ENVIRONMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DECISION 23 November 2007 Application Code HSC07029 Application Type Importation or manufacture of a hazardous substance in containment under Section 31 of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996. Applicant NZ Laboratory Services Ltd Purpose of the Application To import into or manufacture in containment small amounts of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) for use as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory. Date Application Received 10 October 2007 Consideration Date 23 November 2007 Considered by Rob Forlong Chief Executive Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) New Zealand 1 Summary of Decision 1.1 The application to import into or manufacture in containment small amounts of POPs for use as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory is approved with the controls set out in Appendix 1. This approval has been given in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (the Act) and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Methodology) Order 1998 (the Methodology). 1.2 The substances covered by this approval have been given the following unique identifier for the ERMA New Zealand Hazardous Substances Register: POP Standards, NZ Laboratory Services Ltd, Auckland Site, 2007 2 Legislative Criteria for Application 2.1 Unless otherwise stated, references to section numbers in this decision refer to sections of the Act. The application was lodged pursuant to section 31. The decision was determined in accordance with the requirements specified in sections 25A, 30 and 32, taking into account additional matters to be considered in those sections and matters specified under Part II of the Act and the provisions of Part III of the Third Schedule of the Act. 2.2 Unless otherwise stated, references to clauses in this decision refer to clauses of the Methodology. Consideration of the application followed the relevant provisions of the Methodology. 3 Application Process 3.1 The purpose of the application is to import into or manufacture in containment small amounts of POPs for use as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory. 3.2 The application was formally received on 10 October 2007. 3.3 The Department of Labour Workplace Group (OSH), the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for the Environment were advised of the application (clause 2(2)(e)). 3.3.1 3.4 No responses were received. Evaluation of the application was undertaken by the ERMA New Zealand project team, which comprised the following staff members: Margaret Keane Beth Dye 4 Advisor (Hazardous Substances) Applications Manager (Hazardous Substances) 3.5 The applicant was provided with a copy of the proposed controls and given the opportunity to comment on them in accordance clause 35(b). The applicant raised no issues with the proposed controls. 3.6 The application was considered by the Chief Executive of ERMA New Zealand as provided for by a delegation from the Environmental Risk Management Authority (the Authority) under section 19(2)(e). Consideration Sequence of the Consideration 4.1 NZ Laboratory Services Ltd seeks approval, under section 31, to import into or manufacture in containment small amounts of POPs for use as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory. 4.2 The approach adopted when considering this application was: to review the information provided; to identify the POPs and their hazardous properties; and to determine whether the application is for one of the purposes specified in section 30 as required by section 25A; 4.3 And then: to identify the lifecycle of the POPs and assess the risks; to consider whether there are any other effects that mean the POPs should not be contained; and to determine whether the POPs could be adequately contained by controls that provide for each of the matters specified in Part III of the Third Schedule of the Act. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 2 of 11 Information Review 4.4 The project team notes that a containment application must provide sufficient information to confirm that the substance can be adequately contained. 4.5 The project team has reviewed the information supplied by NZ Laboratory Services Ltd, and considers that the information constitutes an adequate and appropriate basis for assessing the application (clause 8). They also consider that there are no significant uncertainties (ie sufficient to influence decision making) in the scientific and technical information relating to the risks of POP Standards, NZ Laboratory Services Ltd, Auckland Site, 2007 (clauses 29 to 32). Identification of the POPs 4.6 Information on the quantities and names of the POPs covered by this application as provided in Section 3.1 of the application form are as follows: Substance Aldrin Chlordane DDT Dieldrin Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Mirex Toxaphene Polychlorinated biphenyls CAS No. 309-00-2 57-74-9 50-29-3 60-57-1 72-20-8 76-44-8 118-74-1 2385-85-5 8001-35-2 - Held at 31 July 2007 Amount (mg) New Import 250 250 100 250 Max amount per year (mg) 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 New Manufacture Max amount per year (mg) Hazardous Properties 4.7 POPs are both toxic and ecotoxic, i.e. they will trigger hazard classifications in classes 6 and 9. Also of note is that these substances are environmentally persistent, and are known to bioaccumulate. Meeting the criteria for containment under section 30 4.8 Based on the application purpose in Paragraph 3.1, the project team considers that the criteria for containment under sections 30(a)(ii) and (ba) of the Act have been met. