Survey: Timeliness Standards For Written Advice

Survey: Timeliness Standards For Written Advice
This survey will help us to review service delivery standards that best meet your
needs and those of other clients.
Current Timeliness Standards
The current service standard for written advice is 28 days, except for GST matters (21
days). If we cannot meet the 28 day standard, for example because of the complexity
of the matter, the standard is that we will discuss another arrangement with you within
14 days of the receipt of the information and agree a reply date.
Completing the survey
 The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete
 Please complete all questions below by ticking the appropriate box
 For written response questions, please feel free to attach additional comment
if you require more space than has been provided
 All days refer to calendar days
About You
During the 2001 – 2002 financial year, how many times have you sought written advice from the
Tax Office?
6 - 10
More than 10
Are you a tax practitioner?
Your Experience With Timeliness
In general, how would you describe your level of satisfaction with the timeliness of written advice
you have received from the Tax Office?
Very satisfied
Quite satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not satisfied at all
Don't know
Has the Tax Office contacted you to notify a delay if your request for written advice took longer
than 28 days to finalise?
Not applicable
If 'yes', please go to question 5. If 'no' or 'not applicable', please go to question 7.
For written advice which took longer than 28 days to be issued, were you informed of the main
cause/s of the delay?
Not applicable
If 'yes', please go to question 6. If 'no' or 'not applicable', please go to question 7.
How satisfied were you with the reason given for the cause of the delay?
Very satisfied
Quite satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not satisfied at all
Don’t know
Why was that?
Future Standards
7. In general, what do you believe would be a reasonable period of time for receipt of written advice
(that is, from the time the Tax Office receives your request to when you receive the written advice)?
21 days
28 days
35 days
42 days
60 days
90 days
More than 90 days
Other (please specify)
(Please comment, if appropriate)
How important to you is the certainty of written advice provided by the Tax Office in comparison
to timeliness ( that is, would you be prepared to wait a little longer for advice that has been
considered more thoroughly than it might otherwise have been)?
Certainty is far more important than response time
Certainty is generally more important than response time
Both certainty and response time are of equal importance
Response time is generally more important than certainty
Response time is far more important than certainty
Why is that?
Do you have any other issues or concerns about the timeliness of written advice?
10. Please provide an estimate of the time taken to complete this form ____hours ___ mins.
We would like to conduct brief interviews with a sample of respondents to this survey. The interviews
will take between 15 to 30 minutes and will be either by phone or in person. If you would like to
participate in an interview, please provide the following details:
Phone number:
Thank you for filling in this survey. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact:
Anna Sorensen
Tel : (02) 6216 1575 or
Cynthia Kwan
Tel : (02) 9374 1488
Please return your completed survey in the enclosed reply paid envelope by XX Month 2002.