Survey Questionnaire PHARMACIST Thank you for agreeing to participate in this research to support the evaluation of the MIC program. Your contribution will greatly aid in finding ways to further improve the program. As we mentioned to you on the phone, the research is being conducted on behalf of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Department of Health and Ageing by TNS – an independent research company. Funding for this project was granted in the Third Community Pharmacy Agreement. The Pharmacy Guild approval number for this research is 534 and we have a rating of A1. Additionally, the project has been given clearance by the ABS Statistical Clearing House Ref #XXXXX This survey seeks your honest opinions and experiences with the Medicines Information for Consumers (MIC) program and Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) generally. Please follow the instructions carefully to complete the questionnaire and return it directly to us in the reply paid envelope provided. Your responses are completely confidential – you will not be identified in any way as your responses will be aggregated with those of many other pharmacists across Australia. If you have any queries about the survey, please do not hesitate to call Victoria Parr at TNS on 02 9563 4288 during business hours. Firstly, a few questions about this pharmacy… J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc Firstly, a few questions about this pharmacy… 1. Is this pharmacy located in… TICK ONE () A metropolitan area A regional centre A rural area A remote area 2. 1 2 3 4 Is your pharmacy located in… TICK ONE () A shopping centre A shopping strip Other (please specify: __________________________) 3. 1 2 6 Would you say that this pharmacy is a ‘Forward Pharmacy’… TICK ALL THAT APPLY () Yes No Not sure 4. 1 2 9 Is this pharmacy… TICK ALL THAT APPLY () Independent and privately owned A franchise but privately owned Part of a chain or pharmacy group 5. 1 2 3 What proportion of this pharmacy’s customers are regular customers and what proportion are transient customers? NOTE: BELOW SHOULD ADD TO 100% (PLEASE GIVE YOUR BEST ESTIMATE) Regular Transient TOTAL J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 2 (%) % % 100% 1 2 3 6. How would you describe the typical customer profile of this pharmacy? Please describe your customer profile by ticking all that apply below. TICK ONE () Older people People with chronic illness People whose first language is not English Indigenous people Young families/mothers Tourists/holiday makers Local workforce Local residents Young singles Other (please specify: __________________________) No particular mix – all kinds of people Not sure 7. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 99 How would you describe the average socio-economic status (SES) of this pharmacy’s customers? TICK ONE () High SES Middle SES Low SES No particular skew Not sure 8. How many full time equivalent pharmacists are employed at this pharmacy including yourself? For example, one pharmacist working five days week and one pharmacist working three days a week would be 1.6 (FTE). We understand that this may be an estimate only. PLEASE WRITE IN: 9. On average, how many (claimable) PBS prescriptions would this pharmacy dispense each day? PLEASE WRITE IN: 10. On average, how many private prescriptions (non PBS) would this pharmacy dispense each day? PLEASE WRITE IN: J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 3 1 2 3 4 9 11. Approximately what proportion of all prescriptions dispensed would be for new medications and what proportion would be for repeats? Again, we understand that this may be an estimate only. NOTE: BELOW SHOULD ADD TO 100% (PLEASE GIVE YOUR BEST ESTIMATE) (%) New medicines Repeats TOTAL 12. % % 100% 3 () AMFAC FRED REX (PHOENIX) WINIFRED LOCUM LOTS PHARMASOL/LOCKIE QUICKSCRIPT MINFOS SUREFIRE SIMPLE SCRIPT PRO (PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS) Other (please specify: __________________________) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 96 How many dispensing terminals are actively used in this pharmacy? TICK ONE () One Two Three More than three 14. 2 Which dispensing software do you use in this pharmacy? TICK ONE 13. 1 1 2 3 4 Is this pharmacy… TICK ONE Accredited under QCPP Undergoing the QCPP accreditation process Not accredited under QCPP J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 4 () 1 2 3 15. Does this pharmacy provide medications to… TICK ALL THAT APPLY () Aged care facilities/nursing homes Aboriginal Medical Services People in their homes None of these 1 2 3 7 MIC program and CMI delivery… 16. Does this pharmacy participate in the MIC program? It is a Commonwealth Government initiative whereby pharmacies are reimbursed for providing printed Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) to customers. TICK ONE () Yes No 1 2 If this pharmacy does not participate, are there particular reasons for not participating? If so, please describe these reasons in the space below… PLEASE WRITE IN: 17. On average, how many CMIs are printed by this pharmacy each day? PLEASE WRITE IN: 18. On average, how much time would you estimate is spent by this pharmacy each day on delivering CMI to customers? PLEASE WRITE IN: Hours: _______ Minutes: _______ Note: It is understood that it is difficult to accurately calculate this time, however your best estimate will be appreciated J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 5 1 19. Compared to this time a year ago, would you say that you are spending… TICK ONE () Much more time printing and delivering CMI A bit more time printing and delivering CMI The same amount of time printing and delivering CMI A bit less time printing and delivering CMI Much less time printing and delivering CMI Not sure 20. 