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 3 of 11 5 Risk Assessment Lifecycle 5.1 The applicant has identified the following process for importation or manufacture of POPs into containment. Purchase 5.1.1 POPs are to be ordered through an approved supplier. 5.1.2 The supplier is responsible for the import and transportation of POPs. 5.1.3 Each time a POP is imported, the laboratory shall notify ERMA New Zealand in writing of quantities and nature of the substance. Receipt 5.1.4 On receipt POPs are to be booked in using a chemical database, following the instructions in SOP8.17, as a chemical standard. A unique chemical ID and lot # are assigned. Storage 5.1.5 The POP is transferred to the Drug safe in the company safe room. 5.1.6 Knowledge of the combination of the safe is limited to Manager – Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Services and Senior AnalystPharmaceutical. POP register 5.1.7 A register is held by Manager – Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Services of all POP standards in our possession. 5.1.8 The register has an index at the front detailing POP and page number of records. 5.1.9 When a POP is used or emptied, details of this must be recorded in the register. Use of POP standards 5.1.10 MSDSs shall be obtained and held in the laboratory work area for all relevant POPs. 5.1.11 All staff using POPs must be trained in POP handling. 5.1.12 When a member of staff needs to use a POP standard, they must get the authorised person to open the safe. The POP register must be completed at this time and the standard must be returned to the safe immediately after use. 5.1.13 POP standards must stay in original containers provided by the supplier. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 4 of 11 5.1.14 POP standards must not be transferred to another facility unless authorised by ERMA New Zealand. 5.1.15 Work must be performed in a chemical fumehood, wearing chemical resistant gloves and safety goggles. Disposal 5.1.16 Management must inform ERMA New Zealand as soon as there is no longer a requirement to hold any POP standards and arrange for environmentally sound disposal. 5.1.17 Standard solutions should be disposed of in hazardous solvent waste drums. Breach of containment 5.1.18 If a breach in containment occurs, Manager-Chemistry & Pharmaceutical services shall notify OSH & ERMA New Zealand within 24 hours of the breach being detected. Spillage of POP standards 5.1.19 Wear PVC/rubber gloves, a full-face class P3 respirator or an air-line respirator, coveralls, and apron & boots. 5.1.20 Ventilate and clear the area of all unprotected personnel. 5.1.21 Absorb with sand or similar, collect and place in sealable container for disposal. Stocktake 5.1.22 Every 6 months a stocktake shall be undertaken to ensure the POP register is accurate. Identification and Evaluation of the Significant Risks of the Substance in Containment 5.2 Under the approval sought in this application, small amounts of persistent organic pollutants are to be used as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory. In accordance with sections 5, 6, and 8 and clauses 9 and 11, the potential risks of these substances to the environment, human health and welfare, and to Māori have been assessed. Environmental and Human Health Risks 5.3 The project team notes that the risks associated with persistent organic pollutants over their lifecycle are well understood, and are addressed in the Stockholm Convention amendment made to the Act. 5.4 The project team has evaluated the adequacy of the management plan proposed by the applicant and taken into account the small quantities of substances involved and the controls listed in Appendix 1. The project team considers that ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 5 of 11 these meet the conditions of Part III of the Third Schedule of the Act as required under section 32(2)(a), to: limit the likelihood of escape of any contained hazardous substances or contamination by hazardous substances; exclude organisms from a facility; exclude unauthorized people from the facility; prevent unintended release of the substances by experimenters working with the substances; control the effects of any accidental release of the substances; and specify inspection and monitoring requirements. Māori issues and concerns 5.5 The project team has considered the potential Māori cultural effects of this application in accordance with sections 6(d) and 8, and the assessment framework contained in the ERMA New Zealand User Guide “Working with Māori under the Act 1996”. 