SFOI quest final.doc


ABARE Small Farms and Other Industries Survey

Include ANZSIC (number & name) and EVAO at the top of the questionnaire

Qs 1 to 4 will be preprinted from the database but can be changed at interview

1 Trading name

2 Town and postcode (property location)

3 LGA (Shire/District Council) of the main part of surveyed farm

4 Phone number

5 Name of operator/person interviewed

6 Total farm area operated at 30 June 2002 Ha

7 Area of native forest and woodlands Ha

Greater then 2m high and 20 or more trees per Ha.

8 Area cropped on the survey farm during 2001-02, by crop groups Ha

Note: incl. on farm sharefarmed area and exclude off farm sharefarmed areas

Forest plantations

Fruit and Nuts


Plantation fruits





Broadacre crops nei (grain & hay) – cereals, oilseeds, course grains, grain legumes etc.

Fodder crops nei

Other crops nei - incl turf etc.

If sum of Q10 = 0 go to Q12

9 Area irrigated during 2001-02, by each of the above crop groups Ha

10 Area pasture irrigated during 2001-02 nei Ha

(this is added for completeness as it doesn’t fit in Q9)

11 Gross receipts during 2001-02 from sales of each of the above crop groups – excl GST $

Note: include on farm sharefarmed receipts and exclude off farm sharefarmed receipts

If sum of Qs 9 and 10 = 0 go to Q14

12 Total volume of irrigation water used on crops and pasture during 2001-02 ML to end of FY

13 What was the main source of irrigation water coming onto your farm during 2001-02? code

regulated – incl. harvested from regulated streams/off-allocation/sales water/regulated channels and pipes

unregulated – incl. harvested from unregulated streams

ground water

surface water/overland flow/farm dams

town water supplies

other (specify)

14 Number of each of the following types of livestock on hand 30 June 2002 No


Beef Cattle

Dairy Cattle










Other livestock (please specify)

15 Gross receipts from the sale of livestock during 2001-02 – excl GST $

16 Gross receipts from the following during 2001-02 - excl GST $

Note: treat sharefarming the same as for crops

Sale of wool milk honey eggs specify)

Other livestock products (please specify)

Other farm products incl. gravel, skins/hides, timber, wine, etc. (please

Agistment etc.

Off farm contracts

Off farm sharefarming

Other farm income incl. government assistance, insurance claims, livestock comp

17 Market value of land and fixed improvements

18 Market value of plant and equipment

19 Replacement cost of residential buildings

20 Provide an estimate of the amount of labour provided by farm families. (full time equivalents – weeks)

21 Total farm cash costs 2001-02 – excl GST $

(Check and see if total cash costs includes any of the following. If so obtain estimates of those items so they can be excluded to leave only farm costs. Ensure livestock purchases are included in the estimate)

Capital purchases



Loan repayments

Personal drawings

(Wages & salaries paid to operator, spouse, other members of the operating firm and their families)

Other personal/non farm costs

22 Total farm debt at 30 June 2002 $

23 How many people are actively involved in making management decisions for this farming business? (Include production, natural resource, people, marketing, and financial decisions, exclude decisions made by accountants, bank managers) No.

24 Could you provide the following details for yourself and one other main decision maker for the farm self

Role on farm (operator/owner, spouse, son, daughter, sharefarmer, managers, employee)


Year of birth

Highest education level attained (No schooling, primary school, 1-4 years High School, 5-6 years high school, Trade apprenticeship, technical/vocational, university)

Speak a language other than English at home? Y/N

% share of net income from farm business

Off farm wages and salaries (GROSS in 2001-2002)

Other non farm income incl interest, dividends, other business and farm incomes etc.

