Subject Verb Agreement.doc

Subject Verb Agreement
The Subject is the word or phrase that says what the sentence is about. It
performs the action described by the verb.
Example: Subj.
The music is wonderful.
A Complete Subject consists of a subject and all of its modifiers.
The songs Michael Watts plays sound very slow.
A Verb establishes the action in a sentence or expresses state of being.
50 Cent performed last week in Chicago.
A verb, its modifiers and complements are known as the predicate of a sentence.
complete subj.
The concert performed by The G-Unit would have continued on
throughout the night.
Person is a way of classifying personal pronouns in sentences.
1st person: the speaker (I, we, etc…)
2nd person: the one spoken to (you, etc…)
3rd person: the one spoken about (he, she, it, they, etc…)
Number is the form a word takes to indicate whether it is singular or plural.
Agreement: Nouns and verbs are said to agree in number. This means that with a
singular subject in the third person (i.e. he, she and it), a verb in the present tense
ordinarily adds an ‘s’ to its base form. With plural subjects in the third person,
the base form of the verb is used.