
Muammar Qaddafi still the “Mad dog of the Middle East”
By: Darrin Warr
Submitted To:
Dr. Jaballa M. Hasan
Specific Goal: I would like to persuade the audience that
Muammar Qaddafi is still a very dangerous man who
needs to be brought to justice.
1. Who is Muammar Qaddafi?
a. Graduated from University of Libya in 1963 and in 1965 he was an
army office r.
b. 1969 he formed a secret revolutionary committee and successfully led
a coup against Libyan monarch of Idris I.
c. After coup appointed himself as leader of Libya, dictator there for the
last 41 years.
Although of the last few years Muammar Qaddafi has appeared to
rehabilitate his ways, he is still leader who is resistant to reform and should not be
trusted. He is like so many other leaders who have committed horrible crimes
against mankind and he needs to be brought to justice.
1. Crimes against humanity.
a. Authorizing the execution of anyone who opposes him.
b. The Abu Salim prison massacre, June 29, 1996
c. Treatment of prisoners and conditions they are forced to live in.
d. Use of torture, rape, and sexual violence to get confessions to crimes.
e. Charges 6 Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian Doctor of injecting 426
children with AIDS virus.
f. The People’s Court- no fair trails and people held longer then they
were sentenced.
2. Supporting Terrorists
a. Offered sanctuary to and sponsored terrorists (Baader Meinhof, Abu
Nidal, IRA, and others).
b. Responsible for numerous terrorists attacks (bombing in Berlin disco,
bombing of airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland and six months later
French airliner over Chad.)
3. Represses the people of Libya.
a. Issues Five-Point Address- (suspension of all existing laws and
implementation of Islamic Law, purging the country of the politically
b. If you speak against government you are arrested.
c. Everything is owned by the government.
d. Keeps all profit for himself and not to the people.
e. Bans YouTube and other sites that might talk poorly about Libyan
4. Changes Muammar Qaddafi made in recent years.
a. Condemns terrorist acts.
b. Gives up its nuclear and chemical weapons programs.
c. Allows foreign companies to work in Libya.
5. Why has he made these changes and why is he still free?
a. Fall of Soviet Union – No strong allies.
b. Oil.
Muammar Qaddafi has made some changes but still is the same man.
Calls for war against Swiss because of ban on minarets.
Has changed foreign polices but not the treatment of his own people.
Abdel Baset al-Magrahi convicted terrorist of Lockerbie bombing returned
to Libya as hero and proclaimed innocent.
Works Cited:
1. "Boycott Libya." www.boycottlibya.com. N.p., 2008. Web. 9 Mar 2010.
2. Byrnes, Sholta. "The NS Profile: Muammar al-Gaddafi." New Stateman.
N.p., 27, Aug 2009. Web. 9 Mar 2010.
3. Kliger, Rachelle. "Libya Bans YouTube." The Media Line. N.p., 02, July
2010. Web. 9 Mar 2010. <http://www.libyal-almostakbal.org/News/News2010/070210_ml_libyan_websites_ytube.html>.
4. "Muammar al- Qaddafi." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008.
Encyclopedia.com. 9 Mar. 2010 <http://www.encyclopedia.com>.
5. "Muammar Qadhafi." www.DiscoverTheNetwork.org.
www.DiscoverTheNetwork.org, 2006. Web. 9 Mar 2010.
6. "Political Prisoners and Disappeared Victims in Libyan Prisons."
www.Libya-Watch.com. Libya Watch for Human Rights, 30, June 2004.
Web. 9 Mar 2010. <http://www.libyawatanona.com/hrights/lwatch/lw30064e.htm>.
7. "Qaddafi: A madman, or just desperate for attetion?." Worldfocus.org. N.p.,
25, Step 2009. Web. 9 Mar 2010.
8. Robertson, Geoffrey. "Gaddafi getting away with murder." gurdian.co.uk.
The Guardian, 21, Sept, 2009. Web. 8 Mar 2010.
9. Sun, Herald. "Gaddafi calls for jihad against Swiss." Heraldsum.com. N.p.,
26, Feb 2010. Web. 9 Mar 2010. <http://agora-dialogue.com/?p=3775>.
10.Worthington, Andy. "UK protestors mark 13th anniversary of Libyan prison
massacre." www.andyworthington.co.uk. N.p., 30, June 2009. Web. 9 Mar
2010. <http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/2009/06/30/uk-protestors-mark13thanniversary-of-libyan-prison-massacre/>.