Minutes Information Technology Policy Committee November 17, 2006



Information Technology Policy Committee

November 17, 2006


David Yee, Francine Podenski, Joe Jah, Adam Clay, Tim Ryan, Pam Mery,

Shawn Yee, Bob Gabriner, James Rogers

Call to Order – David Yee 12:15



October 27, 2006 Minutes – unanimously approved

Old Business


Offsite Data (Portable) Storage Policy

Offsite data was discussed, including encryption methods, and identifying users through an email survey, who use sensitive data and determining if there are alternatives to offsite storage that provide a similar end result, while safeguarding data. sensitive data is defined as:

Personal information as defined by California Senate Bill 1386 consists of an individual’s first name or first intial and last name in combination with any one or more of the following data elements:

(1) Social security number.

(2) Driver’s license number or California Identification Card number.

(3) Account number, credit card or debit card number, in combination with any required security code, access code, or password that would permit access to an individual’s financial account.


CCSF Website Redesign – funding for website redesign is to be allocated.

Francine requested ITPC review RFP for website design currently being worked on.


Document Imaging Update – the current process has dropped and we will be restarting the RFP process.


Password Length Policy — Suggested to standardize

Minimum length will be 8 characters

A password change will be mandatory every 12 months.

Passwords cannot be immediately re-used (one generation)

Tim Ryan will check on the technical considerations of applying this policy to Windows, Banner, Groupwise, Web4. A alternative requests was made to have the password change be optional, which generated a security versus ease of use discussion.

New Business


Counseling and Instructional Usage Report from Technology Survey —

Pam Mery reported Counseling as whole has moved forward in utilizing technology and would like on going training, with Banner and SARS grid being priorities.


Fog Email Shutdown - there are only a handful of people still using fog email and they are plagued by enormous quantities of spam. It was discussed and approved to shut down fog email in January 07. It was also pointed out and discussed that this system cannot act as an additional backup to groupwise



Director -- The recent surge in e-mail spam hawking penny stocks and other items is the handiwork of Russian hackers running a botnet powered by thousands of hijacked computers. Robert Gabriner asked if we know the amount of time spent per day for monetizing purposes.

John Adams move to the temporary DeAvila for 18 months to 2 years has started.

Mission expected to open Fall 07 in part or whole

Doug Re is expected to return in January!


Banner Managers—new registration period with Banner 7.3 started Nov. 6

Issues discussed included.

Questions regarding an on going link error message which is cryptic and effects students abitlites to schedule labs and lectures. It was requested Department Chairs be briefed on that issue. It was suggested registration disseminate information on the issue, though ownership of the problems is unclear.

A significant change is being worked in on with Banner called the CA

Solution Center which should simplify upgrades and modifications needing to be made – by standardizing the baseline version for

California Community Colleges. Approximately 20 community college in California are using banner and are providing input to the CA

Solution Center baseline version.

The next planned Oracle upgrade Columbus Day 2007


Education Technology – no report


Networking—no significant issues

Meeting adjourned 2:00 p.m.

Next Meeting:

Dec 1
