
1301 Study Guide for Exam Three
Spring 2011
Dr. Brunet
You have an hour and twenty minutes for this exam, so WATCH YOUR TIME. You should spend
roughly 40 mintues on your essay and 40 mintues on your short answers.
Part I. Short Answer Excercises. 60pts. total
The following FOUR terms will be on your exam. You will choose THREE and write a short
answer for each term. Remember these are not essays, so keep them concise and to the point.
You should define each term, put them in their historical context AND give the reason WHY
they were historically important. In other words, answer the basic “who, what, where, when,
why”. Your answers should average no more than a page in length. Each answer is worth 20
Era of Good Feeling
Manifest Destiny
American Foreign Policy 1801-1840
Beginnings of American Industry
Part II. Essay. 40pts. total
The following essay will be on the exam. Your essay must include an introduction, your points
of discussion and a conclusion.
Trace the growth of sectionalism in the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the election
of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Although the debate was over the spread of slavery, what were the real
issues that caused the split between the North and the South? Could a compromise have been
reached in January of 1861? Explain.