University of Texas of the Permian Basin Environmental Sustainability Committee Meeting

University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Environmental Sustainability Committee Meeting
May 1, 2013
Members Present: Cory Alexander, Raj Desai, Lail Grant, Joanna Hadjicostandi, Prakash Pai, Irene Perry,
Brittany Pitrucha, Diane Post, Todd Richardson, Kathy Siepak
Visitors Present: Rebecca Babcock
Members Absent: Jay Haney, Lynzi Printer, Michael Ruland, Adaline Schelling, Lorraine Spickermann
Call to Order 2:04 pm
I. Approval of Minutes
March minutes approved with changes:
A. Michael Ruland should have been listed as absent
B. Text of Environmental Science motion should have been included
II. Discussion
A. Printed course schedules
- Dr. Watts believes the printed schedules are good advertising
o They will be phased out
o Fewer will be printed for now
- It was noted that students have plenty of computer lab access to check schedules that are more
frequently updated
- A suggested alternative is a brochure with a link or QR code
B. Free Store
- Discussed using a Bin or Trailer
o pros and cons of each
o what kind of trailer
 Preference for closed trailer or at least one with sides
 Considered the possibility of using MUSH
- Discussed collecting non-perishable food items in a separate bin
- Discussed who point person would be
- Identified move-out dates
- Rebecca Babcock will follow-up with Michael Ruland or Jay Haney
- Volunteers will be needed for moving items from student housing area to Mesa Bldg.
C. Environmental Science Position
- Dr. Watts cited difficulty sustaining the position in the past
- Todd will follow up
- Cory will follow up regarding new position/courses
E. Water filtration stations
- Dr. Watts supports the idea
- Process for installing stations has begun
o Bids for station in Library
o ST building taps approved
A grant will be written over the summer for 10-12 more stations
o C. $40,000
F. Ken Cowan from NRG
- Attempting to arrange conference call with Dale Cassidy, Ken Cowan, and Todd
G. Green Tips
- Kathy - May 1
- Cory – May 6
H. Recycling bins in Student Housing area
- Discussed a motion to place new recycle bins
o 11 cubic yards
o none for paper (weight concerns)
 maybe a smaller one for paper
- Also discussed drilling a (possibly solar powered) well in student housing area
o Possibly at Duck Pond also
- c. $30,000-$50,000
- Informal consensus that the idea is good
- Todd will discuss with Dr. Watts
I. Leftover recycling bags
- Most bags were given away
- Diane will keep the remaining box for now
J. Looked at example of pen made from recycled materials
- Considered recycled UTPB pens
K. Earth Day Recap
- Need different venue for showing films
o Library
- Permanent, reusable signage
- Recycled or fabric table coverings
L. Logo contest for Sustainability Committee
- Discussed possibility of holding a logo contest
o In the fall
o Invite Pam Price to judge
 And other judges from Art dept. and Marketing
 Raphael?
 Possibly others
- Discussed possibility of similar contest for a theme song
M. Discussed contacting students about Student Sustainability Club
- Before Club Day so they can recruit
Look into internship possibilities
N. Discussed watering lawns on campus during the day
- Particularly quad and Mesa deck areas
- Lail will e-mail Kevin Sitz
O. Priorities for next year
- Large classroom posters advertising recycling bin locations
o Laminated
o Can be obtained from student services for minimal cost
- Continue to propose large projects to Dr. Watts
o Including those already discussed
- Add more recycling bins
- Encourage more xeriscaping on campus
P. Discussed new custodial service
- Would like opportunity to meet with managers of new service
Q. Chartwells
- Has moved to biodegradable service items
- Should be recognized
o Plaque?
o Something more public?
 Newspapers
o Kathy will edit Earth Day press release for use as a newspaper add
R. No news regarding 2013-2014 budget
- Current budget must be spent soon
o Classroom bins for plastic bottles
 $3,000 worth?
 Lail will follow up
S. Laudatory message to Physical Plant for xeriscaping project in student housing
T. Would like student sustainability group to take over film series
U. Collaboration on recycled art project
- With Mario from Art dept.
- Based on Irene’s experience with summer recycled art project
V. Laudatory letter to Tomcat and Art dept. for using recycled aluminum
III. Adjournment
The committee adjourned at 3:55 PM.