Submissions close 15 December 2011.
Send by post to: Environmental Protection Authority, PO Box 131, Wellington 6140
OR email to:
Responding to the consultation draft for the Code of Practice for
HSNOCOP 38: In-situ Filling of LPG Cylinders.
To help you respond and to assist us incorporate the advice we receive, we have provided this document for your responses.
For example, there are for you to provide specific comments on what is covered in a particular section, if the section is clear and
understandable, if there are corrections needed, and other suggestions.
We have also provided a section for you to comment generally on the code as a whole, and whether or not you support its
scope and purpose. If you are mailing your submission please add your contact details in the space provided. If you are
emailing back this document, please add an email signature or similar with your contact information.
This document is not intended to limit your comments in any way. The guideline document itself is available to download in word
if you prefer to add comment and changes in that way.
All submissions will be summarised and a response prepared for the Authority to examine when considering whether or not to
approve this code of practice.
We trust this is helpful and thank you for taking time and effort to help us with this important code of practice.
Name of submitter or contact for joint
Organisation name
(and position if on behalf of an organisation):
Postal address:
Telephone number:
Submission Form
The reasons for making my submission are1:
I support the code
I oppose the code
I support/do not support the proposed code because:
I suggest the proposed code could be improved by:
Specific comments
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Further information can be appended to your submission, if you are sending this submission electronically and attaching a file we accept the
following formats – Microsoft Word, Text, PDF, ZIP, JPEG and JPG. The file must be not more than 8Mb.
November 2011 EPA0089
Submission Form
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
Section number (refer to contents list):
Section topic (refer to contents list):
Comment on the proposed content, clarity and accuracy (or other suggestions):
November 2011 EPA0089