Professional Dispositions Growth Plan Template / Contractual Agreement and Rubric

Professional Disposition Growth Plan and Contractual Agreement Template
Complete the self-assessment tool at the end of this document to help you determine one or more
of the eight dispositions to target in your growth plan. These eight dispositions do not exhaust all
dispositions that maximize learning. However, they are the dispositions considered by the
Department of Elementary, Literacy, and Special Education to be critical to the pursuit of
excellence in teacher preparation. We ask that candidates select from the following dispositions:
(1) diligence; (2) sensitivity; (3) responsibility; (4) cooperation; (5) determination; (6) initiative;
(7) flexibility, and (8) integrity.
I, _______________________________, pledge to develop
_________________________________ as the disposition(s) designed to help
me maximize learning, do my very best, and encourage others to reach their
optimal level of growth and development.
List your goal(s) for improvement:
(add more space if necessary)
Why have you chosen this goal(s)?
(add more space if necessary)
Revised January 9, 2015
What steps will you take this semester in order to develop in this area (in
order to meet your goal(s)?
(add more space if necessary)
How will you measure the level of improvement toward your goal(s)? What
will constitute improvement or lack of improvement? ((Be sure to have an
objective, measurable way to measure your progress. Think about what
evidence you can collect that can objectively measure whether or not you’re
(add more space if necessary)
Date: ______________________________________________________________________________
Revised January 9, 2015
Disposition Self-Assessment Tool
Use this tool to perform a self assessment of your own progress toward effective dispositions for teaching. Based on
the results, decide upon which disposition(s) to address in your growth plan.
Disposition Statement
Teacher candidates maximize learning and success in and outside the university classroom when they demonstrate
the following dispositions: diligence, sensitivity, responsibility, cooperation, determination, initiative, and
flexibility. These dispositions help the candidate reach an optimal level of learning. Candidates are expected to
become familiar with the aforementioned dispositions and demonstrate those dispositions across all university
settings (i.e. class, field, conferences, etc.). Failure to demonstrate the dispositions will compromise learning and
risk discretionary action by the instructor and department representatives.
and do what needs
to be done without
being asked
Using the scale below, please rate yourself on each item with
“1” being “almost never” to “5” being “almost always”
I am prepared for assignments and prepare for exams without
waiting until the last minute.
I assume roles beyond what is required during field.
I make decisions with the help of my instructors, mentor teacher
and peer groups to complete assignments, apply course content
and discussions both in class and online.
I begin and complete activities in a timely manner.
I recognize a need, act upon that need and implement a solution.
Flexibilitywillingness to
change or accept
changes to plans or
ideas without getting
I accept changes in course schedule, outlines, and content
understanding that reality often compromises the best laid plans.
I understand that my instructor may need to modify, reteach and
review content to meet the needs of all learners.
I resist detaching from the learning process because of changes in
plans, schedules, outlines and ideas.
I resist any tendency to become cantankerous when plans change.
I acknowledge the challenges or work with peers in groups to
complete assignments and projects which might require
scheduling changes to fit the needs of all group members.
I create plans to have my assignments completed and submitted on
time even when my plans change, or when I have other activities
scheduled that might interfere with my courses.
I adjust plans to meet the needs of young children in the field due
to time restraints and learning differences.
Cooperationworking together for
the benefit of self
and others by
accomplishing more
than you can do
I show respect to every person in my group and recognize that
each person has a unique contribution to make.
I actively listen to all peers in my group or class.
I acknowledge success comes from an investment to relate more
effectively with my instructors, peer-group, and mentor teacher
especially during group assignments, projects and discussions.
I share the workload and do my part the very best way I can.
I compromise when a serious conflict arises.
I show appreciation to peers for what they contribute.
I am a team player and handle conflict in an honest and positive
I collaborate with all school personnel.
I consider how others feel when contributing their thoughts and
Revised January 9, 2015
Understanding self
and understanding
how others feel,
think and act.
I show concern and interest when interacting and responding to
others’ ideas including students and their perceptions.
I develop self-awareness, which includes how my thoughts,
feelings and attitudes impact each person’s learning, including my
own, my students’ and my mentors’ and my peers.
I am open, flexible, and understanding of others including students
who experience hardships, setbacks and obstacles.
I accept my power to influence knowledge, thoughts and
behaviors of others and vice versa.
I work with peers, instructors and mentor teachers through
interactions and discussions during groups and on projects.
