Fill in areas enclosed by bold lines, affix seal, attach trip evidence, and submit to research office within 1 week after returning. Domestic/Overseas Travel Report (Expense Report) Date Submitted MM DD YYYY To the President of Ritsumeikan University I hereby report that I made a business trip as described below (Changes: Yes/No) I hereby report that I canceled the business trip described below. Person making the business trip Affiliation: Position: Business trip period (total) Name: MM/DD/YYYY to Seal MM/DD/YYYY [Spending budget]*1 Write in the name of the research representative below if the budget type is one of the following: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Strategic Research Foundation Grant-aided Project for Private Universities, and Joint Research such as the System for Promotion of Research Institutes. Name of the Research Representative*1 Budget Type [Each day's business] If entry space below is insufficient, use "Domestic/Overseas Travel Report (Expense Report) (No. 2)". MM/DD Business destination Business trip evidence*2 Receipt space (remarks) Content of business (describe based on relation to spending budget) / / / / / / / *2 For details on materials that can be used as evidence of a business trip, see section 5-1, "Procedures Before and After Business Trip", in the Guidelines for Research Fund Spending (For Researchers) 2015 Edition. Incidentally, if it is extremely difficult to submit materials that can directly confirm that business was conducted, submit materials that confirm you went to the business trip destination, such as public transportation tickets, accommodation receipt, "Interview/Lodging Certificate [Research Division Form 2-5]", etc. [Travel expenses breakdown: Fill in area enclosed by bold lines only if there was change from business trip procedures-related documents.] * All other areas are processed by Office. MM/DD Origin to Destination / to / to / to km Train/Airfare Fare Bus/Other Daily Allowance Accommodation Expenses Subtotal Amount already provided yen Slip number of the attached original Statement of Travel Expenses 2 0 1 Total Travel Expenses after Change [Addition/Reversal] Inspected/ Checked by 1 3 0 MM/DD/YYYY yen Difference Addition yen Reversal [For Change/Deletion/Overseas Business Trip] [Budget Unit] Administrative Inspected/ Dept. Head Approved by Manager Checked by Seal of a supervisor for senior researchers and researchers MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Received by MM/DD/YYYY Research Division Form 2-4-1, April 2015 Version