2 3 4 5 9 Which of the following is your primary source of CMI? Which other sources, if any, do you use as secondary or backup sources? Via dispensing software e-MIMS APP guide (electronic) APP guide (on-line) APP guide (hard copy) Pack inserts Information provided by pharmaceutical company reps MedInfo Other (please specify: __________________________) 21. 1 a. b. MAIN SOURCE OTHER SOURCES (TICK ONE ONLY) (TICK ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 How straightforward is it for you to print a CMI in this pharmacy? TICK ONE Very straightforward Quite straightforward Not very straightforward J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 6 () 1 2 3 22. For each of the following criteria, please indicate whether you always provide a CMI, usually provide a CMI, sometimes provide a CMI, or rarely if ever provide a CMI. TICK ONE ON EACH LINE (). When it is the first time the consumer has been prescribed that medicine When the consumer has been prescribed the medication before, but not in the last six months When there is a change in dose for the medication When the medication is prescribed in combination with other medicines for the first time When a person having a prescription filled asks for printed information When a person not having a prescription filled asks for printed information When the medication has extensive and/or serious side effects When the script is not a PBS subsidised script 23. ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES RARELY IF NEVER NOT SURE 4 3 2 1 9 Besides the above, are there other circumstances where you provide CMI to consumers? TICK ONE Yes (please specify: __________________________) No J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 7 () 1 2 24. Previous research with pharmacists has indicated a number of different instances where a CMI is not necessarily provided to the consumer even though it may be the first time they have been prescribed a medication. Thinking about the last six months, please indicate whether you have ever decided to not provide a CMI in any of the following circumstances (please remember that your feedback is anonymous)… TICK ALL THAT APPLY () The consumer did not speak or read English 1 The consumer was an older person 2 The consumer was someone who in your view may not have been able to understand the information The consumer was obviously in a rush and may not have reacted well to being given the information The side effects listed in the CMI would have caused anxiety or alarm and perhaps led to non-compliance 25. 4 5 The consumer had a diagnosed mental illness 6 The doctor had given instructions not to provide a CMI 7 Of all the CMIs provided by this pharmacy, approximately what proportion entail… NOTE: WRITE A PERCENTAGE NEXT TO EACH ITEM BELOW AND THE TOTAL SHOULD ADD TO 100% (PLEASE GIVE YOUR BEST ESTIMATE) (%) Detailed discussion between the pharmacist and consumer Brief discussion between the pharmacist and consumer Little or no discussion between the pharmacist and consumer TOTAL 26. 3 % % % 100% 1 2 2 Which of the following best applies to the way you deliver CMI in this pharmacy? TICK ONE I closely follow a set of guidelines as to when to deliver a CMI I am conscious of the guidelines, but use my professional judgment on a case by case basis to determine who should get a CMI I always use my professional judgment as to who should get a CMI – the guidelines don’t carry much weight J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 8 () 1 2 3 27. Does your pharmacy have any written policy or procedures that relate to the delivery of CMI? TICK ONE () Yes No 28. 1 2 Has there been any discussion among pharmacists and other staff in this pharmacy in relation to the delivery of CMI? TICK ONE () Yes No 1 2 Communication… 29. A package of communications materials was provided to all pharmacists who registered to participate in the MIC program. The materials provided information aimed at consumers about CMI and included a poster and a counter display? Did you receive these materials? TICK ONE SKIP TO Q.32 --- 30. () Yes No 1 2 Which of the following best describes what you did with the communications materials? TICK ONE () They are still displayed in this pharmacy 1 They were displayed in this pharmacy for a while but they have now been removed 2 They were never displayed in this pharmacy 3 Not sure 9 J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 9 31. When you first registered to participate in the MIC program, how