Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Guanhua Ren Vanderbilt University Ren 1 Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 2 Abstract This paper examines the current research and theories that can help those teaching the third Mathematical Practice in the Common Core State Standards of Mathematics. Driven by a Constructivist approach to learning, the two existing design models of Problem-Based Learning and the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory could be helpful for teaching this Mathematical Practice. In addition, the idea of developing argumentation as a way to promote student learning becomes most suitable for this kind of lesson content. However, this poses a challenge to teachers to consider multiple aspects of the classroom during teaching. When using the concepts of argumentation research, focusing on class norms could help teachers keep the classroom running smoothly. Other research on the structure of argumentation provides valuable insight into how to evaluate argumentation as a learning product. This paper analyzes how Problem-Based Learning and the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory can help teachers design feasible lesson content for teaching this Mathematical Practice and the role of the teacher during instruction. It finally discusses ways to help students develop strong argumentation skills, and investigates ways to assess argumentation. Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 3 Implementing the third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have been controversial since being released. In response to the calls for educational reform, CCSS have included many new concepts within the curriculum. One of these new concepts in the Mathematics Standards is the introduction of Mathematical Practices. According to the CCSS, these practices are to be taught in every grade from kindergarten to twelfth grade. However, it is worth noting that details of how these practices are to be connected to each grade level's mathematics content are left to local implementation of the Standards. Therefore, it still requires a large amount of effort to follow through in practice with these Standards. Mathematical Practices as the Goals in the Common Core Mathematics Curriculum According to the description in the CCSS, the Standards for Mathematical Practices describe groups of knowledge that educators ought to develop in their students. By engaging in learning them, students should be able to develop mathematical maturity and expertise throughout the elementary, middle and high school years.These practices, which rest on important “processes and proficiencies” (CCSS, 2010), are based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) process standards of: problem solving; reasoning and proof; communication; representation; connections and the strands of mathematical proficiency specified in the National Research Council’s report, Adding It Up, (2011). These strands are adaptive reasoning; strategic competence; conceptual understanding; procedural fluency and productive disposition. After students master these “processes and proficiencies”, they should become fluent in carrying out mathematical processes. Moreover, such fluency is not acquired by repetition of Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 4 procedures, but by understanding of mathematical ideas. This is a substantive answer to the problem of “a mile wide and an inch deep”, (CCSS, 2010) In this article, I am going to focus on the third Mathematical Practice: “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”, and show how students can achieve both procedural fluency and deep mathematical understanding when they learn this practice. The third Mathematical Practice requires students to “make conjectures …… analyze situations …… justify their conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others” (p. 6). It is not difficult to see that this practice provides rich ground for communicating with their peers. In addition, since students are required to make conjectures, analyze situations and justify conclusions, they will be forced to use their reasoning skills and prove their stance. Therefore, it is also going to cultivate reasoning and proofing skills for students, which is another important process in the NCTM standards. However, as also mentioned in the National Research Council’s report, Adding It Up (2011), the five strands (adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and productive disposition) are “interwoven and interdependent in the development of proficiency in mathematics”, (p. 116). This means that students will not be given enough support for their mathematical learning if teachers merely attempt to address one or two of these strands. Therefore, it is the teachers’ challenge to bring all “processes and proficiencies” to the classroom while they teach this practice. Problem Based Learning as a Vehicle for Teaching Mathematical Practice Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which students learn through facilitated problem solving. In PBL, students are presented with an ill-defined Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 5 problem that does not have a simple correct answer. Also, students work in collaborative groups to solve the problem. A PBL approach should be organized around the investigation, explanation, and resolution of meaningful problems, (Torp & Sage, 2002). However, as Lampert (2001), points out: “what is to be taught as students work on such problems - and more importantly how it is to be taught – usually remains vaguely articulated”, (p. 3). In order to make clear what should be