Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics Monica L. Waters Peabody College, Vanderbilt University 1 Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 2 Abstract Today’s American schools are in a constant battle. In the context of standardization and accountability, educators must attempt to produce measurable results on State-mandated tests, while at the same time educating the whole child. Standardized tests often focus on the skills needed for Language, Literacy, and Mathematics achievement. In 1983, Howard Gardner introduced the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in his book, Frames of Mind. Gardner (1983) purposed that human beings possess eight different capacities for processing information—eight different ways of being “smart”. Gardner defined each “intelligence” as the capacity to solve problems or create products. While Gardner never intended for his theory to be a curriculum model, the idea of students being smart in different ways provides many implications for classroom practice. This paper investigates the implications of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences in a third grade Mathematics classroom. An overview of the theory provides a brief definition and background information about each of the eight intelligences. Then, the paper applies the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to the teaching and learning of third grade Mathematics as prescribed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). The paper analyzes practical applications of the theory to learners and learning, learning environments, curriculum and instructional strategies, and assessment. Through a glance at schools actively using the Multiple Intelligences Theory, the paper analyzes the ways in which schools can individualize instruction and allow students to use their many intelligences in order to prepare students for their futures, both in and out of school. The research finds that educators can apply the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to the area of Assessment by allowing students to show evidence of learning in multiple ways, but that further research needs to occur in order to show the true effectiveness of the theory on classroom practice. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 3 Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics As I entered a small independent school in Nashville, TN on the first day of my practicum experience, I did not know what to expect. What I definitely did not expect was for a group of first graders to topple me on the stairway excitedly working in teams to catch slaves on the Underground Railroad. After catching my balance and moving past all the excitement, I asked one of the students what was going on. An enthusiastic six year old gave me the best explanation of the events surrounding the Civil War and the Underground Railroad that I have ever heard! How did the students learn so much? How did the teacher get them so engaged? Do the teachers do everything in this manner at this school? How did the teacher make such a complicated subject manageable for such young children? I was very curious! As I proceeded through the halls of the school, I noted more students judging each other on newly created guitar melodies and another group searching for geometric shapes in the architecture of the building. Others were painting self-portraits while another group enjoyed a ping-pong tournament. As I continued to get to know the administrators of the school, observe classes, and learn about the theories and practices that drive the curriculum, I gained a deep interest in the theory that underlined everything at this school. I wanted to know more about the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1983). As a new teacher, I realize that I am setting out on a great adventure, wanting to achieve that far-reaching goal of making the world a better place by influencing the lives of children. However, I also understand that I have much to learn about children, their learning needs, and the best instructional strategies that will help them grow and meet their goals. Bransford’s (2000) research in How People Learn focuses on helping individuals meet their fullest potential. Bransford provides a guide for teaching and learning that includes learning theory, learning Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 4 environments, and assessment strategies. I would like to use the research in How People Learn as a framework to analyze how educators use the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the classroom. I know that I will probably never know enough about what learning is, what people need to know, and how they best learn it, but several theories of learning will help put me a little closer to that goal. Campbell (1999) suggests that achieving these aspirations will be difficult without knowledge of human intelligence, so I intend to understand Gardner’s notion of Intelligence as it applies to teaching and learning. Eisner (2004) states that the current school climate—driven by concerns about school performance and student achievement—causes difficulties in meeting the needs of individuals. Therefore, I will analyze how current educational professionals can use the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in schools to improve individual achievement. I believe that the Theory of Multiple Intelligences calls for educators to “re-think what is taught, how it is taught, and how learning is assessed” (Bransford, 2000, p. 13). I believe that Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) (1983) will help to answer my questions and provide some guidance to the instructional decisions that I will have to make in the future. In the pages that follow, I will investigate the basic principles of Gardner’s theory, discuss the importance of MI’s contribution to education, and explore its application to learners in third grade Mathematics classrooms. As I look at practical applications of MI to learners and learning, learning environment, curriculum and instructional strategies, and assessment, I will analyze the use of MI at a school that focuses on MI, as well as other schools around the country who have dubbed themselves “MI Schools,” and investigate its implications on our current education system. Essentially, many of the questions that I intend to answer were asked by Elliot Eisner (2004): Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 5 What would it mean for a school to take Multiple Intelligences seriously? How would such a school be organized? What would it value? What would it expect regarding student performance? What would its curricula look like? How would teaching take place and what would teaching ability itself mean in a view that acknowledged differences in the ways in which teachers might be smart? In short, what does Gardner’s theory mean for schooling? (p. 32). While answering all of these questions in one short essay would be an impossible task, I believe that I can create a basic framework for practical application of MI to the third grade mathematics classroom. Multiple Intelligences: Theory and Definitions In 1983, Harvard University professor, Howard Gardner, published a book, entitled Frames of Mind, that presented a new way of thinking about Intelligence. This new model challenged the old idea of the intelligence quotient and identified different ways of being smart (Gardner, 1999). Gardner