satisfied are you with the way the following was communicated to you? TICK ONE ON EACH LINE (). EXTREMEL Y SATISFIED VERY SATISFIED FAIRLY SATISFIED NOT VERY SATISFIED NOT AT ALL SATISFIED NOT SURE 5 4 3 2 1 9 Your obligations under the program The purpose and objectives of the MIC program Best practice approaches that should be followed in delivering CMI The claiming process The reimbursement/ incentive scheme for pharmacists The guidelines that should be applied to deciding who should get a CMI J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 10 Benefits to pharmacy… 32. There are a number of clear benefits for consumers that arise from the MIC program and having greater access to CMI. However, there are also some potential benefits for pharmacy. Please indicate how beneficial the following impacts of the MIC program are for pharmacy in Australia. TICK ONE ON EACH LINE (). EXTREMEL Y BENEFICIA L VERY BENEFICIAL QUITE BENEFICIAL NOT VERY BENEFICIAL NOT AT ALL BENEFICIAL NOT SURE 5 4 3 2 1 9 Pharmacists being reimbursed for providing CMI Helps to lift the profile of pharmacists as health professionals Provides an added focus on the importance of CMI Brings consistency to the way CMI is delivered through Australian pharmacies J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 11 Train and accreditation… 33. The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) recently conducted a training course/workshop on CMI delivery in various locations around Australia. Did you hear about this course/workshop? TICK ONE Yes No SKIP TO Q.35 --- 34. () 1 2 Did you attend the workshop? TICK ONE () Yes No 35. 1 2 While there is currently some reference made to CMI delivery in QCPP standards, there is no specific or rigorous standard that relates to CMI delivery in pharmacies. How appropriate do you think it is that such a standard be included in QCPP guidelines? TICK ONE Highly appropriate Quite appropriate Not appropriate Not sure J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 12 () 1 2 1 2 Impacts of the MIC program… 36. What impacts has the MIC program had? Please indicate from the list below which things you would consider as real impacts of the MIC program… TICK ONE ON EACH LINE (). DEFINITELY YES POSSIBLY YES NO 3 2 1 More CMIs are being provided by this pharmacy Made me think more carefully about the way CMI is delivered Has resulted in new business practices within the pharmacy to deliver CMI more effectively or efficiently I am now being better reimbursed for the work I do in providing people with information about the medicines they are prescribed I am now better equipped to provide CMI to consumers I am now more aware of best practice approaches to providing consumers with information The profile of the pharmacists as health professionals has been lifted Pharmacists have been acknowledged for the role they play in providing information and advice to consumers 37. Overall, how supportive are you of the MIC program – that is, the Commonwealth Government’s efforts to increase and improve the information that consumers receive by reimbursing pharmacists for their time and effort? TICK ONE Very supportive Fairly supportive Neither supportive nor unsupportive Fairly unsupportive Very unsupportive Not sure J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 13 () 1 2 3 4 5 6 Payment mechanisms… 38. All pharmacies received a $3,000 readiness payment and a further $1,000 registration incentive was paid to those who registered to participate in the MIC program by December 2002. In the case of this pharmacy, was the money from either of both payments… TICK ALL THAT APPLY () Used to buy a laser printer 1 Used to fund changes to the pharmacy layout 2 Used to buy stationery and other supplies needed to print CMI 3 Used for some other specific purpose (please specify: __________________________) Used as a reimbursement for some costs that had already been incurred (please specify: __________________________) Not used for any specific purpose but added to the pharmacy’s operating funds 4 5 6 Not sure 39. 9 As ongoing reimbursement for the costs involved with delivering CMI, pharmacists receive ten cents per claimable script (regardless of how many CMIs are actually printed). This is based on an assumption about the proportion of scripts that require a CMI to be delivered. Which of the following statements best describes what you think of these arrangements? TICK ONE The amount does not come close to covering the costs we incur; it should be more The amount does not cover the costs we incur; but it is a fair compromise The amount covers most of the costs we incur; the amount is about right The amount covers more than the costs we incur J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 14 () 1 2 3 4 40. Regardless of the amount, how appropriate is this mechanism for reimbursing pharmacists for the time spent delivering CMI? TICK ONE () Very appropriate Fairly appropriate Not very appropriate Not at all appropriate 1 2 3 4 A possible alternative to the current mechanism for reimbursing pharmacists would be a payment for each CMI delivered (rather than the current ‘flat rate’ that is paid). This would of course entail some mechanism for reliably recording how many CMIs are provided. It may be possible that the dispensing software can log this information and create a report that can be sent to HIC with your claim. This process could be subject to audit similar to other claims made to HIC. 41. Is this more preferable than the current system? TICK ONE () Yes – much more preferable Yes – Somewhat more preferable No – it makes no difference No – a bit less preferable No – a lot less preferable 42. 