March 2013

Minutes from the February 6, 2013 Meeting of the Sustainability Committee
Present: Raj Desai, Brittany Pitrucha, Diane Post, Joanna Hadjicostandi, Todd Richardson, Kathy Siepak,
Lorraine Spickermann, Lail Grant, Irene Perry
Absent: Michael Ruland, Cory Alexander, Prakash Pai, Adaline Schelling, Jay Haney
ES Committee 12-7-2013
Approval of Minutes—postponed
Visit from Ynes Alderson—sustainability initiatives in purchasing
We have successfully implemented most of the items on our “top 10” list of sustainable
practices we used as a starting point for the Sustainability Committee work. The
Purchasing Dept. no longer purchases Styrofoam cups (However, Chartwell’s still
The next item for action is to promote the use of lined envelopes for interdepartmental
mail. Ynes will send a “how to” email to faculty and staff on how to ensure that mail is
routed properly and the envelopes are used effectively.
We discussed the possibility of using “green” vendors who sell all recycled products.
Ynes said that individual departments are allowed to purchase whatever products
they wish, although they are encouraged to use the recycled stock in Central Stores.
We will approach the Dean’s Council and Faculty Senate to ask faculty and staff
promote sustainable purchasing choices.
Visit from Keith Yarbrough at 2:30—sustainability initiatives in campus computing
All computer labs now print double-sided as the default and students are limited on a
declining balance account card. There has been a great reduction in waste and
paper use as a result. The 250 page/semester allotment to students seems to
accommodate all but a few students.
We should send friendly email tips to faculty to encourage use of technology instead
of requiring students to print everything out. Examples are using app’s like Sharepoint,
googledocs for document sharing.
The course catalogue is changed so frequently, it could be put online to reduce
printing cost and waste.
Co-Chairs’ comments.
a. tabled until next meeting, due to not enough time.
Committee news
Campus environment, Earth day. Diane Post
Recycling. Lail Grant:
recycling has increased considerably from last year (doubled or more)
CEED is recycling now, but Wagner Noel is not yet; Lail will discuss with management
may put hydration water stations on 4th and 2nd floors, near elevators. Student Life may
pay for one. Engineering has one we can borrow.
Campus sustainability initiatives and education. Lorraine Spickermann:
Lorraine is working on the website changes
Suggestion from Raj Desai: Put good blinds on all west facing windows in the MESA Building.
Some rooms have torn or no blinds. This will save us a lot of power for air conditioning.
cost is about $800 per office for vertical blinds; horizontal will be less expensive’
Physical Plant cannot install them, due to current personnel constraints
We will test on a couple of west-facing offices to see what the temperature difference
and cost savings would be.
We could go to the UT Supply Chain Alliance to see if cost could be lower by buying
cooperatively with other Universities.
May be able to get a better cost by making it one job, but breaking it into three parts.
(Do 2nd, 3rd, 4th floors at different times.)
Co-Chairs’ comments.
Earth Day will be Mon. April 22; students are excited.
show The Lorax
Ken Cowan—has energy practices we could use
o possibly generate our own solar electricity: energy farms could produce 14
megawatts--UTPB uses about 12 megawatts, so there would be energy to sell
o could purchase sustainable electricity
o could use a system that combines heat and power at the Sci & Tech Bldg.
o good approach would be to educate Dale Cassidy first, then have Ken
present cost estimates and info on AZ State’s system