disability together with details of any adjustments that
you may require to do this Job.
In which publication or website did you see the post advertised?