Submissions close:
Thursday 3 April 2014
Send by post to:
OR email to:
Environmental Protection Authority, Private Bag 63002, Wellington 6140
Responding to the consultation:
Performance Standard for Issuing a Test Certificate for a Hazardous Substance Location (Class 1
Substances), for Test Certifiers, March 2014
To help you respond and to assist us incorporate the advice we receive, we have provided this document for your responses.
There are boxes for you to provide specific comments on what is covered in a particular section, if the section is clear and
understandable, if there are corrections needed, and other suggestions.
If you are mailing your submission please add your contact details in the space provided. If you are emailing back this
document, please add an email signature or similar with your contact information.
This document is not intended to limit your comments in any way. Further information can be appended to your submission. If
you are sending this submission electronically and attaching a file, we accept the following formats – Microsoft Word, Text, PDF,
ZIP, JPEG and JPG. The file must be not more than 8Mb.
Once your submission has been received the submission becomes a public document and may be made publicly
available to anyone who requests it.
Name of submitter or contact for joint
Organisation name
(and position if on behalf of an organisation):
Postal address:
Telephone number:
□ I wish to keep my contact details confidential.
[Keeping your contact details confidential means that your name will appear in any summary of submissions but your contact details will
not be available to other submitters. If your submission is requested by another party your contact details will not be redacted.]
Submission Form
The reasons for making my submission are:
I support the issuing of this performance standard
I oppose the issuing of this performance standard
I support/do not support the performance standard because:
I wish the EPA to consider the following changes to the performance standard:
Specific comments
Section topic (state section heading):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section topic (state section heading):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
March 2014 [Draft Performance Standard for Issuing a Test Certificate for a Hazardous Substance Location (Class 1 Substances)]
Submission Form
Specific comments [cont.]
Section topic (state section heading):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section topic (state section heading):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section topic (state section heading):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section topic (state section heading):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
[add further if required]
March 2014 [Draft Performance Standard for Issuing a Test Certificate for a Hazardous Substance Location (Class 1 Substances)]