
1. Freewriting: Two kinds
Unfocused Freewriting
Definition: the process of writing down what occurs to you about a topic
 If nothing occurs, write “nothing comes to mine
 Goal: to keep pushing without stopping; to loosen up
 Mechanics not important
Focused Freewriting
Definition: the process of beginning with a particular question
2. Listing (brainstorming)
Definition: Starting with words, phrases, and ideas that come to mind
Review the list.
Highlight items you want to explore.
Look for patterns and connections.
Highlight related ideas.
If typed, group related material together.
Add any new ideas that occur to you.
Arrange ideas into main points and subpoints, if necessary.
This is the outline of your paper.
3. Clustering
Definition: Also called mapping; a brainstorming technique that
generates categories and connections from the beginning.
 Write topic in the center of a piece of paper and draw a circle around
 Surround topic with subtopics that interest you. Circle each, and
draw a line from it to the center circle.
 Brainstorm more ideas. As you do, connect each idea to a subtopic
already on the sheet, or make it a new subtopic of its own.
4. Questioning: 4 w’s and an h
5. Keeping a journal
 Write about connections that have happened in your personal life and
your academic subjects or ideas mentioned in class you would like to
know more about.
 Find answers to a statement(s) your professor made in class.
6. Searching the Internet
7. Exchanging ideas in person or online
 Brainstorm with peers in your class
 Seek out students who have taken the course before to discuss their
approaches to writing assignments.
 Make an appointment with a tutor in the Writing Center for aid in
discussing your approach.
Use email in the following ways:
To check out your understanding of the assignment
To try out various topics
To ask each other useful questions about ideas
To share your freewriting, listing, and other exploratory writing
To respond to each other’s ideas, including requests for clarification
and additional information