2 3 4 5 Have you actually made a claim to HIC for reimbursement under the MIC program? TICK ONE SKIP TO Q.44 --- 43. 1 () Yes No 1 2 If no, why haven’t you made a claim? TICK ALL THAT APPLY Just haven’t remembered to The amount is not enough to make it worthwhile I’m not sure how to Other (please specify __________________________) J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 15 () 1 2 3 6 44. Currently, claims can be made to HIC for CMI delivery once every two months. Which months you make a claim depends on your approval number. Are you happy with this arrangement or would you prefer one of the following? TICK ONE 45. () Happy with the current arrangements (i.e. claim once every two months) 1 Would prefer to make a claim every month 2 Would prefer to make a claim once every six months 3 Would prefer to make a claim once every 12 months 4 Other (please specify __________________________) 6 Not sure/no particular preference 9 Claims for CMI delivery are currently separate to your normal PBS claim made to HIC. The purpose of this is that it is meant as a separate payment specifically for CMI delivery and as a separate acknowledgement of the work pharmacists do in this area. Would you prefer… TICK ONE () To continue making a separate claim for CMI delivery 1 Have the payment made automatically via your normal PBS claim to HIC 2 No particular preference 3 J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 16 General… 46. Could you please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. TICK ONE ON EACH LINE (). Since the inception of the MIC program, I am more concerned about my legal liability in providing people with information about their medicines I have always provided CMI; the MIC program makes very little difference to what I do People are often overwhelmed by the amount of information and all the side effects; it is sometimes better not to give CMI People value the information that pharmacists provide in the form of CMI I have a preference for pack inserts rather than the CMIs that I have to print out I often find myself ‘watering down’ the side effects listed on CMI so as not to alarm people I find CMI very useful as a counselling tool There are times when the pharmacy is very busy and because of the time pressure, I can’t give CMI unless specifically asked More people are actively asking for CMI these days Providing a high level of information and counselling gives me a competitive advantage over other pharmacies J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) AGREE NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY AGREE NOT SURE 5 4 3 2 1 9 STRONGLY AGREE 17 The approaches that this pharmacy uses for delivering CMI would be regarded as ‘best practice’ The community is more aware of the availability of CMI than they were this time last year The MIC program will help to educate consumers about the medicines they take and empower them to make more informed decisions I would benefit from more training on CMI delivery I would benefit from hearing about the approaches used by other pharmacists I would prefer not to provide CMI and not receive the payment – I only really participate because I feel obliged to J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 18 And lastly, a few questions about you… 47. For how many years have you been working in community pharmacy? PLEASE WRITE IN: 48. Which of the following best applies to you? TICK ONE () I am the sole owner of this pharmacy I am a joint owner of this pharmacy I am a permanent employee of this pharmacy I am a temporary employee of this pharmacy Other (please specify __________________________) 49. 1 2 3 4 6 Are you… TICK ONE () Male Female 50. 1 2 We will be calling pharmacists who have agreed to complete this questionnaire and have not returned it to us yet. Could you please give us the phone number of your pharmacy in order to identify that you have returned the survey to us? Your phone number will not be used for any other purposes. DAYTIME PHONE (including area code): ______________________________________ Please provide an estimate of the time taken to complete this form… PLEASE WRITE IN: Hours: _______ Minutes: _______ Note: It is understood that it is difficult to accurately calculate this time, however your best estimate will be appreciated Thank you very much for your time. Your responses will be very helpful in improving the information that is provided to people about the medications they are prescribed. Please put this survey in the envelope provided and put it in the post. You do not need a stamp. J21000_slf_qre_pharm.doc VP:jc (V.2) 19