The Relationship Between Coaching Styles and Winning Percentages July 2002

The Relationship Between Coaching Styles and Winning Percentages
Jamie Lyn R. Izdebski
July 2002
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between a coach’s
personal coaching style and the percentage of wins that coach achieves. This was a
descriptive study that utilized a questionnaire to gather data on coaches and their personal
styles of coaching. The participants were all high school coaches in a suburban area with
at least two years of coaching experience. The participants completed the Personal
Coaching Styles Inventory to determine their personal styles of coaching. This
information was then compared to the percentage of wins the coach achieved over the
past two years. An analysis of variance with the percentage of wins measured against the
coaching style indicated that there was no statistically significant difference (probability>
.05). There was no relationship between a coach’s personal style of coaching and the
percentage of wins acquired. Further research is warranted to evaluate the effectiveness
of coaching style in relation to winning percentage. Areas for future research are