introduced in a PBL classroom and how it should be taught, Hmelo-Silver (2004) has developed a mechanism called the PBL cycle. In a PBL cycle, the students are given a problem scenario. They analyze the problem by identifying the relevant facts from the scenario. Then, they generate hypotheses about possible solutions. An important part of this cycle is identifying knowledge deficiencies relative to the problem. Students will follow a process of Self-Directed Learning (SDL) and learn through their knowledge deficiencies. Then, students apply their new knowledge and evaluate their hypotheses in light of what they have learned. And lastly, students reflect on the abstract knowledge gained. The PBL cycle described by Hmelo-Sliver is a good protocol for teaching mathematical practice. While students identify relevant facts and generate hypotheses, they will have opportunities to use their conceptual understanding and reasoning skills. Moreover, because an ill-defined problem does not have a unique answer or solution path, students will generate different hypotheses which depend on their strategic competence and procedural fluency. Then, teachers can create more opportunities for learning because of the diversity among the students, as I will explore later in the paper. In the PBL approach, it is critical for the teacher to find a fruitful problem such that the Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 6 students can engage with and learn. In 1997, Margetson suggested that it is necessary to think about the nature of the problem used to trigger student learning. He argued that within the PBL context, problems are invariably identified as ‘ill-defined’ and ‘real-world’, pointing out that they are artificial abstractions specifically constructed to facilitate student learning. Therefore, it poses the challenge to teachers and educators that they should not only know how to facilitate PBL, but also understand how to select or create the appropriate problems with precision. Research articles about the PBL approach have an almost consistent view about the characteristics of a good problem. The problem, as Margetson (1997), Torp et al. (2002) and Hmelo-Silver (2004), all mention, should be “complex”, “ill-structured”, and “open-ended”. In addition, the problem should provide opportunities for conjecture and argumentation in order to promote the PBL cycle. The solutions for the problem should be complex as well. They are often inter-disciplinary or require knowledge from several areas of one discipline. Last but not least, as Mauffette et al. (2004), point out, although PBL is taken to be inherently motivating, few researchers have considered the motivating factors for PBL. Yet motivation is a critical part of teaching. Therefore, Mauffette et al. suggest that educators should also take motivation into account when they are evaluating the problems. They provide criteria for motivational problems which include educational goals, background information, setting, problem, content, resources, and presentation (see appendix A). Following on from these requirements, I have generated the task below as an example for the PBL approach: Adam and Bill are two athletes that are preparing for the Olympics. Unfortunately, only one of them can be offered the place. Given the information below, detailing their sprint times, Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 7 if you are going to recommend one of them, who will you choose? (The results of the Olympics will also be given to the teacher) The data is Adam’s and Bill’s results for 9 rounds. All data are measured in seconds. Round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Adam 19.34 19.71 19.58 20.14 19.58 20.13 19.99 22.62 20.07 Bill 19.97 19.96 20.39 20.13 20.21 20.44 20.18 20.61 19.94 This problem aims to provoke arguments about mean and standard deviation. As the table shows, Adam has a small mean but large standard deviation whereas as Bill has a larger mean and smaller standard deviation. This means that Adam is generally faster, but not always in shape. Bill, on the other hand, is slightly slower, but more consistent than Adam. The answer to this question, of course, could be either competitor. It is an open-ended question. In fact, there is not a unique correct answer to it, nor should there be. What is important here is that this question can trigger students to make conjectures and arguments, and to justify them. As they work though this question, it will be necessary for them to use their knowledge, not merely recall it, but also to actively apply it. By doing so, the knowledge can be refined and consolidated. The Constructivist Approach as a Mechanism of Learning Constructivism is a way to describe how knowledge has been built up as a learner receives and processes information. An essential difference between constructivism and its previous learning theories (such as Behaviorism, Didactic Theories) is that Constructivism highlights the importance of prior knowledge which is unique to each learner. As Fenstermacther and Soltis (2009) claim: “…the teacher is not who imparts knowledge and Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 8 skill to another, but one who helps another gain his or her own knowledge and skills”, (p. 31). Among all theories of Constructivism, Jean Piaget’s (1953), notions of assimilation, accommodation and equilibration stand above all others in influence and importance. According to Piaget, children come into the world with only a few behaviors to guide their actions. Yet they are actively observing and acquiring new information. During this process, the children begin to build their initial “schema”, which are