Minutes of the Communication Committee Ocean Avenue Campus, Room ArtsX 170 – May 3, 2005 Members Present: Attila Gabor, Carol Hudson, Joe Jah, Andrea Niosi, Francine Podenski, Kevin Viard Members Absent: Martha Lucey Resources Present: Tom Hetherington, Tom Blair Resources Absent: Beth Cataldo Guests Present: Will Maynez and Joy Durighello representing the Works of Art Committee; Athena Steff and A. Smiley Curtis representing Graphic Communications. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from the April 2005 meeting were approved. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. WORK PLAN - COMMUNICATIONS PLAN DRAFT A plan of action is necessary to begin formal review of the current draft of the Communications Plan document. This summer, Lucey has volunteered to meet with the Deans to gather their contributions; this fall, the committee may want to ask the Associated Students for student input. After review of the document has been completed, the document will go back to the Academic Senate. A work group from the Communications committee, consisting of Joe Jah, Martha Lucey, Kevin Viard and Andrea Niosi will facilitate the review process. b. EATV-CH27 STUDY GROUP The study group chaired by Tom Blair is scheduled to have its first preliminary meeting. The group is will look at what other educational channels are doing and ways to improve content. c. NEW CATALOG The new 70th anniversary edition of the College Catalog will be delivered May 5, and be made available on the 6th of May. d. NEWSPAPER KIOSKS The proposal to install newspaper kiosks at all of the campuses was accepted by the College Advisory Council. The contract is currently being worked out. Juan Gonzales, the chair of the Journalism department will be invited to attend a Communications Committee meeting in the fall to give a progress report. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. NEW BUSINESS CARD DESIGN – WORKS OF ART COMMITTEE PRESENTATION Representing the Works of Art Committee, Will Maynez and Joy Durighello presented a proposal to offer the option of business cards with images of City College art on the backside. Athena Steff and A. Smiley Curtis representing Graphic Communications also attended the meeting and provided important details from the printing side of the process. Main points of the discussion include: The graphics department does not want to print the cards because a four-color press is necessary and the department does not own one. It was recommended that the College use an approved union printer as the outside vendor. Emphasis was placed on the need to set specs for the front of the card (standards for the type size, font, size of college logo, etc.). The Works of Art committee will select between 12-25 images which will then be presented to the College Diversity Committee. The Diversity Committee will be asked to decide which images will suitably represent the college. The number of final images to choose from is yet to be decided. Having an annual/bulk order will help to keep the cost down. Payment to vendor can only be made by individuals; requisitions will not be accepted by the vendor. Though the idea of an art business card option was supported the Communications Committee, there are numerous details to work out before this proposal can be formally recommend to the College Advisory Council. It was recommended that a work group consisting of members of the Communication and Works of Art Committees be designated to oversee the project once the Works of Arts committee gains approval form the Facilities Committee. The College Advisory Council will make the final decision whether or not to go ahead with the new business card proposal. b. PROPOSAL TO REQUIRE POSTED FLYERS IN LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH TO INCLUDE ENGLISH TRANSLATION The discussion centered on whether having an English translation is primarily an accessibility issue or whether other issues also need consideration. Could requiring an English translation be a violation of the First Amendment? Do students have a right to be able to post flyers only in their native languages? What are the ramifications for this proposal on campuses that have a large population of non-English speaking students? Members agreed that to have a useful discussion, the committee will need to first look at the requirements the school holds for approving flyers for posting. After a lengthy discussion, it became apparent that the flyer translation proposal is a complex issue that will require consultation with representatives from other campuses, various constituent groups, and Skip Fotch. This proposal will be tabled till Fall ’05 semester. 4. MEETING SCHEDULE FOR FALL 2005 Meeting dates for next fall will be on Tuesdays from 12:00PM -1:30 PM in ArtsX170 on the following dates: Aug 30th; Oct. 4th; Nov. 2nd; and Nov. 29th.