Years farming on the current property? (No of years)

Number of dependent children (enter once only if other decision maker is spouse)

25 Could you provide the following details for yourself and your spouse self

26. Do you have a documented farm plan /property management plan? Y/N

If N go to Q29

27. Has your farm plan been developed with reference to a regional /catchment plan? Y/N

28. Does your plan document contain information on: Y/N to each

 farm business plan

 actions/structure to address soil erosion (eg. contour banks, separate land classes)

 grazing/pasture management plan ie. Stock rotation

 a salinity management strategy

 areas of nature conservation value

29. Were any of the following significant degradation problems on your property in 2001-

02? Y/N

Poor water quality


Soil acidity


Soil sodicity

Surface waterlogging

Loss of soil structure (incl water repellence & soil compaction)

Weeds resulting in land degradation (incl serrated tussock etc.)

If all N go to Q33

30. What total area of your farm is affected by the significant degradation problem (s) (HA)

31. Have you changed your land management practices because of the significant problem(s)

(ask for each problem listed in Q29)

32. What was the total cost of remedial works targeted at these degradation problems in


For Example:

 management control of animal pests or weeds primarily for the control/prevention of land degradation

 landcare related earthworks (eg. erosion control, contour banks, drainage)

 landcare related fencing (alteration, extension or addition)

 tree and shrub establishment/ protection/regeneration to prevent /control land and water degradation (including buffer strips along water courses)

 changes to irrigation to address degradation problems

33. During the 2 years 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2002, have you participated in any of the following courses or training activities to improve your farm management and technical skills?

Demonstration sites or field days


Workshops or short courses

TAFE course

University course

Engaged a consultant

Other (please specify)

34. Are you or a property representative, a member of a landcare or similar group (eg. tree care, dune care etc.) Y/N

35. Are you or a property representative a member of a production group or have you taken part in programs such as Top Crop, Farm 500, SGS activities, Cattle Care, Flock Care, Q

Care etc Y/N

36. Which of the following farm practices are part of your farm management program:

(Yes/No/Not applicable to my farm or enterprise; Y/N/X)

 regular soil or plant tissue tests (to monitor issues such as fertiliser needs soil salinity, acidity, etc.)

 tree/shrub establishment and maintenance (exc orchards)

 preserve or enhance areas of conservation value (eg. River corridors, wetlands, historical sites)

 formal monitoring or pasture/vegetation condition (eg. species count)

 maintain vegetative cover along drainage lines

 exclude stock from agricultural areas affected by land degradation

 other practices to control/prevent land and water degradation (specify)

37. Have you or a property representative been involved in any of the following initiatives/programs during the two years 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2002. Y/N


National Landcare Program


Murray Darling Initiative 2001


Rivercare Program


Bushcare Program


Coastcare Program


Other Natural Heritage Trust initiatives / programs



National Action Plan for Salinity and Water quality

If no irrigation End of Questionnaire

Q 38 onwards are for irrigation farms only


Which of the following farm practices are part of your farm management program:

(Yes/No/Not applicable to my farm or enterprise; Y/N/X)

Laser graded irrigation layout

Capacity to store and re-use drainage water

Use of irrigation scheduling tools (eg. Tensiometers, neutron probe, water watch etc.)

Automated irrigation system (timer/sensor based; flood and pressure system)

39. How would you respond to any future reductions in availability of irrigation water:

 reduce the area of irrigation (inc scale down enterprise)

 buy water on the water trading market

 stop irrigating completely

 invest in water use efficiency measures

 change to a different irrigated crop or activity

 go out of business/sell the farm/retire

 other (specify)

40. What are the main things you have done over the past two years 1 July 2000 to30 June

2002 to maximise water use efficiency? (PROMPT – Can nominate more than one)

 nothing

 already as efficient as possible

 monitor soil moisture

 monitor water application

 monitor water demand (eg wind speed and temperature)

 improved water application technology, eg flooding to drip systems

 mulching

 storing and reusing irrigation water

 partial rootzone drying

 changed to water efficient crop varieties

 laser levelling

 upgrading water delivery systems on farm (piping open channels)

 other (specify

If answer to Q40 was “nothing”, then ask

41. What is the main reason you have not attempted to increase your level of water use efficiency?

 uncertainty about future water availability

 time (including additional management requirements)

 labour requirements

 cost of infrastructure or technology

 information

 no need

 other (specify)