6 7 5.6 The project team considers that the substance is unlikely to have an impact on the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga. This is on the condition that the substance is used in accordance with the controls in Appendix 1, and in accordance with any other relevant controls applied under other legislation. 5.7 It is suggested that if a breach in containment results in contamination of a waterway, the relevant iwi authorities be advised. Controls 6.1 As provided for in section 32(2)(b), the project team has also included in Appendix 1 further controls that provide for other matters not addressed by Part III of the Third Schedule of the Act, in order to give effect to the purpose of the Act. 6.2 The project team is satisfied that, with adherence to the controls listed in Appendix 1 and those controls in place under other legislation, the POPs can be adequately contained. Decision 7.1 I have considered this application under section 31 to import into or manufacture in containment POP Standards, NZ Laboratory Services Ltd, Auckland Site, 2007, and pursuant to section 32, and am satisfied that this application is for the purpose specified in sections 30(a)(ii) and (ba) as required by section 25A. 7.2 Having considered the risks associated with the lifecycle of these POPs, I am satisfied that the controls imposed, including those in place under other legislation, will result in the substance being adequately contained. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 6 of 11 7.3 In accordance with clause 36(2)(b) of the Methodology, I record that in reaching this conclusion, I have applied the criteria specified in section 32 of the Act. 7.4 I have also applied the following criteria in the Methodology: clause 9 – equivalent of sections 5, 6 and 8; clause 11 – characteristics of substances; clause 21 – the decision accords with the requirements of the Act and regulations; clause 22 – the evaluation of risks – relevant considerations; clause 24 – the use of recognised risk identification, assessment, evaluation and management techniques. 7.5 The application to import into or manufacture in containment POP Standards, NZ Laboratory Services Ltd, Auckland Site, 2007 is thus approved with controls as set out in Appendix 1. Rob Forlong Chief Executive, ERMA New Zealand Date: 23 November 2007 POP Standards, NZ Laboratory Services Ltd, Auckland Site, 2007 ERMA New Zealand Approval Code: HSC000297 ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 7 of 11 APPENDIX 1: CONTROLS APPLYING TO THE USE OF POPS AS ANALYTICAL STANDARDS OR FOR RESEARCH IN A LABORATORY Interpretation 1. Persistent organic pollutant (POP), Laboratory and Stockholm Convention have the meanings given in section 2 of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act (the Act). 2. Passenger service vehicle has the same meaning as in the Transport Services Licensing Act 1989. 3. Environmentally sound disposal, in relation to a substance that is a persistent organic pollutant, means disposal in accordance with directions given by the Authority in the New Zealand Gazette Issue no 174, 22 December 2004, Hazardous Substances (Storage and Disposal of POPs) Notice 2004. Disposal in an environmentally sound manner has the same meaning as environmentally sound disposal. General 4. This approval applies only to POPs approved in accordance with section 32 of the Act for use as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory. 5. The use of POPs as analytical standards or for research in a laboratory shall comply with the requirements of the Emergency Response Plan submitted by the applicant as part of the application under section 31 of the Act, along with the controls imposed by the Authority below. 6. A laboratory that has approval to import or manufacture a POP under section 32 of the Act shall not sell, gift or otherwise transfer the substance to another laboratory that does not have an approval under section 32 of the Act for those substances, and, unless otherwise authorised by the Authority, shall not transfer the substance to any other person unless such transfer is for the purpose of environmentally sound disposal. 7. This approval expires five years from date of approval. 8. There must be compliance with the requirements of the Hazardous Substance (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001. Limiting the likelihood of escape of or contamination by a POP 9. A POP shall be transported only to a laboratory that has approval to import or manufacture it. A Safety Data Sheet shall accompany each shipment. 10. A POP shall be packaged for transportation in a container within a container (secondary containment) and that secondary container shall be sufficient to contain any release if the primary container should leak. The containers shall comply with the Hazardous Substances (Packaging) Regulations 2001 or Regulation 12 of the Hazardous ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 8 of 11 Substances (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001 as relevant. Outer packages should be labelled in accordance with the Hazardous Substances (Identification) Regulations 2001. 