argued, “What it means to be intelligent is a profound philosophical question, one that requires grounding in biological, physical, and mathematical knowledge” (p. 21). Gardner realized that the idea of intelligence was something that drew the interests of scholars from many different fields—not just psychometric researchers—and recognized the brain as a “highly differentiated organ that harbors an indefinite number of intellectual capacities” (p. 20). Howard Gardner defined intelligence as “the ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings” (Sternberg, 1998, p. 19). He later revised his definition to state that ‘intelligence is a bio-psychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture” (Gardner, 1999, p. 33). Gardner’s theory recognizes eight different “intelligences” that Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 6 each person possesses. The intelligences that Gardner framed include 1) verbal-linguistic, 2) logical-mathematical, 3) musical, 4) visual-spatial, 5) bodily-kinesthetic, 6) interpersonal, 7) intrapersonal, and 8) natural intelligence. Gardner pointed out that the intelligences are independent constructs of each other and strength in one does not predict strength in another. Some intelligence may be stronger in certain people, but we all have the capacity to use all of them, and most people can become relatively competent in all eight areas (Armstrong, 2000). While they are independently functioning constructs, one frequently uses multiple sets of intelligence simultaneously to solve problems and create products. “An intelligence never exists in isolation from other intelligences: All tasks, roles, and products in our society call on a combination of intelligences, even if one or more may be highlighted” (Sternberg, 1998, p. 21). Sternberg (1998) recognizes that there are multiple ways to perceive the world and make sense of one’s experiences. Some people may be able to create visual representations, while others may be good with words, problem solving, or learning mathematics formulae (Munro, 1994). Each person’s intelligence profile will look different and we cannot build a model or prototype of a typical individual (Stanford, 2003). Armstrong (2000) named three main factors that determine whether an intelligence develops to its fullest capacity: 1) Biological endowment, 2) Personal life history and 3) Cultural and historical background. Other environmental influences, such as access to resources and mentors, historical and cultural factors, geographic factors, familial factors, and situational factors can also affect the rate at which an intelligence develops. Cultural influences can play a major role in the development of certain intelligences as well. Individual cultural groups place value on certain constructs and praise unique behaviors that lead to the development of a person as “intelligent”. Gardner pointed out that some definitions of intelligence seem odd from a western viewpoint that Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 7 honors linguistic and mathematical abilities as “intelligence”. Eisner (2004) explained the impact of cultural values by paraphrasing Plato: “What is honored in a culture will be promoted there” (p. 32). Intelligences are intellectual capacities linked to neurological functions that respond to content in the world (Sternberg, 1998). We cannot measure or count these capacities, but various experiences and decisions activate them, and a variety of different fields put them to good use. This cognitive model does not necessarily describe the best ways that students learn, but describes how someone can use their intelligences to create products (Armstrong, 2000). Someone cannot merely feel musical or think mathematically, they must use those capacities to create a product of some kind. Therefore, students can use their intelligences to create products in the classroom to show evidence of their learning. People have often compared Gardner’s theory to other theories of learning, and variations of this theory have guided educators in many instructional decisions. Other theorists have also helped to guide instruction, such as Sternberg, who named three independent abilities—analytic, creative, and practical—that all people possess (Denig, 2004). Some researchers do not agree with the validity of the MI theory. Morgan (1996) has called the MI theory a simple renaming of cognitive styles, calling it a semantic change that appeals to teachers looking for new ways to reach their students. Educators have also often correlated the theory with other models of learning and instruction, such as Bloom’s taxonomy and the theory of learning styles. Armstrong (2000) disagrees with these efforts to liken MI theory to these other learning processes. He states the comparisons are “akin to comparing apples with oranges” (p. 10). Armstrong continues to explain that, “our efforts may resemble those of the Blind Men and the Elephant: each model touching on a different aspect of the whole learner” (p. 10). My position is Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 8 that the emphasis on the end products or solved problems differentiates Gardner’s theory from the learning styles theory that refers to “the different approaches that individuals take when trying to make sense of diverse kinds of content” (Sternberg, 1998, p. 22). While learning styles distinguish how students process and remember information, the intelligences refer to the kinds of products and solutions that learning creates. Therefore, I believe that the largest implications of MI in the field of education appear in the area of assessment. The intelligences provide students with a variety of avenues to show what they know. I believe that one can easily make associations to other educational theories that aide in providing individual children with the best possible education to meet their needs, but it is important to understand key aspects of Gardner’s theory in order to help students reach their full potential. Creating an MI learning environment where students are free to show their learning in various formats will allow for more individualized instruction. A Closer Look at Each Intelligence: Researchers and educators have been trying to define each of the intelligences since Gardner’s original release of Frames of Mind. Some have analyzed the traits carried by people who are strong in certain intelligences, others have looked for examples of products created by people who are intelligent in certain areas, and still others have associated certain careers and academic domains or successful individuals with the ways in which they are “smart.” While as Armstrong (2000) stated, developing a person’s intelligence profile is difficult, we can analyze the traits and possibilities of each in order to show how students can use their various intelligences in the classroom and the world. Figure 1 displays a synthesis of the research available defining each intelligence and shows the multiple ways to use each one. Intelligences Gardner’s People who Examples of Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Mathematics Definition exhibit the Grade Ways to use the (1999) intelligence Intelligence (Hoerr, p. 4) (Armstrong, p. 4) Associated Learning Methods (Denig, p. 107) Career Paths 9 (Armstrong, p. 4) Linguistic the capacity to use words effectively Winston Churchill reading, writing, storytelling, rhymes writing, debating ideas, Writer, Orator