SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE MANUAL Title: TRAVEL Number: AP 2.19 Legal Authority: California Education Code Section 87032 Page: 1 of 3 The Chancellor directs that the following travel administrative procedures apply to the San Francisco Community College District. I. Travel Purposes: The District recognizes the following purposes of travel, each of which requires authorization and documentation of participation before processing and/or reimbursement can occur: A. Institutional Travel: The objective of institutional travel is to attend meetings with Federal, State, or local agencies; to meet with elected officials; to consult with colleagues at other institutions for such purposes as curriculum planning, administrative practices, student services, and community college funding; and to serve on an accreditation teams. B. Professional Travel: The objective of professional travel is to permit participation in activities of organizations whose primary purpose is advancing the legitimate and constructive cause of community college education in the State of California. C. Instructional Travel: The objective of instructional travel is to encourage faculty and staff to keep abreast of new knowledge and new techniques in their areas of responsibility. II. Applicability: This administrative procedure applies to all Academic and Classified employees and to the Board of Trustees. This administrative procedure does not apply to: A. Students and student employees: Students shall follow separate procedures developed for student travel. B. Consultants and contractors: Travel expenses incurred by a consultant or contractor are not reimbursable unless such expense is specified as part of the consultant/contractor’s contract with the District and submitted to the District via an invoice as a contractual expense. C. Expenses are not reimbursable for the following activities: 1. Meetings that directly pay salary or expenses for participation. 2. Meetings that are lobbying or legislative in nature without the prior approval of the Chancellor. 3. Meetings of professional or other organizations whose interest are outside the scope of the employee’s normal work assignment. 4. Special interest meetings outside the scope of the employee’s normal work assignment. 5. Personal entertainment or recreational expenses. 6. Additional lodging and/or meals for additional days for personal activities. SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE MANUAL III. Title: TRAVEL Number: AP 2.19 Legal Authority: California Education Code Section 87032 Page: 2 of 3 Approval Processing Requirements: Prior approval is required on the district’s official “Travel Request Form 2.19.” No employee may approve their own travel except as described in paragraph “A” below. Budget availability for funding shall be verified prior to the approval requirements listed below. A. The Board of Trustees approves travel requests for the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor. The Board of Trustees also approves all out of state travel. Travel requests that require Board of Trustees approval must be submitted at least one week prior to the Board Meeting. If a trip is required that could not have been anticipated in time for advance Board of Trustees approval, the Chancellor will act for the Board for approval purposes. The Board must still ratify the approval before any reimbursements can be made. B. Travel for all other employees except for faculty is approved by the Chancellor, or the President, or the appropriate Vice-Chancellor depending upon which administrator is manages the employee requesting travel in the table of organization. C. Faculty travel will be approved pursuant to “The Faculty Travel Document(1999)”.The section of the “The Faculty Travel Document(1999)” referred to as “Addendum: District Regulations – Fiscal Year 1998-99” is replaced by sections “IV” & “V” below in this Administrative Procedure. D. All travel must be ratified by the Board of Trustees before any reimbursements can be made. IV. Conference Location Expense Limitations: The conference location will limit the amount of money that can be approved: A. District Conferences: If the conference destination is within the boundaries of the San Francisco Community College District (SFCCD), the only conference expense eligible for reimbursement is the payment of a registration /participation fee. B. Other Conferences Locations: All other conferences locations are subject to maximum daily allowance, which varies depending upon the city, for the total of lodging (excluding taxes), meals, and incidentals. This limitation is called the “Per Diem Rate”. This rate is established by the United States General Services Administration and is updated annually. It is published on the web site. Areas not listed included in the city listing by the GSA are collectively called the “Standard Continental United States Rate.” International rates are published by the United States State Department on the: web site. SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE MANUAL Title: TRAVEL Number: AP 2.19 Legal Authority: California Education Code Section 87032 Page: 3 of 3 C. The lowest documented discounted conference rate for the hotel(s) selected by a conference sponsor may be used as the per diem lodging reimbursement rate rather than the GSA federal rate provided that the conference sponsor documentation is provided. D. Personal Income Taxes: According to IRS regulation 1542, any reimbursement (excluding taxes) for lodging, meals, and incidentals at a rate greater than the “Per Diem Rate” are subject to income tax. E. Receipts: Expenses for lodging must be substantiated by receipts. Expenses for meals can be claimed as a meal expense if they are substantiated by receipts. Expenses for meals that are not substantiated by receipts are considered incidental expenses. F. Incidental Expenses. Incidental Expenses do not need to be substantiated by receipts, but they are limited to $25/day regardless of location. Incidental Expenses are not an “allowance” that can be automatically claimed. A claim for Incidental Expenses must be based on actual and necessary expenses. G. Miscellaneous other than Per Diem Expenses. Expenses for taxes, registration/participation and transportation outside San Francisco Community College District are not considered part of the per diem expenditures provided they are substantiated by receipts. For example, an unsubstantiated expense for parking or bus fare would be considered an incidental expense and is subject to the per diem limitation. V. Administrative Responsibility: The Vice-Chancellor for Finance and Administration shall establish Form 2.19 and instructions to implement this administrative procedure. Approved by Chancellor: Recommended by: Vice-Chancellor Finance and Administration Date: Date: 12/12/14 Date: New Procedure Draft Version E