I embrace diversity, including: listening to what others have to
say, respecting their values, views and backgrounds
I develop teacher qualities such as: active listening, and showing
signs that I am paying attention to others and what is going on
around me.
I am culturally responsive and attentive to all forms of diversity
represented in and out of the classroom.
working toward
achieving goals
I resist any tendency to become deterred from achieving my goals
due to challenges and obstacles which may arise.
I submit work in time regardless of technology issues or other
related obstacles and challenges.
I seek alternative routes to submit work when the primary option
I seek clarification from my instructors, mentor teacher on
assignments and projects to ensure my success.
I apply higher-order thinking skills and strategies to solve
problems, understand course content and material, and deepening
my knowledge of complex ideas and concepts both in class and on
field related tasks.
ResponsibilityKnowing and doing
what is expected of
I am prepared for all classes by reading and studying the assigned
text and by completing all assignments at the designated time.
I get notes and other class information from a peer if absent from
I resist the use of cell phones, emailing, or texting to maximize
learning for self and others during class activities.
I am accountable for my actions rather than shifting blame to
others (I.e. my instructor, peers, or mentor teacher).
I am dependable and reliable.
I demonstrate optimal professionalism in regards to behavior in
field settings, including: being on time, being fully prepared,
communicating appropriately with my mentor teacher and student
Diligence- Invest all
my energy to
complete the tasks
assigned to me.
I apply continual effort in working on assignments, projects, and
exam preparation
I fulfill what is undertaken without unnecessary delay.
I apply my best effort to both small and large projects realizing
that anything worth doing is worth doing right.
I apply appropriate pressure to complete a job while balancing that
drive with respect and concern for self and others
I invest time, thought and energy into reading and studying the
text, preparing for assignments, and preparing exams with the
hope that it will represent my person best.
I model for young learners the importance of task commitment,
completion and efficacy for young students learning.
Revised January 9, 2015
to an ethical code of
conduct or
values, beliefs and
I engage in academic honesty and resist any tendency to plagiarize
or engage in academic misconduct.
I follow the ethical principles and practices of my discipline and
I am fair to, and truthful with, my peers, students, community and
Revised January 9, 2015
ECSE 4318 Professional Disposition Growth Plan and Reflection Rubric
Growth Plan
contract, and
Plan does not identify at
least one disposition or does
not include a signed
contractual agreement
committing to work toward
disposition development.
Plan identifies one or more
of the eight dispositions
targeted for growth and
includes a signed
contractual agreement
committing to work toward
disposition development.
Plan identifies one or more
of the eight dispositions
targeted for growth and
includes a signed
contractual agreement
committing to work toward
disposition development.
Plan clearly identifies one or
more of the eight dispositions
targeted for growth and
includes a signed contractual
agreement committing to
work toward disposition
Plan identifies at least one
realistic and measurable
goal for growth toward
professionalism in targeted
Plan identifies at least one
realistic and measurable
goal for growth toward
professionalism in targeted
area. The written goals
specifically address how
they are aligned to the
descriptors and indicators
for the disposition as
described in ELSE’s
Dispositions Development
for Success Formal
Assessment Tool.
Steps toward growth are
unclear, incomplete, or
subjective in nature.
Plan outlines appropriate
steps to take to promote
growth in one or more of
the eight dispositions
targeted for growth.
Plan outlines several
appropriate steps to promote
growth and clearly
addresses how each step
will be measured to assess
level of success.
Plan identifies at least one
realistic and measurable goal
for growth toward
professionalism in targeted
area. The written goals
specifically address how they
align to the descriptors and
indicators for the disposition
as described in ELSE’s
Dispositions Development
for Success Formal
Assessment Tool and how
using the self- assessment
tool provided insight for the
development of the goal.
Several appropriate steps
toward growth are written
thoughtfully and completely.
Plan clearly addresses how
each step will be measured to
assess level of success.
Assessment measures are
unclear, incomplete, or not
related to goals in plan.
Candidate generally
describes how goals will
be objectively assessed and
what criteria will be used
to constitute success or
Candidate clearly describes
how goals will be
objectively assessed and
what criteria will be used to
constitute success or failure.
Assessment measures are
clearly aligned to steps
planned and overall goals.
Candidate clearly describes
how goals will be objectively
assessed and what criteria
will be used to constitute
varying degrees of success or
failure. Assessment measures
are clearly aligned to steps
planned and overall goal.
Goals are either unrealistic
or are vague or subjective in
Steps to Reach
Assessment of
Revised January 9, 2015