LogicalMathematical the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically Bill Gates estimating, logic puzzles, strategy games working with patterns and relationships, classifying, categorizing Scientist, Mathematicia n Musical skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns Ray Charles singing, rapping, playing musical instruments working with rhythm and melody, listening to music Composer, Performer BodilyKinesthetic the potential of using one’s body to solve problems or fashion products Michael Jordan sports, building models, dancing touching, moving, body awareness Athlete, Dancer, Sculptor Spatial the potential to recognize and manipulate the patterns of space Frank Lloyd Wright drawing, building, reading maps visualizing and drawing Artist, Architect Naturalistic recognition and classification of numerous species Jane Goodall gardening, caring for animals, camping exploring living things Biologist, Animal Activist Interpersonal capacity to understand the intentions, motivations, and desires of other people Martin Luther King, Jr. making friends, helping others, conversing sharing, interviewing, cooperating Counselor, Political Leader Intrapersonal capacity to understand oneself Anne Frank independent work, understanding feelings doing selfpaced projects, reflecting Religious Leader Figure 1: Synthesis of the Eight Intelligences Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 10 One must remember that all normally functioning human beings have the capacity to develop all of the intelligences to a reasonable level of competency and many attributes can identify a person as “intelligent.” Multiple factors contribute to a person’s level of “intelligence” in a certain area. One intelligence can also be displayed at various levels under particular circumstances or in specific domains (Armstrong, 2000). Sternberg (1998) helps to distinguish the intelligences from the concept of a content domain. “A domain or discipline is the arena or body of knowledge that gives people the opportunity to use their intelligences in different ways and in which varying degrees of expertise can be developed” (p. 22). For example, one can use all eight intelligences in the discipline of Mathematics to show competency and mastery of the subject matter. While a clear distinction is made between a content-specific domain and an intelligence—keeping in line with the definition of an intelligence as a potential to fashion a product(s) or solve problems—one can argue that certain domains more naturally lend themselves to the development of specific intelligences. Such is the case that the domain of Mathematics provides opportunities for developing the logical-mathematical intelligence. Mathematics’ intricate system of numerical symbols, patterns, and formulae require a great deal of logic and abstract manipulation. The logical-mathematical intelligence provides a student with the capacity to think logically and abstractly about a subject matter (Nolen, 2003). Johnson (2007) named five core areas that are included in the logical-mathematical intelligence and are the basic tools of the mathematician. They are 1) classification, 2) comparison, 3) basic numerical operations, 4) inductive and deductive reasoning, and 5) hypothesis formation and testing. Johnson (2007) also concluded, “This intelligence also underlies the development and articulation of thinking strategies” (p. 263). Thus, a logically and mathematically intelligent Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 11 person would be able to solve numerical problems and manipulate abstract formulae with ease. However, representing those solutions in various forms, reflecting on the problem solving process, and communicating abstract concepts to others would require that same person to employ several other intellectual capacities. They may use their verbal-linguistic and visual intelligence, as well as their interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities in order to show understanding of a single mathematical concept. Therefore, I will focus my studies on the practical usage of all of the intelligences in teaching and learning Mathematics content at the third grade level. Multiple Intelligences and Third Grade Mathematics As I consider the implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences on classroom practice, I will focus my attention on Mathematics teaching in third grade classrooms. In third grade, students should develop an understanding of multiplication and division, and begin to use fractions as a way to make computations that are more precise among other things. Third grade Mathematics curriculum should help students expand their understanding of number and operational concepts. Students should learn to use multiple representations for equivalent numbers. Educational leaders can introduce all of these concepts in multiple ways, and they can lead to a variety of assessments. In focusing on Mathematics teaching at the third grade level, my goal is to show how the content can be taught and successively assessed for mastery using all of the intelligences (Willis & Johnson, 2001). While one might tend to equate Math instruction with the development of the logical-mathematical intelligence, my position is that the logicalmathematical intelligence is just one of eight distinct ways of showing mastery of the content in the third grade mathematics curriculum. The MI strategy “allows a teacher to use eight different possible approaches to mathematical learning and teaching” (Willis & Johnson, 2001, p. 260). Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 12 Willis & Johnson (2001) outlined the kinds of materials, types of learning activities, as well as teaching strategies that would be best suited for learners who are strong in each intelligence. Some of the materials include children’s books and journals for the linguistic intelligence, instruments for the musical intelligence, and graphs and charts for the spatial intelligence. Adams (2000) saw MI as an opportunity to make connections between mathematical concepts and to help students view those concepts from different perspectives. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences highlights the many ways in which a student can effectively learn and use Mathematics. Munro (1994) noted that every student has preferences in the way in which they learn Mathematics and that we should help students to understand their learning preferences in order to broaden their approach to learning mathematics. Johnson & Willis (2001) used MI as a multiple instruction approach to teaching Mathematics content. They stated that this approach: a. Results in a deeper and richer understanding of mathematical concepts through multiple representations b. Enables all students to learn mathematics successfully and enjoyably c. Allows for a variety of entry points into mathematical content d. Focuses on students’ unique strengths, encouraging a celebration of diversity; and e. Supports creative experimentation with mathematical ideas (p. 260) This approach provides multiple opportunities for students to create their own authentic understanding of the content presented in the Mathematics curriculum. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 13 NCTM Process Standards. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is a leading voice in K-12 Mathematics education. In 2000, NCTM published Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. The document named five process standards that all children should master through the learning of Mathematics. They are 1) Problem Solving, 2) Reasoning and Proof, 3) Communication, 4) Connections, and 5) Representation. Teachers and scholars can easily find practical applications of Gardner’s theory to Mathematics teaching though the NCTM process standards. Problem solving lends itself naturally to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences because the basic definition of an intelligence includes the capacity to solve problems. Students can use all of their intelligences or just their strongest intelligence to solve mathematical problems. Students can approach most problems in a variety of ways, giving students the opportunity to use their own unique abilities to reach a solution (Adams, 2000). “One of the best ways to improve children’s reasoning skills is to create opportunities and situations that encourage them to use reason” (Adams, 2000, p. 90). An MI learning environment would provide plenty of natural opportunities for students to practice and use reasoning and proof. The personal intelligences (interpersonal and intrapersonal) give students the capacity to reflect on their own learning and problem solving process and to explain that process to instructors and peers. Students can also use the personal intelligences to communicate mathematical ideas. Students can practice communication by explaining their own understandings of Mathematical concepts to others. Students who have a strong verbal-linguistic intelligence will be able to discuss mathematical information and show their understanding in verbal form. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 14 Learning is a process of transferring ideas from one situation to another and building connections between ideas and experiences. Munro (1994) noted that mathematical ideas can be linked together to build an overall idea. Using MI can help students to understand the big picture or overarching concept and to connect ideas to previous knowledge.. Students can use multiple representations to show understanding of various mathematical concepts. Munroe (1994) connected mathematical representations to the eight intelligences, making the representations equivalent to the “products” created to show understanding for each of the intelligences. “As children learn mathematics, they should be encouraged to use and create representations that not only make sense to them, but also are efficient means of completing a mathematics task” (Adams, 2000, p. 91). Students can represent ideas through verbal and written language, draw pictures to show numerical information, create rhythms and music to represent mathematical patterns, and manipulate small objects to show groupings and various formulae. Application of Theory to Practice Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences has been influential in curricular decision making throughout the world for over twenty years. A simple internet search of “Multiple Intelligences” provides thousands of websites containing materials, lesson plans, teaching strategies, resources, and information about schools built around MI. While Gardner never intended his theory to be a curriculum model, one can see important implications in the areas of Learners and Learning, Learning Environment, Curriculum and Instructional Strategies, and Assessment. In addition, several schools around the world have embraced the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in a variety of ways and have become leaders in the field of education as they have found new ways to meet the needs of all learners. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 15 Learners and Learning. The ultimate goal of education is to help all students reach their fullest potential and acquire the skills needed to function and succeed in the 21st century. Students must be able to think independently, solve problems, work cooperatively, and be creative in their approach to accomplishing tasks. Problem solving skills are important to success in school as well as the work places of the future. Students must have the ability to take information learned in one content area and transfer that information to other areas or situations in order to solve new problems or create new products (Bransford, 2000). Munro (1994) proposed a model of learning that includes application of new information to previous knowledge. He proposed that learners build new ideas by adding to and reorganizing previous knowledge. Learners can use metacognition to decide what knowledge is important, how it matches previous knowledge, and in what form to represent the new idea. Students regulate their own learning by evaluating its effectiveness and knowing when to take further action (Munro, 1994). The use of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the classroom gives students many choices of ways to approach learning. They are able to transfer information and skills easily by using their stronger intelligences. Whether to allow students to rely on their strengths or to challenge them to focus on developing all of their intelligences is an issue that scholars often debate (Sternberg, 1998). We may never reach a solution to that debate, but MI gives us the tools needed to focus on the academic needs of individual children and to become aware of students’ strengths in various intelligences (Hoerr, 2000). “MI provides a framework for individualizing education by helping us to understand the full range of students’ intellectual strengths” (Sternberg, 1998, p. 24). One group of teachers who implemented MI in their classrooms noted that they no longer grouped or ranked children based on a perceived academic ability level, but Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 16 instead saw the strengths of each individual child’s MI profile (Mettetal, Jordan, & Harper, 1997). Helping students develop an MI profile could easily be confused with another way to label children (Sternberg, 1998). This may lead to a tendency to favor certain intelligences or abilities over others, which would be very similar to the current standardized school system that favors mathematical and linguistic intelligences. “With Multiple Intelligences, variance in student performance is considered a virtue, not a vice” (Eisner, 2004, p. 35). Schools must be willing to step away from standardization to allow students to use their individual strengths in all learning processes. While students should be able to use their various intelligences to display their learning, teachers still must nurture achievement in content domains and disciplines (Sternberg, 1998). Mathematics teachers use the MI theory by attending to individual learning preferences and allowing multiple representations of mathematical understandings. Munro (1994) noted several implications of individual learning preferences on Mathematics teaching. They include presenting ideas in a variety of ways, asking students to consider different ways of approaching ideas, encouraging metacognition and self-monitoring of individual learning, and helping students to explore strategies that match their own learning preferences. Ultimately, Mathematics teachers must pay attention to the individual learners in their classroom and offer students opportunities to think about their own learning preferences and to display the products of their learning according to their strong