The Effect of Math Clubs on Mathematics Achievement and Attitudes... Mathematics of Eighth-Grade Females

The Effect of Math Clubs on Mathematics Achievement and Attitudes Toward
Mathematics of Eighth-Grade Females
Shonique L. Alexander
May 2003
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of math clubs on the mathematics
achievement and attitudes toward mathematics of eighth-grade females. Using a quasiexperimental design, the study followed two comparable groups of students through the
second and third quarters of the 2002-2003 school year. One group attended math club
and another did not. Observations of mathematics achievement and attitudes toward
mathematics were obtained by pre and post measures. The experimental group, (n=26),
attended an all female math club for six weeks designed by the researcher using a
cooperative, hands-on approach to learning mathematics. Analysis using a paired sample
t test revealed a significant improvement in the grades of the treatment group following
attendance in the math club (t = -3.311, p = .003). These findings suggest that
participating in a math club can be a viable approach to improving mathematics
achievement and attitudes toward mathematics for females. In addition, the study
revealed a non-trivial correlation between mathematics achievement, attitudes toward
mathematics, and attending the math club.