clusters of knowledge about a concept or object (Martinez, 2010). Although a schema could be a disordered one, children will tend to organize these clusters of knowledge so that they become a cohesive whole, a “cognitive structure”. This process, which depends greatly on the knowledge they already have, could possibly produce a naïve cognitive structure in reality, but sensible to the child. In other words, children are always willing to reach equilibration in their cognitive structure. As children keep observing new information, they will first try to make sense of the information by their previous cognitive structure, their prior knowledge. Then, the new information and the new explanation will gradually integrate with the existing cognitive structure. This is the how assimilation occurs. However, since the cognitive structure could be wrong, it is inevitable that children receive some information that cannot be explained by their cognitive structure. In these cases, small adjustments to their cognitive structures are not sufficient to make sense of the new information. Therefore, children have to reconstruct their cognitive structure. This is the process of accommodation, (Phillips & Soltis, 2009). In reality, it might take a long time for children to go through the process from the recognition of cognitive flaws (or in terms of the PBL cycle, the knowledge deficit), to Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 9 reconstructing an advanced cognitive structure. It demands high cognitive load activities, such as thinking, reasoning and justifying. In Piaget’s theory, all of these activities will take place inside the child’s head, and are personal rather than social activities. Nevertheless, there are widely accepted criticisms (Martinez, 2010) about the lack of the social aspects of learning in Piaget’s theory. It is possible, I believe, to make social activities into opportunities for learning through class discussion. The Constructivist mechanism is a valuable approach for teaching Mathematical Practices by employing peer discussion. In addition to Piaget’s original theories of Constructivism, many scholars have made further progress with his theory. For example, Simon and Tzur (2012), articulate a mechanism for mathematics concept development grounded in the construct of assimilation, a key aspect of Constructivism. This articulation describes how learners’ goal-directed activities can lead to the generation of more sophisticated concepts. The process begins with the learners setting goals. These goals are often related to the task posed by the teacher, but not necessarily the same as the goals that the teacher has in mind. In fact, these two are different most of the time, and it is critical for the teacher to be aware of such differences. As learners engage in their activities, they are going to create mental records. Each mental record is an iteration of the activity linked to its effect, which is similar to the concept of raw information or observation in the constructivist approach. Then, the learners sort and compare, which leads to identifying the relationships between the activity and its effects. These components: creating records of experience; sorting and comparing records, and identifying patterns in those records, are altogether referred to as a process called “reflective abstraction” by Simon and Tzur which helps the learners to construct new concepts and new Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 10 activity-effect relationships. The Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) as a Tool for Generating Activities In Simon’s oft-cited 1995 paper, he uses the idea of a learning trajectory as a description of key aspects of planning mathematics lessons. According to the paper, there are two important features of a learning trajectory. Firstly, a learning trajectory does not exist in the absence of an agent and a purpose. And secondly, it is a teaching construct – something a teacher conjectures as a way to make sense of where students are and where the teacher might take them. Also, it is hypothetical, because an “…actual learning trajectory is not knowable in advance.” (Simon M. , 1995) Since a learning trajectory must have a purpose, this is the first thing that should be considered. In this article, the purpose of our learning trajectory would be to teach the Mathematical Practice: “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”. The agent of the learning trajectory is undoubtedly the teacher, and their mission is to connect the students’ current thinking activity with a possible future thinking activity. Therefore, it is time for teachers to consider how learners learn and how to bring them to the next level. In this article, I assume a Constructivist approach. This means that the HLT I must design will address prior knowledge first in order to find out where students are, and then give students opportunities to abstract and represent the situation before the teacher explains the principles. Following the discussion above, I am now going to generate an HLT for the problem I posed before. This generation of an HLT begins with identifying a learning goal for students. The learning goal here will be to learn the statistical ideas: measure of center and measure of Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 11 spread. More specifically, students are going to understand: 1) How to compute measure of center and measure of spread. 2) What measures of center and measures of spread represent respectively. 