CANDIDATE PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES OF THE POSITION INSTRUCTIONS This form is used by the Department Search Committee to define the specifics of the faculty position for this search. This information will be inserted into the Position Announcement after approval by Dean and AVP of Faculty Affairs. If you have questions regarding the use of this form, call Faculty Affairs at 664-2101. TO BE COMPLETED BY SEARCH COMMITTEE Department Name: Position Title: Check one: Tenure-Track Instructional Faculty Coaching Faculty Librarian (Tenure-Track) Lecturer Pool Other _______________ Visiting Professor Librarian (Temporary) DUTIES OF THE POSITION Please provide a brief paragraph summarizing the overall duties of this position. In addition please answer each of the questions below. If the question is not applicable leave blank. 1. Number of Courses/Units taught each semester: 2. Is there specific curriculum associated with this position? Please list. 3. What collaborative courses is the candidate expected to teach for Freshmen? Sophomores? Others? 4. What General Education Courses is the candidate expected to teach? PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 1. What Doctorate is required for this position? Please be specific 2. Are there other terminal degrees or doctorates you would consider for this position? *Must have Dean’s Approval. 3. How many years of university teaching do you require for this position? 4. What kind of additional research/work experience do you require for this position? 5. Is there a specific ‘Service’ component attached to this position? 6. Are there any other qualifications which are desired but not required? The following attachments will be requested of all applicants. If you have additional unique materials you need for review of this position, you will request those directly from semi-finalists/finalists for the position. Required Documents: Cover Letter, Resume, Statement of Research Interests, Teaching Philosophy, Student Evaluations, Contact information for 3 references. TO BE COMPLETED BY SEARCH COMMITTEE CHAIR Yes No Approved: Comments: Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________ Forward to Dean TO BE COMPLETED BY DEAN Approved: Yes No Comments: Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________ Forward to Faculty Affairs TO BE COMPLETED BY ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR FACULTY AFFAIRS Approved: Yes No Comments: Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________ Faculty Affairs 9/2014