intelligences. In order to help students gain knowledge of their own intelligence, teachers should give them a clear picture of the qualities of each intelligence. W. Nikola-Lisa (2006) has written a children’s book that discusses the different ways to be smart. In How We are Smart, Nikola-Lisa gives short, poetic biographies of famous people who are “smart” in different ways. Through the Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 17 short entries and colorful pictures, children can connect with real people who may have similar intelligences. They will then be able to reflect on how they could use their unique intelligences. Learning Environment. An MI learning environment may look and feel very different from the typical gradeschool classroom, where students sit in rows of desks listening to a teacher who stands at the front of the room and writes on a large board. MI states that students have eight different ways of being smart. That would naturally equate to eight very distinct ways of learning. Therefore, it is my position that the MI classroom must accommodate the various needs of all learners, and provide opportunities for students to use all of their intelligences in fun, natural, and challenging ways. In order to create learning environments that respond to the individual needs of all learners, Bransford (2000) suggests that all learning environments should be learner-centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered. Classrooms should be learner-centered by focusing on the needs of the child. The environments should be one that welcomes previous experiences and prior knowledge. The classroom must be a place of comfort for students of all shapes, sizes, personalities, and intelligences. For the MI classroom, this means allowing students to bring in and share their prior experiences in a variety of ways. They can use all of these different skills and abilities to solve various problems. In addition, the shared experiences in the classroom are sure to nurture specific intelligences as students learn and express themselves in multiple ways. Overall, classrooms based on MI encourage all students to do their best work (Sternberg, 1998). Classroom environments must also be knowledge-centered. Students must gain a deep understanding of the content and be able to transfer that knowledge to other situations (Bransford, 2000). Educators should construct classrooms around what students need to learn. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 18 The knowledge-centered MI classroom would provide a variety of ways for students to collect information and gain meaningful experiences that can then lead to further problem-solving capabilities. Thomas Armstrong (2000) suggests using activity centers to foster learning. He notes that these centers can be focused on nurturing specific intelligences, or the can be content specific. The centers can also be temporary structures that change weekly or they can be permanent centers where the activity changes to focus on a specific topic. Assessment-centered learning environments take into account student knowledge and readiness for new ideas. They also foster a constant focus on reflection. Students can manage their own learning in these learning environments by keeping track of progress, reflecting on the learning process, and assessing the quality of work. MI students can use metacognition as well as their intrapersonal intelligence to reflect on the status of their learning. As students create ideas and arrive at new understandings, they will be able to solve problems and create products more efficiently and effectively with the help of quality feedback. Community-centered learning environments have a sense of community among the students within the classroom, as well as a strong connection to the greater community outside of the school. Within the classroom, students can learn to interact with peers who bring different cultural ideas with them. Students are also able to use their home and family culture as a basis to apply new knowledge. Hoer (2000) explained the importance of culture in the MI classroom in Becoming a Multiple Intelligence School. Using outside resources has proven to enhance learning experiences in many different ways. Experts in specific fields can provide support and real world experiences for students. Outside audiences can also provide new challenges to students as they present newly learned information (Bransford, 2000), which is extremely important in the MI environment where students use multiple ways to represent ideas. Thomas Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 19 Armstrong (2000) suggested that a staff member at an MI school should be available as a community consultant. This person should be responsible for connecting the school to the outside community. Community-centered classrooms also create a safe environment for students to experience new things. The MI learning environment should be a place where children can reach their fullest potential. The MI classroom allows teachers to use varied teaching strategies, curricula, and assessment to engage students in the learning process (Stanford, 2003). MI allows teachers to create spaces for students to enjoy learning and be successful. Curriculum and Instructional Strategies. Experts of MI will agree that MI is not a curriculum model (Gardner, 1999). People apply MI in classrooms around the world in many different ways on a daily basis (Sternberg, 1998). No single curriculum will ever meet the needs of all students, and educators should not try to fit students to pre-developed curricula. MI empowers teachers to create new curricula that match the strengths of individual students (Hoerr, 2000). When designing curriculum plans, teachers must remember, “One size does not fit all” (Eisner, 2004, p. 36) and adjust their instructional practices to the needs of the students. There is no prescribed way to teach in an MI classroom; however, educators must consider the application of theory to educational practice in order for the theory to affect the lives of students (Sternberg, 1998). Creating curriculum and assessment strategies for the MI classroom requires great collegiality and collaboration (Hoerr, 2000) in order to personalize the curriculum. The basic curriculum of our current school system emphasizes the importance of meeting standards instead of engaging students and helping them to understand complex concepts. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 20 Educators focus on meeting state mandated goals in the core areas of Language arts and Mathematics. For the sake of time and helping students to master information on state mandated tests, education usually becomes nothing more than rote learning, memorization, and test taking strategies instead of the problem solving, collaboration, and application that research has proven to be effective. NCTM is one of the research organizations that advocates for a more applicable approach to Mathematics teaching. They recently published curriculum focal points for Mathematics at each grade level (NCTM, 2009). The third grade curriculum focal points include developing understanding of multiplication, division, fractions, and fraction equivalence, and describing and analyzing properties of two-dimensional shapes. They emphasize that “these focal points be addressed in contexts that promote problem solving, reasoning, communication, making connections, and designing and analyzing representations” (National council for teachers of mathematics). With simple guides such as the NCTM Curriculum Focal Points, teachers in MI classrooms can create Mathematics curriculum that is multi-faceted and engaging (Johnson, 2007). Developing Mathematics curriculum using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences is not easy. I believe that any good curriculum encourages students to solve problems and transfer knowledge from one experience to another. The MI curriculum adds the component of allowing students to express themselves and approach problems in multiple ways. This does not mean that instructors must teach every topic in eight ways (Sternberg, 1998), but that students must enjoy the freedom to process the information in their own way according to their individual intelligence, which might require teachers to plan multiple lessons (McCoog, 2007). Teachers should provide multiple points of entry (Sternberg, 1998) and find ways to enable students to use their intelligences (Hoerr, 2000). Gardner () claims that students can approach any subject in at Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 21 least five ways through narratives, logical analysis, hands-on experience, artistic exploration, and philosophical examination. One can easily correlate these multi-faceted approaches to learning to the NCTM process standards, allowing students to use their varied intelligences to approach mathematical concepts. Educators can encourage children to lean on the stronger intelligences in order to attain Mathematical understanding (Willis & Johnson, 2001). Willis and Johnson (2001) contended that the MI theory has “significant implications for all mathematics teachers who are looking for diverse instructional methods that encourage depth of understanding by tapping students’ particular inclinations” (p. 260) The possibilities of using MI in the Mathematics classroom are broad and varied; however, using seven or eight entry points in curriculum planning gives educators a set of parameters (Armstrong, 2000) and an organizational tool to facilitate the synthesis of pedagogy (Stanford, 2003). Armstrong (2000) outlined several simple procedures for developing MI lesson plans. These steps include focusing on a specific objective, asking key questions, considering possibilities, brainstorming, selecting appropriate activities, setting up a sequential plan, and implementing the plan. The ultimate goal of this lesson-planning format is to provide students with experiences that allow them to gain an understanding of the content and apply new knowledge in meaningful ways. Instructional strategies in the MI classroom take many different forms of implementation. Some common strategies in MI classrooms are hands-on activities, thematic curriculums, learning centers, and Projects, Exhibitions, and Presentations (PEP) (Hoerr, 2000). Incorporating projects has proven to provide meaning and motivation to learning Mathematics content (Cornell, 1999). Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 22 Assessment. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences affects the entire educational process, including curriculum design and assessment of student progress (Hoerr, 2000). In fact, the best instructional strategies blur the line between curriculum and assessment. As educators implement MI into the classroom, students are able to show evidence of their learning in many different ways. As they solve problems and fashion products using their varied intelligences, understandings and misconceptions will be evident. The most common assessment of intellectual capacity is the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test. The IQ test is a narrow assessment that only measures a student’s ability in the scholastic areas of Mathematics and Linguistics (Hoerr, 2000). Other widely used standardized tests also measure math and language skills and do not allow students to use their other intelligences. These tests are often used because they are relatively cheap, and provide data and statistics that are comparable across spectrums (Hoerr, 2000); however, the standardized tests are often invalid and fail to measure what they intend to measure. Educators have a responsibility to find appropriate assessment measures that give students the opportunity to display their true understandings. Gardner (1999) implied the importance of finding other assessment measures when he stated, “Intelligence is too important to be left to the intelligence testers”. While standardized tests tend to rely on the use of the logical-mathematical and verballinguistic intelligence, assessing the actual intelligence is very difficult. All eight intelligences have unique characteristics that appear in multiple formats. Gardner (1983) developed a set of criteria to determine the set of skills that make up an intelligence. These criteria include isolation by brain damage and the existence of people who demonstrate high skill levels in a particular area. Using these criteria, Gardner has identified eight intelligences; however, Gardner does not Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 23 condone assessing students to identify their intelligence (Gardner, 1999). It is important to allow students to use all of their intelligences to create products and solve problems, but formally knowing their individual “intelligence make-up” is not necessary. They should know their strengths and weaknesses, but no set scoring matrix exist to assess a student’s multiple intelligences formally. If educators find it necessary to assess students’ intelligence, they should directly use intelligences in the assessment (Hoerr, 2000). While educators do not need to assess intelligences formally, knowing the likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses of students will aide in curriculum planning. In addition, students will benefit from knowing the ways in which they learn best (Hoerr, 2000). Informal assessments of students’ intelligences often occur through observation. When students receive choices in the classroom, educators can observe their learning preferences (Hoerr, 2000). Other ways to gather information about students’ intelligences include documentation of achievement, looking at school records, talking with other educators, interviewing parents, and asking the individual student (Armstrong, 2000).With the critical information gathered from these informal assessment procedures, teachers could make informed decisions about the learning process. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences requires teachers to think deeply about the subject matter and create multiple approaches to teaching and learning. Naturally, multiple avenues for learning would lead to multiple forms of assessment (Stanford, 2003). Assessment procedures greatly influence the priorities of education (Eisner, 2004). Therefore, my position is that we cannot allow students to learn according to their multiple intelligences and then expect them to show evidence of learning through traditional paper and pencil means of assessment. Armstrong (2000) stated that using multiple teaching strategies and then assessing with standardized tests would be “the height of hypocrisy” (p. 88). The assessment strategies in the MI classroom must Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 24 be as varied as the students and the instructional methods. Current educational trends rely heavily on standardized testing methods in order to compare students across grade-levels, ethnic groups, age ranges, and geographic location. MI assessments show different levels of understanding and are adapted to the specific needs of the student, making mass comparisons such as those previously mentioned extremely difficult. However, Eisner (2004) found that MI assessments were more authentic and truly revealed student learning. Teachers should strive to create learning experiences that allow students to learn according to their strong intelligences, in a highly contextualized environment, and then display evidence of their learning using those same intelligences, in that same contextualized and authentic environment (Sternberg, 1998). Assessments in the MI classroom will come in many shapes and sizes. Most assessments will be performance tasks—giving students the opportunity to solve problems in multiple ways to show mastery of the content in an authentic environment. Sternberg (1998) noted the complexity and quality of the work produced by students when given assignments allow for diverse responses. Armstrong (2000) noted the correlation between assessment variety and achievement when he said, “The greater number of ways in which children have to show competency in a subject, the more chances they have to achieve real success” (p. 47). Through performance-based assignments, teachers can document students’ learning progress through presentations, videos, journals, charts, interviews, checklists, work samples, and anecdotal records (Armstrong, 2000). Student self-assessment and reflection are also integral parts of the learning process and allow students to understand their own learning achievements (Sternberg, 1998). Many educators use portfolio assessments to show student progress over time and these assessments support the use of MI (Hoerr, 2000). Portfolios also give students the opportunity to see what they have learned and to evaluate their own growth (Sternberg, 1998). Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 25 A Profile of the Multiple Intelligence School. I visited an independent school in Nashville, Tennessee that serves students in Grades K8. As the only independent school in the area, this school serves a very diverse population of students. During the time that I spent there, I recognized some very distinct characteristics about the school. Some of these characteristics were the impressive beginnings of a solid educational environment, and others are the result of a focus on Multiple Intelligences. Teachers know their own personal strengths and challenges, as well as each of their students’. The faculty and staff strive to develop students’ intelligences in every lesson and activity or routine that happens during the school day. They develop the interpersonal intelligence as students serve as school leaders and classroom ambassadors on a daily basis. Students also frequently design web pages highlighting their work, make presentations in front of other students, and consciously work to know the best ways to communicate with others. The intrapersonal intelligence develops as students frequently write or speak about their experiences, and reflect on their work through portfolio assessments. Since this school is an arts-focused school, the musical intelligence grows as students daily play instruments, compose their own musical and rhythmic patterns, and create songs about concepts they are learning. The linguistic intelligence develops through written and verbal assignments, as well as character words presented throughout the school. Challenge activities allow students who have strong verbal skills to write with more expression. Students develop their naturalistic intelligence when they visit the nature center and work to plant flowers in the garden on the school grounds. Teachers frequently infuse the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence into every part of the day as they create hand motions to help students learn important concepts, and allow students to manipulate objects and build models to represent their understandings. The spatial intelligence appears in the artwork Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 26 hanging all over the school, which represents the many things students learn on a daily basis. The logical-mathematical intelligence is an integral part of the schools curriculum--not just in Mathematics Class--as students often work in teams and use logic to solve problems, which come in many different forms. This school’s goal is to see every student go to college. They understand that for this goal to become a reality they must focus on the individual needs of each student and tailor instruction according the strengths of each child. At this school, every child believes that they are smart and that they can make a difference. In the last two decades, schools across the country have dubbed themselves “MI Schools.” Some have been newly established, independent or charter schools that have emerged out of school reform movements, while others have been pre-existing institutions looking for ways to meet the needs of their students. As Gardner’s theory does not provide any specific guidelines for educators to follow, every school has unique characteristics. Some focus more on curriculum adaptations, finding ways to develop each intelligence in every lesson. Other schools focus on the overall learning environment, creating “flow rooms” where students can enjoy free choice activities geared towards specific intelligences (Hoerr, 2000). Schools also use a service learning approach to help students nurture their intelligences in authentic ways. Still others focus on creating authentic learning experiences, allowing students to participate in real-world activities that require them to solve highly contextualized problems. One school has created a mini community complete with a working bank and post-office to help students understand how to approach real-world situations. Some schools add emphasis to certain intelligences. For example, New City School in St. Louis, Missouri (New city school, 2009) focuses on the personal intelligences. Other schools create multi-aged learning communities to enhance the opportunities for collaborative work. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 27 For the purposes of this study, complete profiles of all the schools mentioned above seem overwhelming and unnecessary. However, some common characteristics clearly unite these schools together as “MI Schools”. The unique qualities include personalized instruction, cooperative learning, portfolio assessments, and child-centered curriculum. Many of the schools use a portfolio assessment system to track student progress and create opportunities for student self-selection. The portfolio assessments also allow students to talk about their learning and parents to see tangible progress over time. Another unique quality of MI schools is the opportunity for professional educators to use their own intelligences. Teachers often create their own curriculum units, using a variety of materials and resources as supplements (Hoerr, 2000). Overall, the schools that use the Theory of Multiple Intelligences share a simple understanding, that all students can learn and show evidence of that learning using their strongest intelligences. Conclusion: Multiple Intelligences Changing the Way We Teach The importance of education in today’s society is