3) What a large (or small) measure of center and/or measure of spread tells us. Once the learning goals have been identified, the creation of an HLT involves generating a hypothetical learning process in the context of a particular set of learning tasks. Using the mechanism of reflective abstraction, the activity-effect relationship offers a starting point. We should design an activity in order to begin the process of assimilation. In addition, this task should be immediately available for the students to do without much effort. Thus, the first task for the students is to “represent the data set by statistical measure(s)/tool(s).” This task purposely gives a vague description of the statistical tool that they should use. While doing so, I expect students to choose the first statistical tools available to them and therefore let them make their first conjecture. They could use mean, median, mode, standard deviation, histogram, stem and leaf diagram, pie chart. The idea they choose should be the most familiar statistical tool for the student. In this way, this first task now becomes the basis for the intended learning. In addition, the fact that there is no one correct selection of these tools leaves space for students to justify their selection. Once students create mental records for this activity-effect relationship during the learning process, the next task should be designed around the reflection process of mental records. Thus, the next task of the learning process is to reflect on what they have done, and comment on their products. The aim that serves for this purpose could be: “Describe what representation you have used, what information your representation shows, and what it hides Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 12 or overlooks.” While students engage in these two tasks, they will create and reflect on the effect that their activity has caused, and thus they can assimilate new effect with the activity. This shows the complete cycle of generating activities and tasks. Then, the teacher can start again by setting a new goal that can be taught by this problem, then design a new activity as a basis, and finally provide the opportunities for reflection. Promoting Argumentation as a Focus during Teaching The problem and tasks I have developed above address most of the “processes and proficiencies”. However; I have not yet discussed how this task can be used to cover the processes of communication, representation, or connection. As a result, the problem does not have a strong affordance to teach the Mathematical Practice: “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”. In order to enhance this affordance, it is necessary to consider the role of teacher during this learning process. In my previous discussion, the teacher serves as the agent in HLT to identify the goals, and to promote the establishment of the activity-effect relationship as well as the reflection of it. The teacher is also the facilitator in PBL in order to guide students to find the knowledge deficits and resources for students to process though SDL (Self-Directed learning). Now, I propose that it is also the teachers’ responsibility to promote argumentation and class discussion as the products of this activity. When teachers fulfill this role, the processes of communication, representation, and connections should all be covered and thus students will have a better opportunity to learn Mathematical Practice. In fact, discourse in classrooms has always been viewed as a key aspect in teaching and learning. Margaret and Glenda (2008), refer to verbal discourse as “…acceptable, indeed Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 13 essential, in the classroom, and mathematical discussion, explanation, and defense of ideas become defining features of a quality mathematical experience.” (p. 516). In addition, teachers should invite students to: “…develop explanations, make predictions, debate alternative approaches to problems. . . (and) clarify or justify their assertions”, (Brophy, 2001, p. 13) in order to develop an understanding of the big ideas and an “appreciation of its value, and the capability and disposition to apply it in their lives outside of school”, (Brophy, 1999, p. 4). In concurring with Brophy’s stance, Yackel and Cobb (1996), find that students become less engaged in solutions to problems, than in the reasoning and thinking that lead to these solutions. However, it is worth clarifying that this kind of argumentation is not what usually occurs on talk shows or in the political sphere! The argumentation in classrooms is a form of collaborative discussion in which both sides share the same assumptions and work toward the same goal. When commenting on the concerns about argumentation in the classroom, Walshaw and Anthony (2008), even claim that students cannot learn mathematics with understanding, without engaging in discussion and argumentation. The Teacher’s Role during Instruction Although teachers should bring argumentation into the classroom, it does not imply that more discussion in the classroom leads to better understanding. In order to promote high quality argumentation, teachers have to interact with students wisely. Stein et al. (2008) suggests four practices that teachers should attempt during teaching. These practices are monitoring, selecting, sequencing, and connecting. According the Stein et al., a teacher should be monitoring while students are working on Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 14 a task. While citing Stein et al.’s idea, Horn (2012) elaborates that a teacher should “circulate (s) around the room, listening but not hovering. The teacher pays attention to student thinking and group dynamics, intervening only occasionally”, (p. 67). While monitoring, the teacher has to pay attention to