Faculty Volunteer Appointment Checklist If you answer YES to any of the questions below – Appoint as a Faculty Volunteer Will the volunteer be in the classroom? Will the volunteer assist a faculty member in the classroom and with supporting activities as a “course assistant”? Supporting activities may include but are not limited to: tutoring, advising, or setting up/breaking down classroom. Will the volunteer report directly to a faculty member or a department chair for the work that is being done? Will the volunteer assist coaches with athletes? Will the volunteer teach or coach athletes? Complete Faculty Volunteer Appointment Form and submit to Faculty Affairs Office, Stevenson 1041 If you answer YES to any of the questions below - Not Eligible to participate as a Faculty Volunteer Contact Faculty Affairs at 707-664-2192 for alternate appointment options Is the prospective volunteer a student receiving credit for the work to be done? Is the prospective volunteer an undergraduate student? Is the prospective volunteer a graduate student enrolled in the graduate program of the department for which the work is being performed? Faculty Affairs (11/2015) Page 1 of 3 Appointment Guidelines for Faculty Volunteers Guidelines for Faculty Volunteers Sonoma State University appoints faculty volunteers in accordance with the CSU Volunteer policy, HR 2015-10. A faculty volunteer is defined as an individual who performs work or provides services without compensation. These services may be performed for a semester, year, or any part thereof. Faculty volunteers may perform a variety of functions in support of instructional activities, examples of which include, but are not limited to: teaching courses, assisting the instructor as a “course assistant”, tutoring, coaching or assisting the coach, supporting athletics. Prior to appointing a volunteer please go to the Faculty Volunteer Appointment Checklist to determine that the volunteer is properly classified to participate as a Faculty Volunteer. Volunteers are eligible for workers' compensation and state liability coverage. A volunteer may be authorized to drive a vehi cle on official state business, in accordance with CSU and SSU policies and procedures as determined appropriate in accord with the volunteer duties and responsibilities. Additionally, a volunteer may be entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses in accordance with university procedures for reimbursement of travel expenses and allowances. SSU faculty volunteers, while not paid, must meet the same standards and qualifications required of a compensated employee. They also must have the necessary training and/or supervision to safely carry out the volunteer work and, depending on the particular function performed, must meet the approved license/certification and CSU requirements. Requirements may include background checks as determined by the CSU Policy. In addition, faculty volunteer appointments must be consistent with the CSU Nepotism Policy and the CSU Policy on the Employment of Minors, as appropriate. An individual who volunteers services in a field which requires a license or certificate must satisfy that requirement prior to performance of those duties. For example, a medical doctor, volunteering services, must have a current license to practice medicine before volunteering. Faculty Volunteers may be eligible for library privileges and parking permits. Faculty Volunteer Appointment Procedures If this individual has not previously volunteered at Sonoma State University as a Faculty Volunteer and will be listed as the “Instructor of Record” it is necessary to submit the faculty volunteer for a background check and provide a curriculum vitae or resume that shows name, address, phone number, education and work experience. 1. The Department is responsible for recruiting faculty volunteers and following internal department processes related to Faculty Volunteers. 2. The department completes the Faculty Volunteer Appointment Form and obtains required signatures. 3. Faculty Volunteer completes the required fields of the Faculty Volunteer Appointment Form, attaches any required documents, certificates or licenses, and returns the form to the hiring department. 4. Department forwards form and all required documents to Faculty Affairs 5. Faculty Affairs will send the appointment letter to the faculty volunteer. The appointment letter will include a link to Essentials for Faculty Volunteers providing further details of the appointment and privileges. This form is used to establish appointments for the faculty volunteer, including acceptance of the appointment by the faculty volunteer. If you have questions regarding the use of this form, call Faculty Affairs at 664-2192. Incomplete forms will not be accepted and will be returned to the hiring department for completion. Faculty Affairs (11/2015) Page 2 of 3 Faculty Volunteer Appointment Form INSTRUCTIONS: Please refer to the attached guidelines for instructions for completing this form. Incomplete forms will not be accepted and will be returned to the hiring department for completion. It is necessary for all new faculty volunteers that will be assigned as “Instructor of Record” to go through a background check and to submit a CV. Appointment Information (to be completed by hiring department) Dept. Number: Dept. Name: PeopleSoft Position Number: Supervisor: Extension: Appropriate Administrator: Extension: Duration of Appointment: For the semester: Choose an item. Year: Choose an item. Academic Year: Choose an item. Start Date: End Date: Will this faculty volunteer be assigned as “Instructor of Record”? Yes No Description of Duties: Class Number Course Title or Assignment Units Will volunteer drive a vehicle on University business? No Yes (DL# Will volunteer travel on University business? No Yes Exp. ) Review and approval - No commitment can be made until action is approved by the appropriate administrator. Department Chair Date Dean/Appropriate Administrator Faculty Volunteer Information (to be completed by volunteer) Name (As seen on Social Security Card): Birthdate (no year): / SSU ID Number: /XXXX Last 4-digits of Social Security Number: XXX - XX - Address: Home Phone: ( Date City, State, Zip Code: ) - Cell Phone: ( ) - E-Mail: Emergency Contact: Highest Degree Earned: Phone Number: ( Date: ) - University or School: I am presently employed by the University and this assignment is not connected with my employment SSU Faculty SSU Staff SSU Graduate Student I am presently a graduate student at the University and am not receiving academic credit for the work described above I am not presently employed by or a student at the University and request a complimentary parking pass. I understand if I receive a paid position during my volunteer appointment term or I am registered for units during this assignment, I will no longer be eligible for complimentary parking and will be charged for parking. I desire to volunteer my services performing duties similar to those described above at the direction of the above named supervisor. I understand that I will not be compensated for these services and that I serve at the pleasure of the University. This confirms that I have received notification of my benefits, rights and responsibilities under Worker’s Compensation available at http://www.sonoma.edu/hr/payroll/workers-compensation/. Your signature below constitutes acceptance of the appointment Signature of volunteer Date Faculty Affairs Use Only Approved and keyed into PeopleSoft on: cc: Personnel Action File ☐ Mandatory Background Check and CV provided for the “Instructor of Record” Faculty Affairs (11/2015) ☐ Driving Documents Required Page 3 of 3