- dsap 2002 draftfinal.doc

Dairy Adjustment Programs – Supplementary ADIS 2001-02
Dairy Structural Adjustment Program (DSAP)
and the Supplementary Dairy Assistance Scheme (SDAS)
16 May 2002 Draft 3
Q1 What is your farm firms total entitlement under the Dairy Structural Adjustment
Program (DSAP)? $
Q2 What is your farm firms total entitlement under the Supplementary Dairy Assistance
Scheme (SDAS)? $
Paid to market milk producers as compensation for loss of quota or market milk
If Sum Qs 1 & 2 = 0. End questionnaire
Q3 To receive DSAP entitlement, you were required to complete a Farm Business
Assessment for your dairy enterprise.
Using a scale where 1 is not at all and 5 is to a great extent, to what extent did your
Farm Business Assessment influence your farm business response to industry
deregulation? Code
1 not at all
2 to a small extent
3 to a moderate extent
4 to a reasonable extent
5 to a great extent
Q4 Did your Farm Business Assessment prompt you to seek advice from professional
advisers on how best to respond to industry deregulation? Y/N
Q5 Did you or are you using your DSAP and SDAS adjustment payments for any of the
following? Y
 paying off or refinancing debt
 increase herd size
 purchase another property
 invest in capital equipment/structures
 invest in other on farm enterprises
 invest in off-farm income earning business or investment
 supplement income
Q6 Using the same scale as Q3, how important were the payments from these programs
in helping your business adjust to deregulation? Code
Q7 Do you believe that without the adjustment payments from these programs, you
would have remained in the dairy industry Y/N