both the mathematical and the social aspects of class work. This means that, on the one hand, the teacher should listen to and recognize the kinds of mathematical thinking occurring during the working period. On the other hand, they should step in whenever the group has stopped trying, or is not engaging. Teachers are required to have knowledge in two areas, as Sherin (2002) states: the subject matter knowledge and the pedagogical content knowledge. Then, the teacher has to select what should be presented to the whole class. It could be an unexpected solution(s), or it could be a disagreement which is raised during the working period. It is also very possible that there are many solutions or questions that the teacher wants to discuss with the whole class. This means that the teacher has to sequence these topics into a purposeful order. For instance, the teacher certainly does not want a student to present a neat answer while there is still disagreement or confusion. Instead, the teacher can ask students to come and present their argument on such a disagreement, or their confusion, and ask the rest of class to comment. If a teacher has conducted the lesson in this way, the lesson becomes exactly what is emphasized in the Mathematical Practice: “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”. Finally, novice students might not be able to fully understand others’ reasoning, or the connection between these differently presented arguments. Therefore, it is the teacher’s job to make the connection clear to them. When the connection has been established, the students Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 15 can make sense of different solutions, connect to their original thinking, and thus construct new knowledge by promoting assimilation or accommodation. Besides the mathematical aspects, a teacher should also be monitoring other aspects of the classroom. Allen and Blythe (2004), identify several challenges that a teacher could be facing. These challenges include: running out of time; having a big group; students easily going off-task; students being reluctant to offer comments, and many others. In order to deal with these issues, Allen and Blythe suggest that the teacher should be planning ahead with the anticipated problems in mind, and try to give every student the chance to participate. Similar suggestions also occur in Horn’s work (2012). Norms as a guideline for student behavior during discussion In many research articles, scholars have identified norms within the classroom community as a crucial for this purpose. One reason is that, as students first participate in a discussion, they often struggle with when and how to contribute to mathematical discussions and what to do as a listener. Setting up appropriate norms can help students learn. In addition, developing helpful norms in the classroom can provide more time for teaching, rather than classroom management. However, some norms can be implicit and hinder students’ learning. As Bransford (2000) proposes, norms like: “Never to get caught making a mistake or not knowing an answer”, can hinder a student’s willingness to ask questions. Helpful norms that aid classroom management are referred to as general classroom social norms. Examples of this type of norm could be: raising a hand before speaking, or, not talking while others speak. To be specific, there is one strategic norm that has been mentioned in many studies. It is to assign group roles to students during discussion. Horn (2012), offers four roles as follows: Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 16 facilitator, resource monitor, recorder/reporter and team captain. By assigning these roles, the students know how they are supposed to behave, and thus help the class to follow norms. To extend the idea of norms, Yackel and Cobb (1996), introduce the notion of socio-mathematical norms, to be distinguished from general classroom social norms. According to Yackel and Cobb, socio-mathematical norms are norms that focus on normative aspects of mathematics discussions, specific to the students’ ongoing mathematical activity. Their examples of socio-mathematical norms are: normative understandings of what counts as mathematically different, mathematically sophisticated, mathematically efficient and mathematically elegant in a classroom. An example of socio-mathematical norms can be, as discussed in the problem above, that students are expected to find an agreement by the end of their discussion instead of a disagreement. Unlike general social norms, engaging socio-mathematical norms can directly initiate learning. Also, since learning rarely happens by direct instruction, the implementation of socio-mathematical norms takes a lot more than just repetition. For example, when two students pose two different solutions or arguments, the teacher can ask the class why they are different. Then, students will justify their solutions as well as comment on others. This is the necessary process of implementing socio-mathematical norms. At the same time, as students engage in this process, they can also experience higher-level cognitive activity. Therefore, Mathematical Practice can also be taught during this process, since it provides many opportunities for them to communicate and justify. Evaluation of Students’ Argumentation Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 17 According to Andriessen (2006), the study of argumentation has been dominated for most of the last century by scholars who focused on the sequential structure of an argument. This implies that a good argument should have a certain type of structure, which includes a claim, data, warrant, backing, qualifier, and