11. Transport of POPs by land within New Zealand shall comply with all relevant requirements of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 1999 (Rule 45001). 12. Transport of POPs by sea within New Zealand shall comply with all relevant requirements of either the Maritime Rules: Part 24A – Carriage of Cargoes – Dangerous Goods (MR024A) or the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. 13. Transport of POPs by air within New Zealand shall comply with all relevant requirements of Part 92 of the Civil Aviation Rules. 14. Within the laboratory, all POPs shall be stored, handled and labelled in accordance with Regulation 10 of the Hazardous Substances (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001. 15. A person must not carry any quantity of a POP on a passenger service vehicle. To exclude organisms from the facility 16. The laboratory manager shall at all times ensure that the laboratory is adequately secured so as to exclude unwanted organisms and shall monitor for their presence as appropriate. To exclude unauthorised people from the facility 17. The laboratory manager shall at all times exclude unauthorised persons from the laboratory in accordance with Regulation 8 of the Hazardous Substances (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001. To prevent unintended release of a persistent organic pollutant from the facility 18. The design of the laboratory must comply with Regulations 5 to 8 of the Hazardous Substances (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001. 19. Procedures must be in place to ensure that no person in the facility is exposed to a level of POPs that may cause harm to that person. 20. At all times a POP shall be prevented from entering any surface water or groundwater system. To control the effects of any accidental release of a persistent organic pollutant 21. Breach of Containment All laboratories must have an emergency response plan, irrespective of the quantities of hazardous substance present. The plan must meet the requirements of Part 4 of the Hazardous Substances (Emergency Management) Regulations 2001. The laboratory ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 9 of 11 manager must ensure that all other relevant requirements of the Emergency Management Regulations are complied with at all times. 22. 23. 24. 25. If for any reason a breach of containment occurs, the laboratory manager shall notify OSH and ERMA New Zealand within 24 hours of the breach being detected. Disposal The laboratory manager must inform ERMA New Zealand as soon as there is no longer a requirement to hold any POP for the approved purposes. The approval holder may at this time— request approval to transfer the substance to another laboratory within New Zealand that at the time also holds approval for the same purposes. The request shall identify the laboratory and the relevant HSNO approval number, the substance or substances to be transferred and their amounts; or request approval to transfer the POPs to an overseas laboratory in accordance with any relevant requirements of relevant international Conventions to which New Zealand is a party; or arrange for environmentally sound disposal. Environmentally sound disposal Upon cessation of the requirement to hold any POP for the approved purposes, or upon expiry of this containment approval, if not transferring the substance in accordance with Paragraph 23, the substance must be disposed of in accordance with directions for environmentally sound disposal given by the Authority by notice in the New Zealand Gazette Issue no 174, 22 December 2004, Hazardous Substances (Storage and Disposal of POPs) Notice 2004. Environmentally sound disposal also applies to anything that contains a POP following— treatment of any equipment used to contain a POP; or treatment of any spillage of a POP Recording, inspection and monitoring requirements 26. A record shall be kept of the quantities of POPs held in the laboratory. The record must be kept for at least 12 months after the substance has been used up or removed from the laboratory. 27. Each time a POP is imported or manufactured, the laboratory shall notify ERMA New Zealand in writing of the quantities and nature of the substance(s) concerned. 28. The Authority, or its authorised agent or properly authorised enforcement officers, may inspect the laboratory at any reasonable time under section 108 of the Act. Qualifications required of the person responsible for implementing the controls 29. The laboratory must be managed by a laboratory manager with relevant qualifications, skills and knowledge, in accordance with Regulations 13 and 14 of the Hazardous Substances (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 10 of 11 30. All personnel handling any POP must be provided with all relevant information about the POPs they are handling, as prescribed by Regulation 15 of the Hazardous Substances (Exempt Laboratories) Regulations 2001. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSC07029 Page 11 of 11