A P1Skeletal System Bone List-JS.doc

A&P1: The Skeletal System
Dr. Solti, 2012
The following is a list of all the bones, their anatomical features, cartilages, and related structures
that you will need to know for the A&P1 Lab Practical. Out of the 206 named bones of the body,
these are the ones you need to know.
Anatomical terms associated with bones –
Body – main part
Head – enlarged end, often rounded
Facet – small, flat articulating surface
Tubercle – a small rounded bump where muscles attach
Foramen – a hole in a bone or between body cavities
Fossa – a depression, often on an articular surface
Condyle / epicondyle – a large bump where muscles attach/articulating surface
Process – a large bump where muscles attach or form joints
Trochanter – very large bump, only on proximal femur
Skull – There are 22 named bones in the skull: 8 cranial and 14 facial
2 Parietal bones
Sagittal suture
2 Temporal bones
2 External auditory meatuses / external auditory canals
2 Mastoid processes
2 Styloid processes
Occipital bone
External occipital protruberance
2 occipital condyles
Foramen magnum
Frontal bone
2 Supraorbital foramen
2 Superior orbital margins
Sphenoid bone
Ethmoid bone
Perpendicular plate
Lacrimal bone
2 Zygomatic bones
Vomer bone
2 Infraorbital foramen
Alveolar processes
2 Mental foramen
Mandibular symphysis
Alveolar processes
Hyoid bone (in the neck) - This is the only free-floating bone in the body. It is used for
swallowing and speech. It floats in the neck from the styloid processes of temporal bones by
muscles and ligaments.
Vertebral Column – There are 26 total bones, including 7 cervical vertebra, 12 thoracic
vertebra, 5 lumbar vertebra, the sacrum (comprised of 5 fused vertebra) and coccyx (comprised
of 4 fused vertebra). You must be able to distinguish between cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
vertebra when they are disarticulated (by themselves).
Anatomical features of a typical vertebra
Spinous process
2 Transverse processes
Vertebral foramen
Vertebral arch – pedicle and lamina
Intervertebral/Transverse foramen
2 Superior articular processes
2 Inferior articular processes
7 Cervical vertebra (C1 - C7)
Atlas – C1
Posterior arch
Anterior arch
Vertebral foramen
2 Transverse foramen
Axis – C2
Bifid spinous process
Vertebral foramen
2 Transverse foramen
Articular facets
2 Transverse processes
12 Thoracic vertebra (T1 - T12)
5 Lumbar vertebra (L1 - L5)
Sacral promontory
Sacral hiatus
Sacroiliac joint
Intervertebral discs (each is a fibrocartilaginous disc)
Thoracic/Ribcage – There are usually 12 pairs of ribs (costals) or 24 rib bones. All attach
posteriorly to thoracic vertebra. They are divided into True (or Vertebrosternal) Ribs 1–7 and
False (or Vertebrochondral) Ribs 8–12, the last 2 of which are also known as Floating Ribs 11
and 12.
Ribs/Costals –
True ribs 1-7
False ribs 8-12
Floating ribs 11 and 12
Costal cartilage (comprised of hyaline cartilage)
Sternum –
Sternal body: articulates directly/indirectly with ribs 2-10.
Xiphoid process (hyaline cartilage that ossifies by age 40)
Pectoral Girdle (the shoulder girdle) –
2 Clavicles/collar bones
2 Scapula/shoulder blades
Acromion process
Coracoid process
Glenoid cavity
Arm – Humerus
Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle
Surgical neck
Anatomical neck
Deltoid tuberosity
Medial epicondyle
Lateral epicondyle
Coronoid fossa
Olecranon fossa
RadiusHead of radius
Radial tuberosity
Styloid process of radius
Ulna Head of ulna
Trochlear notch
Coronoid process
Styloid process of ulna
Hand – 8 Carpals (the bones of the wrist) : 2 rows of 4 each
" Some Lovers Try Positions
"That They Can't Handle"
5 Metacarpals (1-5) (the palm of the hand) –
The metacarpals are numbered 1-5, starting medially and continuing
Laterally (i.e. – the one attached to the thumb is metacarpal 1).
14 Phalanges (the digits) – Phalanges 1-5 (proximal, medial, and distal)
The phalanges are numbered 1-5, starting with the thumb. There are 3
phalanges for each finger (a proximal one, a medial one, and a distal one)
and 2 for the thumb (a proximal one and a distal one). Learn the finger
bones as: 3rd proximal phalange, 3rd medial phalange, 3rd distal phalange, etc.
Pelvic Girdle (the hip girdle) – The pelvic girdle is comprised of 2 fused hip bones, each called
an os coxae (or coxal bone). Each of the coxae are made of 3 bones each (the ilium, the
ischium, and the pubic bone).
2 Os coxae (coxal bones) Ilium
Sacroiliac joint
Obturator foramen
Pubic bone
Pubic symphysis (a fibrocartilaginous disc)
Leg – Femur
Greater trochanter
Lesser trochanter
Fovea capitis
Linea aspera
Medial epicondyle
Lateral epicondyle
Medial condyle
Lateral condyle
Intercondylar fossa
Tibial tuberosity
Medial malleolus
Anterior crest
Fibula head
Lateral malleolus
Foot – 7 Tarsals (foot bones) –
Lateral cuneiform
Medial cuneiform
Intermediate cuneiform
5 Metatarsals (1-5) (the sole of the foot) – The metatarsals are numbered 1-5, starting
medially and continuing laterally (i.e. – the one attached to the big toe is metatarsal 1).
14 Phalanges (the toes) – Phalanges 1-5 (proximal, medial, and distal)
The phalanges are numbered 1-5, starting with the big toe (hallux). There are 3
phalanges for each toe (a proximal one, a medial one, and a distal one) and 2 for the big
toe (a proximal one and a distal one). learn the toe bones as: 3rd proximal phalange, 3rd
medial phalange, 3rd distal phalange. etc.