a rebuttal if there is an exception (Toulmin, 1958). To take the problem I have designed above as an example, a student may say that he recommends Adam to participate in the Olympics. This is his claim for this problem. Then, either by knowing the norm that everyone should provide warrants for their claim, or by questioning from his peers or teacher, he should be aware that there are some aspects missing from his argument. Therefore, the student may continue to construct his argument. He may say that he chooses Adam because Adam has a smaller mean. Then, a more subtle part of the argument is required, the backing. The student should also explain why mean is a critical measure but not variance, median, mode, or other measures. Finally, the student can give his conclusion with a suitable qualifier and rebuttals if necessary. Cobb (2002), and Berland and McNeill (2010), also apply Toulmin’s scheme of argumentation in their research framework. Cobb provides a graphical structure for Toulmin’s scheme (Appendix B). However, let us now consider the scenario in which another student comes and argues that Bill should be offered the place. How will the first student respond? Toulmin’s scheme does not provide a structure for this situation. Both Andriessen and Cobb recognize this shortcoming in Toulmin’s work. Cobb acknowledges that Toulmin's scheme has frequently been criticized, not least because of its Structuralist orientation. In addition, Andriessen (2006), claims that “the model (Toulmin’s scheme) fails to consider both sides involved in (real-world) argumentation; it covers only the proponent, not the opponent,” (p. 3) Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 18 To redress this deficiency, Andriessen suggests the Dialogue Theory, which has been developed by Walton (2000). Dialogue Theory views the interaction between proponent and opponent as a move made in a dialogue in which two parties attempt to reason together. Six types of dialogue are described: persuasion, inquiry, negotiation, information-seeking, deliberation, and eristic (personal conflict), to be used as “a normative model to provide the standards for how a given argument should be used collaboratively.” Using Walton’s Dialogue Theory, the interaction between these two students may look like this: the second student (John) suggests that variance maybe more important for this situation – the persuasion part. Then the first student (David) will ask John why his argument should be accepted – the inquiry part. John may say that a better athletic should be more consistent, and the difference between their means is not that significant. David may disagree, and they (as well as the rest of the class) will argue back and forth – the negotiation part. Then they might decide to find out the results of the actual Olympic athletics – the information-seeking part. Finally, while they have the new information and rethink this problem, it is hoped that they will come to an agreement – the deliberation part. In fact, as I mentioned earlier in this article, it does not matter which person they have chosen. There is no correct answer for this problem. The learning occurs when they engage in the process of convincing others or are convinced by others. Thus, a teacher who is going to assess their learning should look for the warrant and backing parts of their argument, and the persuasion, inquiry, negotiation, information-seeking, deliberation parts of their conversation. Once these aspects have all been presented, and they are logically linked, the teacher can conclude that the students have made their progress through argumentation. Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 19 Concerns about the Learner Besides Constructivism, Piaget is also well-known for his theory of cognitive development. His intellectual development theory of developmental stages claims that any learner would experience four developmental stages as they develop from newborn baby into adulthood. They would begin with the Sensorimotor stage, in which they can only experience the world through movement and senses. Generally after the age of 2, they will process to the next stage called the Preoperational stage. This stage includes an increase in language ability (with over-generalizations), symbolic thought, egocentric perspective, and limited logic, (Ojose, 2008). The next stage, the Concrete Operational Stage, starts from ages 7 to 11. In this stage, learners begin to think logically, but are very concrete in their thinking. They can converse and think logically but only with practical aids. Also, from this stage, they are no longer egocentric. The final stage is the Formal Operational Stage. In this stage, learners develop abstract thought and can easily converse and think logically. Bearing Piaget’s theory in mind, educators should ensure that the problems and activities they have designed for learning should be modified depending on the developmental level of the learners. For example, if the learners are still in the concrete operational stage, it is not sensible for the educators to introduce the highly abstract thinking of advanced ideas such as groups or infinity, especially when detailed scaffolding is not provided. The learners will not be ready to understand them; and if they do encounter something like this it will confuse them completely. It is possible for them to enter a state of learned helplessness if they keep confronting knowledge that is far beyond their level, (Martinez, 2010). For the learner experiencing learned helplessness, there is a complete disconnection between personal Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 20 initiative