not debatable. States across the country are looking for rigor and relevance in their school systems that will lead to students performing at high levels both in and out of school. The priority of educators across America is to create citizens who are ready and able to be productive in the work force, and to be leaders in various fields around the world. The goal is to create global citizens who can think quickly and creatively in diverse situations, and work cooperatively with people from many different backgrounds. However, in an effort to produce measurable achievements for large numbers of students, our education system has continuously reverted to a system of norm-referenced tests which carry extremely high stakes for students, teachers, schools, and communities. Achievement on standardized tests frequently becomes the focus of classroom instruction, and the central objective of all students. Concerns about school performance has led to uniformed Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 28 content, uniformed assessment strategies, and uniformed outcomes (Eisner, 2004). A strong dichotomy forms when teachers seeking to develop globally functioning and creative citizens are forced to focus their instruction on rote learning, memorization, and test-taking strategies. When discussing Multiple Intelligences, this dichotomy is what led Thomas Armstrong (2000) to say, “At heart, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences calls for nothing short of a fundamental change in the way schools are structured” (p. 82). Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences encourages educators to leave behind the standardization and measurement techniques that are plaguing America’s schools. The theory encourages teachers to expand instructional strategies and student assessment (Stanford, 2003), as well as provide opportunities for students to show mastery of important content in as many as eight different ways. Using MI as a planning tool and assessment guide, teachers can introduce complex concepts at developmentally appropriate times. Then, they can allow students to come to full understandings of the information by participating in relevant and contextualized learning experiences that lead them apply the information to previous knowledge. A transition to an MIbased curriculum in the current school climate is not easy (Hoerr, 2000). It requires large amounts of cooperation from students, teachers, and community members to provide those unique learning experiences that offer opportunities for students to explore their intelligences. In addition, it requires a fundamental change in the attitudes and priorities of educators and members of society to celebrate the strengths and unique abilities of every student. Schools must teach students to use their individual strengths in order to fashion products and solve problems. If teachers develop curriculum in order to maximize the performance of each individual child, then achievement outcomes will be different for each student in each subject area (Eisner, 2004) Schools must ultimately accept that student learning will result in many different outcomes. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 29 Educators have used the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in a variety of ways in the last two decades and have made many claims about the theory’s impact on student learning. These claims include improved behavior, increased student confidence, intrinsic motivation, engagement, and even higher performance on standardized tests (Johnson, 2007). As a relatively new theory, very little conclusive evidence exists displaying the actual impact that MI teaching strategies have on student achievement. Too many factors affect student learning in the classroom, making isolating and quantifying one variable, such as the use of MI, very difficult. However, it is my position that any educational strategies that focus on creating real-world experiences and highly contextualized learning environments, and individualize instruction to meet the unique needs and abilities of each learner will have a positive impact on student learning. Further research should occur in order to show the true effectiveness of MultipleIntelligence teaching strategies on student learning. Despite thousands of creative interpretations over the last 25 years that widely include lessons and education policy implications, Gardner never meant for his theory to be a curriculum program. As a general theory of intelligence, MI should be a guide for teachers to make instructional decisions that meet the needs of all learners. Teachers should approach instruction in such a way that challenges students to think deeply about the subject matter and come to their own understandings of the concepts. Real-world experiences will offer opportunities to solve problems much like the ones they will face in the job market of the future. Ultimately, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences is a challenge to educators to create programs that guarantee student success in the global economy and society of the future. Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 30 References Adams, T. L. (2000). Helping children learn mathematics through multiple intelligences and standards for school mathematics. Childhood Education, 86-92. Armstrong, T. (2000). In their own way: Discovering and encouraging your child's multiple intelligences. New York: Penguin Putnam, Inc. Armstrong, T. (2000). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Bransford, J. (2000). How people learn. Washington: National Academy Press. Campbell, L., & Campbell, B. (1999). Multiple intelligences and student achievement: Success stories from six schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Cornell, C. (1999). I hate math! I couldn't learn it, and I can't teach it! Childhood Education, 225-230. Denig, S. J. (2004). Multiple intelligences and learning styles: Two complementary dimensions. Teachers College Record, 106 (1), 96-111. Eisner, E. W. (2004). Multiple intelligences: Its tensions and possibilities. Teacher's College Record , 106 (1), 31-39. Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind. New York: Basic Books. Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York: Basic Books. Gardner, H. The unschooled mind. Hoerr, T. R. (2000). Becoming a multiple intelligence school. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Johnson, M. (2007). An extended literature review: The effect of multiple intelligences on Running Head: Multiple Intelligences in Third Grade Mathematics 31 elementary student performance. San Rafael, CA: Dominican University of California. McCoog, I. J. (2007). Integrated instruction: Multiple intelligences and technology. Clearning House, 25-28. Mettetal, G., Jordan, C., & Harper, S. (1997). Attitudes toward a multiple intelligences curriculum. Journal of Educational Research, 91 (2), 115-122. Morgan, H. (1996). An analysis of gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. Roeper Review, 18, 263-269. Munro, J. (1994). Multiple intelligences and mathematics teaching. Melbourne. National council for teachers of mathematics. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2009, from Nikola-Lisa, W. (2006). How we are smart. New York: Lee & Low Books. Nolen, J. L. (2003). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Education, 115-119. 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