and desired outcomes. Then, the strategy that makes the most sense is simply to stop trying. However, even though older learners are potentially more capable of making logical arguments, it is not always the case. In Berland and McNeill’s (2010), study, they found that younger learners may perform better than older learners. This could possibly be a result of the students’ previous experience of argumentation. Indeed, even if the learners are developmentally ready for learning argumentation, there is a natural tendency to be in favor of their own side, but not the opponent’s. As a result, they will tend to consider their argument as a more legitimate stance even if both sides’ arguments are equally reasonable. The appreciation of an opponent’s position comes a lot later. Therefore, for teaching practice, a teacher should postpone the debating aspect of argumentation but focus on helping students articulate their own arguments. However, this does not mean that students cannot criticize each other. They can talk about the structural completeness of others’ arguments. This can be viewed as peer-assessment. When students have developed the skill of making a good argument, then will be the time to ask them to focus on criticizing the content of others’ arguments as well as the structure. Questions and Implications Forty-five states have adopted the CCSS for Mathematics up until January 15 2013. This means the curricula of most states will be based on the CCSS for Mathematics by 2015. Mathematical Practices is a critical part of this curriculum. As stated in the Standards, the implementation of this curriculum should always: “attend to the need to connect the Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 21 mathematical practices to mathematical content in mathematics instruction”, (CCSS p. 8). However, the details about implementing these practices have only vaguely been stated. In addition, over time, the research on learning progressions will inform and improve the design of standards - to a much greater extent than is possible today. Therefore, continued research and investigation is essential for successfully teaching and broadening these standards in the future. I am aware that this analysis about teaching Mathematical Practice relies heavily on the theory of Constructivism and the works of Piaget. His work, which is generally referred as cognitive constructivism, focuses on a sequential development of mental processes. However, I believe students can learn by interaction with others. Therefore, a possible direction for the paper is to consider the social constructivism theory by Vygotsky (1978), which claims experiential learning occurs through real life experience to construct knowledge. Situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991), on the other hand, is another direction for further study. It discusses how learners explore available tools and learn within a community. It draws on the analysis and use of tools that may enhance student learning, and is to be considered. Finally, there are not any two learners who learn in the same way. Therefore, educators should always focus on answering the question: ‘How can teaching practice best enhance all students’ learning?’ The introduction of Mathematical Practices is a move of merit, but it also leaves many questions for educators to consider. If we can make progress in answering these questions, our students will unquestionably be the beneficiaries. Conclusion Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 22 The Common Core State Standards delivers a new challenge for teachers. One challenge is to successfully implement Mathematical Practices into classroom teaching practice. In order to address this issue, I have analyzed the Common Core Mathematics Standards and suggest that argumentation could be a focus for teaching. After reviewing research on teaching and argumentation, I draw three conclusions as follows: 1) In order to teach argumentation, we first have to create appropriate learning contexts. I suggest the framework of Problem-Based Learning. Then by using the idea of the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory, teachers should construct complex task sequences, incorporating many argumentation activities over an extended period. 2) The learning environment is crucial for teaching argumentation. In order to provide a good learning environment, teachers should establish healthy norms that help the classroom run smoothly. Moreover, establishing socio-mathematical norms are an essential part of students’ learning. 3) Research on argumentation suggests a structural feature of argument. Teachers can assess students’ progress by identifying the quality of different parts of their argument, and by looking at the completeness of their argument. Although teachers are no longer the authority in the classroom while teaching argumentation, this does not imply teachers have a lesser load. In fact, teaching argumentation required a long term effort in developing a consensus about what counts as a good argument, what counts as mathematically justified, and what constitutes socio-mathematical norms. Although these require much more action then just instructing, it is an efficient way to build a mathematical mindset in students. Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Appendix A Ren 23 Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Appendix B Graphical representation of Toulmin’s scheme of argumentation Ren 24 Implementing the Third Mathematical Practice by using Argumentation Ren 25 Bibliography Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2004). 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